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RChain 技术开发及社区沟通 (第 103 期)

2020-04-14 R链中文社区 来源:链闻

开发 / 开发团队更新 社区更新 103 由 Rao Bhamidipati 于昨天 10:58 AM 创建 概览发布节点版本 0.9.18 是当前版本 – 公开测试版 - 包括验证库以提高可合并性 RNode-0.9.18 发布计划

* Testnet 运行的 rnode 版本为 0.9.18

正在进行 Sprint 43主要重点(a)进一步改进可合并性(b)功能清除,测试,强化,安全性,错误修复(c)网络安全性和可靠性(d)为交易所和 dApp 开发人员做好准备

* 可合并性 * 基于对 Rspace 的 RNode 功能差距中 Tuple 空间合并的潜在可改进项,考虑其他可合并性设计。 * 重构(模块化,解耦) PoS.rho 股权合同证明,以最小化可合并性冲突。 * 有关如何解决可合并性的设计讨论已完成。正在考虑采用分级钱包解决方案(因为其他市场需求也需要这种解决方案)。我们将对实施难度进行评估并尽快做出决定。 * 强化 * 进行中-为保障对协议专用 PoS 方法的访问安全所使用的 PR RCHAIN-3888 - Getting issue details... **STATUS** https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2781 * 继续对使节点崩溃的“phlo 不足”进行调试。 由于与状态、问题发生的位置和逐层上报的位置之间存在许多交互,因此手动调试需要花费很长时间。我们将创建一个工具和更好的方法,以帮助更快调试此类问题。对于减少解决错误的工作量,以及使我们在生成 / 主网络中能够快速响应,这都是很有必要。 * 正在分析中-我们正试着解决一个自成本核算发布以来就存在的一个错误。有时,如果某一特定合同存在问题(例如资金不足,则该节点无法继续进行其他部署)。我们正在调查此问题并增强异常处理能力,希望能发现和隔离此类情况,以期不影响节点 RCHAIN-3923 - Getting issue details... **STATUS** RCHAIN-3912 - Getting issue details... **STATUS** 和 RCHAIN-3937 - Getting issue details... **STATUS** 。针对其中某些部分的 PR 已预备发布。 * Casper 和模块存储 * 审核中,有望在下一个版本中合并-持久部署于 LMDB 中- https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2820 * 审核中 \- 限制最大 parent 深度 https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2816 . * dApp 开发人员工具和文档。 * 审核中,有望在下一个版本中囊括 \- 解决 dApp 开发人员对 HTTP 接口的需求 https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2811 * 审核中,有望在下一个版本中囊括 \- 添加对以太坊个人签名格式的支持 https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2789 * 已明确的交易所和开发人员的初始文档需求将在此基础上进行。 * 性能提升 * 审核中 \- 删除 Pars 上的临时并行性界限 https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2814 * 进行中-使用火焰图识别瓶颈并尽可能进行改进。比如对 ReplayRspace 匹配的改进 https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2812 目前看来可实现性能提升。 * 对自 https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2637 PR 以来所观察到的性能下降进行调查 * 重构、优化和错误修复、强化-进行中

可接受标准细则:Mercury acceptance criteria

请参见下列文档 https://github.com/rchain/rchain/blob/dev/docs/features.md.

Testnet 状态

请参见 RChain public testnet information 了解有关 Testnet 的更多信息以及常见问题解答。社区测试9 月 19 日世界标准时间 14:00。请参见 RChain community RNode testing 了解更多信息。
Blockers to testnet-3


对 backlog 与流速进行评估


有关 Mercury 代码完成的风险

Development/ Development Team Updates
Community Update 103
Created by Rao Bhamidipati
Yesterday at 10:58 AM
GeneralReleaseNode version 0.9.18 is the current release - public beta - that includes per validator vaults to improve mergeability RNode-0.9.18 release plan

* Testnet is running rnode version 0.9.18 * Rnode 0.9.18 includes per validator vaults. This is the public beta release.

Sprint 43 in progressMain focus is (a) further improvements to mergeability (b) feature cleanup, testing, hardening, security, bug fixing (c) Network safety and reliability (d) getting ready for exchanges and dApp developers

* Mergeability * Additional mergeability designs being considered, based on potential improvements to Tuple space merging in Rspace RNode feature gaps. * Refactor (modularize, decouple) PoS.rho proof of stake contract to minimize mergeability conflicts. * Completed design discussion on addressing mergeability. A hierarchical wallet solution is being considered because that is needed for other market requirements also. We will evaluate implementation difficulty and decide soon. * Hardening * In Progress - PR to secure access to protocol-private PoS methods RCHAIN-3888 - Getting issue details... **STATUS** https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2781 * Continuing to debug the 'insufficient phlo' bringing down the node. Manual debugging is taking a long time due to the many interactions with the state and where the problem occurs vs. where it bubbles up. We will create a tool and better instrumentation to help debug such issues faster. This is necessary to reduce the effort involved in resolving bugs and also to enable us to respond quickly when in production/main net. * Currently being analyzed - One bug since Cost accounting release is being addressed. Some times, if there are problems with a particular contract (e.g. insufficient funds, the node is unable to move forward with other deploys). We're investigating the issue and enhancing exception handling to catch and isolate such situations to not impact node RCHAIN-3923 - Getting issue details... **STATUS** RCHAIN-3912 - Getting issue details... **STATUS** and RCHAIN-3937 - Getting issue details... **STATUS** . PR for some of this is getting ready to be issued. * Casper and block storage * In review, expect to be merged in next release - Persist Deploys in LMDB - https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2820 * In review - Limit maximum parent depth https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2816 . * dApp developer tools and documentation. * In review, planning to include in the next release - Addressing dApp developer needs for HTTP interface https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2811 * In review - expect to include in the next release - Add support for ethereum personal signature format https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2789 * Identified initial documentation needs for exchanges + developers, will be working on these. * Performance improvements * In review - Remove adhoc parallelism bounds on Pars https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2814 * Ongoing - Using flamegraphs to identify bottlnecks and adding improvements as possible. An example is improvement of ReplayRspace matching https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2812 Currently seems to provide variable performance improvement. * Investigating performance degradation noticed since the https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2637 PR * Refactoring, Optimizations and bug fixes, hardening - ongoing

Details on the acceptance criteria: Mercury acceptance criteria

Please see the documentation at https://github.com/rchain/rchain/blob/dev/docs/features.md.

Testnet status

Please see RChain public testnet information to learn more about public testnet as well as a FAQ.Community testingSept 19 at 14:00 UTC. Please see RChain community RNode testing for more information.
Blockers to testnet-3


Evaluating backlog vs current velocity


Risks to code completion for Mercury
Developer website



