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2020-04-30 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



People who have no credibility but do not establish, no credibility, people around will gradually walk away, except for those who embrace interests, trust should generally abide by the four principles of integrity, first, transparency: our team to do things need to be open and transparent, highly transparent operation of the organization, there is no black-box operation behind the company can be full of confidence and trust between employees. So establishing an active and open channel of communication and transparency will not only help internal harmony, but also convey a sense of trust to the outside world. The second principle of trust is responsibility. It is important for all stakeholders to fulfill their obligations and responsibilities. It is not scary when problems arise. It is scary when no one is willing to take responsibility, fundamentally, the rules of the game have not been set.

The third principle of trust is honesty. At present, the moral bottom line of honesty in social business activities has been broken. The cost of breaking these bottom lines is too low, so the risk-takers prefer to play games. Obviously, there are no good rules to restrain at present, in other words, the cost of restraint is too large, partners of all stakeholders, through honesty can build effective trust, reach mutual agreement. The final principle of trust is to consider each other's interests, that is, to think from the other's point of view. At present, it is a win-win economy, and unilateral gains are not conducive to long-term sustainable cooperation. In the current crisis of confidence in the business community, it is clear that there is an urgent need for a blockchain superbook with credible information to be embedded in our day to day economic activities. We use smart contracts to monitor these undesirable phenomena at low cost, and work together to maintain digital trust.


