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2019-12-01 不详 来源:区块链网络



**下一篇文章是自由主义者罗伯特·弗罗曼(Robert Vroman)于2002年撰写的观点文章。弗罗曼以其针对anti-state.com的编辑工作而闻名。为回应“吉姆·贝尔系统”的辩论,“吉姆·贝尔系统的再访问”于2002年8月15日首次在anti-state.com上发布。查看鲍勃·墨菲(Bob Murphy)和亚当·杨(Adam Young)对弗罗曼社论的回应。 Bitcoin.com对Op-ed文章中的任何观点,内容,准确性或质量不承担任何责任。**


我的朋友和商业伙伴鲍勃·墨菲(Bob Murphy)在我们最近关于臭名昭著的暗杀政治概念的专栏作家辩论中,提出了一些反对我的宠物理论的强力论据。我认为,经过仔细检查,他的有见地的问题可以令人满意地得到回答。

此外,亚当·杨(Adam Young)提出了针对AP的经过深入研究的历史分析,我将首先讨论。


吉姆·贝尔系统再探插图(1)罗伯特·弗罗曼(Robert Vroman)撰写的意见书“吉姆·贝尔系统再访”于2002年8月15日首次在anti-state.com上发表。






如果国家确实选择了无政府资本主义者作为一切邪恶的根源,而不是像甘贾斯坦共和国这样的其他任意集团,那么我建议我们所有人离开或准备成为烈士。在某些时候,无论是Ashcroft Inc的定期排程节目,还是AP狂热的极权主义运动,对于非统计人员来说,事情都会变得不舒服。无论哪种情况,我都打算当那个专家。我们总是可以在事后再回来,并在美国的前美国成立相当于Awdal Roads Company的公司。










即使从普遍意义上来说,AP的影响最终变成恐怖分子,这也与Al Quaeda密谋在一个尘土飞扬的沙坑中密谋完全不同。 AP是一个去中心化系统,不同于以往任何时候。如果没有像恐怖组织这样的中央决策机构,美联社光顾的公众所选择的目标将反映出其用户的意识形态。如果AP的用户本身绝大多数都具有恐怖倾向,那么AP仅会明确使用恐怖手段,鉴于AP提供的卓越能力,这是徒劳的行动,浪费金钱。



First Murphy首先非常合理地担心AP的可行性,如果系统真的是所有调查人员都无法理解的秘密,那么就没有什么可以阻止AP运营商从所有捐款中掏出钱来的,但声称得奖者已经付款,原因是发现,以及被抢夺的获胜者渴望保持匿名的愿望(因为他可能手上沾满了鲜血)。更好的骗局可能包括人为地创造丰厚的奖金,然后只支付彩池中的实际金额。由于如果同一天有多个赌注,则奖赏将在两个赌注之间平均分配,因此刺客将不知道他是否被骗了,或者实际上是否有足够的其他随机猜测者将他的奖赏稀释为他实际获得的份额。管理员也可以脱颖而出,没有人会更明智。这可能是管理员不诚实地对系统进行游戏以使其充实自己的最佳方法。刺客感到失望,但没有得到背叛的证据;赏金高于正常水平,从而诱使更多易变质的暴徒。


如果我们假设管理员创建AP的目的是为了尽可能多地赚钱,那么他们就不想公然剥夺杀手,因为他们担心不可避免地会在AP级别不高的犯罪人群中脱口而出。 。但是,即使在极端情况下,管理员确实挪用了每一分钱,也没关系。由于很少有参与AP的人实际上会杀死任何人,因此只有极少数的用户会觉得自己被骗了,而更多的人会相信他们物有所值。因此,他们将继续使用该系统。未来的刺客如果不与吉普赛的同事保持联系,也会导致他们相信其他人也得到了报酬。因此,一切仍然有效,金钱流入,奖金累积,目标被淘汰。












马特·苹果(Matt Apple)在论坛上提出了类似的潜在骗局:

“另一个问题是目标可能会伪造他们的死亡。假设我是你的目标强大的人。我只买一天,然后在那一天假死。我拿出了伪造的死亡证明,也许我甚至提供了一些令人毛骨悚然的照片,证明我死了。媒体报道我死了,操作员将面团释放给“猜测者”即我。匿名交易一旦完成,我就会在现场新闻发布会上出现在摄像机上,并宣布邪恶的电子恐怖分子的计划已被挫败,具有讽刺意味的是,我将自己头上的赏金捐赠给了FBI。 。如果这种情况只发生一次,那么所有抽出这些赏金的人都会对系统失去信心。”

如果媒体如此公然地说谎,那么,比起美联社的赌徒,媒体本身就不会相信未来的死亡报道。他们将要在尸检时拍照,或者做任何铁定的证据证明这个家伙真的死了。如果媒体成为国家的公开工具,那么无论是否是AP同情者,仍然会有人要求客观的新闻来源。这种需求将支持世界各地的马特·德拉吉斯(Matt Drudges),他们将找到解决主流霸权问题的方法,而且美联社可以通过编程来忽略统计学家的媒体。



但是,扎根自然会更有效率。如果刺客即使在他们的超级掩体中也能击中政客,则AP最快就能达到最终目标,附带损失也最少。有人争论说,有一个上限,超过这个上限,额外的资金将不再影响发生暗杀的几率。这意味着,如果5亿美元不足以说服任何人抓住目标,那么5B美元可能也不会。对于个人而言可能是这种情况,但对于AP玩家群体而言并非如此。如果雇佣军或恐怖组织对开展像WTC袭击这样的多人行动感兴趣,那么赏金越高,他们可以购买的设备就越多,可以为该计划招募更多的人员。如果说的话,萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)及其所有高级将领和中尉都有数百万美元的悬赏,使他们的掩体成为中心化的巨型赏金,某些准军事部队有可能遭受突袭。全球薪水最高的专业雇佣军受雇于Sandline International,据联合国(他们希望禁止他们的工作线)称,他们的年收入不超过300,000美元。那不是小事,但对于一个用猎枪骑着猎枪追赶非洲游击队谋生的人来说,开车进入巴格达的额外风险可能值得美联社提供的危险赔偿。


墨菲继续说,美联社的想法会让普通美国人感到恐惧。没错,百分之五十的不愿投票的人可能不会觉得自己的时间花在了通过AP或任何其他方法来影响政治制度上。在另一半中,大多数人可能对这些问题没有浓厚的兴趣,或者对履行公民职责没有任何了解。实际上,无论是哪种观点,都有强烈强烈的热情的那部分人,其中就是AP的人口统计信息。鲍勃未能意识到的是,长期以来,美联社的投注者都不知道他们在做什么。很少有人会自觉地决定他们要摆脱政府并向其投入资金。取而代之的是,他们将向特定的政治家捐款,希望这将有助于推进他们如此深陷其中的任何宠物。想想AP是否早在2000年选举中就位。你是无法接受石油公司GW强奸可怜的盖亚人的绿党吗?给AP一些杂草钱,看看会发生什么。你是一个好孩子吗?他认为生态女性主义者阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)会将心爱的美国送往罗马帝国的道路吗?推迟购买那辆新卡车,看看美联社能做什么。即使是曾经投票的最专制的混蛋,也可以列举一些与他略有不同的国家统计学家,而不是用错误的方式来him摩他。你是否会怀疑枪支文化会否有机会埋葬一些自由主义者,或者是宗教权利伪君子去掉华盛顿一些不敬虔的同志,还是激进的女权主义者将他们的79美分兑美元兑换成“深南地毯”?而且比私人公民更重要的是,不要伪造公司统计学家,例如Big Ass Subdiesdies Inc,他的袖珍政客可能会输给那些希望通过平台抢劫其他笨蛋的候选人。如果他们在低谷处的现货处于危险之中,他们当然可以承受一百万美元的冲销。








首先,高级企业主比高级官僚要多得多。 If the AP betting population suddenly gained an all consuming irrational desire to destroy capitalism, it would take a far greater monetary investment against businessmen than politicians, to reach that tipping point where targets are scared away from their positions.

Furthermore, each individual businessman has a much smaller pool of people affected by his decisions. Whereas everyone in the country has to deal with the onerous decrees of the gang in Washington, there are many orders of magnitude fewer people dependent on any given board of directors. Presumably, people who don’t work for that company will not be very inclined to donate money, just as not many Americans would bet against Italian party chiefs. Therefore if the boss does manage to royally piss off the workers, he has much fewer potential bettors against him. These are people who have just lost their source of income (with no welfare to look forward to), and have fewer co-conspirators; they will not be able to produce nearly as enticing bounties as those that public officials will accrue. Keep in mind that people who bet against politicians will be expecting their incomes to rise in the absence of taxes, and thus be more likely to bet higher.

More importantly, the boss knows who they are. If murder is being considered it’s likely due to them being whipped into a fury by some mafia goon union boss. The CEO has much more money at his disposal than an unemployed working class gang. If the union leader agitates his followers to wreak AP based revenge against the CEO, he canít expect to survive either. Anyone who attempts to rally workers to donate their already dwindling cash reserves into pointless vengeance will see his own name rising on the list faster than the CEO’s. The population of an entire state will be large enough that the number of independent people willing to put money against their powerful enemies will not require there be anyone egging them on. In order for smaller interest groups to get their petty revenge, a more coordinated effort is required. Harder still is that the potential victims have a much more conveniently sized body of suspects to watch, compared to politicians who are being targeted by anonymous bettors hiding among millions or billions.

And better still, if the CEO knows whom he fired and who is threatening him, then everyone else knows as well. Would you hire workers who had paid for the assassination of their last employer? If a group of people are fired and their ex-boss is subsequently the target of a fat AP prize, then the entire group will immediately be blacklisted by every other employer. This will provide a huge incentive for individual workers not to toe the union line. Their own reputation and future employability rests on breaking their professional relations civilly or at least without bloodshed.

This situation might instead just serve to impress upon corporations the need to be more careful in their hiring and firing. Only take on workers you really need, and only let them go after careful consideration, and in that event, possibly firing them in smaller batches, rather than mass layoffs. Nevertheless, this may indeed grant more power to workers. We must remember that not all corporations are nobly building wealth in spite of government machinations. Occasionally there really are scumbags who abuse employees, is it such a disaster if such people fear lethal retaliation for their misdeeds?

Another dystopian fear is that AP will support murders between non-famous people over petty frustrations. A scumbag husband wants to get out of a divorce without losing half his wealth, so if he thinks an AP bet worth a quarter of his wealth will get the job done, and does so. An unrelated party kills the wife, scumbag cuts his losses nicely, and the wife is horrendously aggressed against with no chance of justice for her family.

Yes, this is a problem that AP would exacerbate. Choosing your spouse carefully has always been good advice. However, if the wife’s lawyers checked the AP records and found there had been a substantial prize, despite her being a generally well liked individual, they would decide that the “unrelated” killer might not be such a random tragedy after all. And proceed to hire detectives to investigate the ex-husband’s financial records to find a similarly sized hole. Even if he expertly hid all his transactions with encryption and such, the sheer lack of other suspects may lead an arbitration committee to demand the husband prove his innocence. I assume hiring an assassin to initiate aggression will be a crime in Ancapland, but I will let others debate that.

Like the threatened businessman who knows who his potential threats are, in the case of an innocuous unknown being the victim of AP, it will be easy to discover the few or single person that has the motivation to invest the significant money involved. AP, in fact, hurts the chances of the anonymous petty murderer, because the record of one’s prize is public. Anyone who cares to investigate the death of an AP victim can see exactly how much it cost. If the victim had few enemies, it is a simple matter to make the connection between the specific sum and the likely suspects.

Compare this to the case of a low level bureaucrat that Murphy complains is just as vulnerable as the rest of us. He is right in saying that it doesn’t require one big bet, only lots of little bets. However, unless the bureaucrat has managed to piss off all those people placing the little bets, they won’t happen, and he is safe. If the bureaucrat has managed to do so then there’s probably a reason he deserves it. People in the phone book though, probably do not have multitudes of enemies, and thus are safe from all but an exceptionally wealthy psychopath, which I imagine are few and far between.

As for the extortion scheme that Jim Bell rather awkwardly argued against and Bob accurately deflated. The problem there is that the extortionist needs to have enough money of his own to actually place the bet that will attract assassins to his victim.

Fortunately, extortionists usually ply their trade because they don’t have any money. The thug could bluff, but if called on it, he has no bargaining chips in this case, like an old fashioned significant other duct-taped in the basement.

If he actually does have the money and the victim calls his bluff, if he goes through with his threat, he has just spent a shit load of money to kill someone for no reason, and with no return benefit to the extortionist. Not a very profitable scam.

If he does convince the target to play along, he still has to communicate his threat. Such exchanges usually involve some amount of negotiation, or complicated instructions that require communication. The extortionist has to sacrifice a lot of anonymity to pull his crime off. This weakness gives the presumably deep pocketed target plenty of opportunities to spend some of that ransom on private detectives to locate the extortionist. The criminal, in this case, has no human shields to prevent a raid.

The benefit of AP is to allow anonymous assassination contracts, in both the case of the vengeful labor leader, and the crafty extortionist, both lose that shield and leave themselves wide open to retaliation from the greater resources of their chosen enemies.

Another concern mentioned on the forum, is that the State, with its trillions of revenue will actually invest money into AP to off its political opponents. This is a pretty ridiculous proposal.

First of all, the enemies of your enemies are not necessarily your friends. If the State pays an AP assassin to shoot some, say, ultra-lefty criticizing them, are we really that much worse off? In fact, I’d be overjoyed to see politicians taking out AP bets against their opponents for the most part. Why should a democrat spend valuable campaign money on advertising when he could just pay to have his republican opponent drop out of the race permanently? Libertarians are rare enough that I doubt we present a serious enough threat to the State compared to their fellow parasites scrambling for the best suck spot, that theyíd spend money to attack Harry Browne instead of their opponent in the primary who has a real chance of ousting them.

Another problem with this supposed counter strategy is that it’s entirely unnecessary. If the State really wants to kill someone, they already have all the tools; they don’t need to spend money on AP. They could just give Lon Horiuchi his normal paycheck and have him snipe whoever they don’t like. It’s not as if they ever get in trouble for it, even when they aren’t exactly subtle. It doesn’t make sense for them to pay for secrecy they don’t need.

Finally, this plan would backfire, because if the admins are anarchists, and they take a commission, then the State, by playing AP, is directly enriching someone who will re-invest his profit against State targets. Also, the assassins donít care who they kill if the money’s right. The State is also enriching people who will be just as happy to come back and shoot Statists, now with more resources to plan hits too.

Bob concluded by essentially saying that the only way to anarchy is an enormous campaign of rational evangelism. He disapproves of the whirlwind anarchy in Somalia and similar power vacuums. I disagree. I see much more hope for building Ancapland out of the lawless ashes of a Somalia, than of gradually subliming the promised land out of the monolithic State in an America. If AP does prove the alarmists right, and crashes society into an apocalyptic period, (I do not think this is the case) still, such a turn of events will be in the long run an easier path to Ancapism than the intellectual erosion strategy. Murphy points out the example of the bloodless revolutions in Eastern Europe. To which I respond derisively, what revolution? They traded hard-line Russki-communism for soft line Euro-socialism. That’s even more of a joke than American style Republicrat lesser-evilism. Stasi agents all retired on embezzled millions, and now the Great Terror War is inviting domestic espionage back in force all across the Continent. The only revolution that arguably has ever made recognizable progress is the American experiment, which is notable for killing employees of the previous regime by the thousand. If Thomas Jefferson could have emailed digicash to pub brawlers in London, or scheming heirs in Buckingham palace, mad King George’s confused reign would have come to a deserved end before he could futilely attempt to reclaim his rebellious colonies. The point being, in order to get anarchism, I don’t think it’s a question of getting the balls to start sledge hammering the Berlin Wall and hope the Kalishnikov toting border guard respects the numbers presented by all your fellow civil disobeyers. If the only fall out is a different set of thugs being in charge tomorrow, there will, of course, be less State resistance than if the entire thug industry is being called into question. If you want real change as in no more thugs, ever, then the top thugs aren’t going to budge until they have no other choice. The ultimate conclusion then is that if anarchism takes a revolution of the non-bloodless variety, there’s no reason why the fighters shouldn’t be backed up by a means to get at the higher ups. Or better yet, replace the fighters entirely with anonymous assassins and strike exclusively at the heights of power. I know I don’t want to spend much time huddling in trenches.

It undoubtedly sounds arrogant, but I would say that less than 1% of the global population has any concept of how the world (i.e. economics) really works, and of those that do, most have got it horribly wrong. However, when they are forced to suddenly make do for themselves in the absence of authority, as is the case of Somalia, Ancapism spontaneously appears without the presence of wise graduate student mentors preaching Mises. It sure would be nice, naturally, if Bob could go over and warn them off from accepting UN overtures of providing “stable governance”, but the point is they were able to find profitable anarchism on their own, with little to no knowledge of economics and certainly no deep respect for pacifism. All it took was the total destruction of their state, the means notwithstanding. On the other hand, if Murphy expects to get some percentage of the population to side with him before picking up a hammer, he will definitely be taking the long uphill route.

Murphy says that a generation growing up surrounded by headlines full of dead famous people will be disastrous. I fail to see how this could be more damaging than the scores of generations stretching back into history that grew up with headlines of how great the State is. The Somalians lived through generations of war, where life was made quite cheap, yet now they are Africa’s best chance.

If AP worked perfectly and stripped the state away by force in a relatively short time frame, people will be thrust into unfamiliar territory. No doubt in their confusion they will attempt to recreate State functions. These will be torn down again and again. Like a child getting its hand slapped every time it reaches for the hot stove, AP will discipline the world that concentrations of power are bad. In the meantime, if Murphy is able to patiently explain to the bewildered why this is the case, so much the better, but either way, there will be no more State, and they will not have a choice in the matter. Murphy is essentially advocating a Taking Children Seriously approach to enlightening the collectively childlike population. I would rather just smack them until they stop and maybe explain briefly afterward why.

Lastly, it seems clear to me that AP is superior because it is a market process. People exchange value for perceived value. They invest their money for the benefit of removing aggressive people from society. On the other hand, Murphy is advocating an “educate the masses” routine that depends solely on him and his colleague’s dedication to the cause. Not to disparage his efforts, honestly, if anyone can do it, the current crop of anarchist intellectuals has got my fullest confidence. However, I really don’t think anyone is going to listen until they are already living in it. I see the economic wizard’s role as after the fact guides in the new wonderful world of anarchism wrought by AP and other market strategies. Once everyone is stuck in their regional equivalents of Somalia, and wondering what the hell just happened, Bob and co, will step in and say, “Hey, isn’t this great, look how much more we can get done now!”

And people, who have been forced to find alternatives to formerly government offered services, and no longer obey regulations or sacrifice taxable income, will sit up and finally notice Bob, and say, “What the fuck? Why haven’t we always done this? Thanks, Bob!”

Bob will then smile knowingly and go on a world wide lecture tour.

Then from time to time, a few clueless bastards will try to “get all the guns and take over”. AP will mercilessly smite them. Life goes on. In the meantime, I await the next round of objections.

**The article above is an opinion piece written in 2002 by the libertarian author Robert Vroman debating ‘The Jim Bell System’ with Adam Young and Bob Murphy. Vroman is well known for his editorial work writing for anti-state.com. ‘The Jim Bell System Revisited’ first published on anti-state.com on August 15, 2002, in response to ‘The Jim Bell System’**

Op-ed Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own. Bitcoin.com is not responsible for or liable for any opinions, content, accuracy or quality within the Op-ed article. Bitcoin.com is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any information in this Op-ed article. This article is a reprint of an archived editorial that was originally published on August 15, 2002.

Image credits: Shutterstock, anti-state.com archive links, Pixabay, Fair Use, and Wiki Commons.



