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2020-04-10 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



At the heart of finance is the creation of credit, the original Commodity of which was the exchange of goods for goods. The disadvantage of this is that it takes many exchanges and reflections for the holder to have inconsistent needs, or to want to exchange goods for himself, transaction costs are high. If we want the market economy to develop better, we need to reduce transaction costs, so it comes down to the way we use credit to establish transactions. Credit establishment is too important. Traditional credit establishment relies on many central institutions, and many central institutions have many problems, for example, the cost is very high, centralized control is serious, credit can be re-written.

Internet finance is like Alipay, they are relying on big data to build the building of credit, at present, for ordinary users, small and medium-sized enterprises loans to survive, in contrast, large enterprises can run at a loss or one billion in debt, and the normal procedures for personal loans are cumbersome, requiring credit histories, loan histories, and work conditions. Traditional credit is only supported by big data, it allows credit to be set up at a lower cost than traditional funds, including peer-to-peer, crowdfunding, and so on, but these information islands, data ownership and so on the problem can not be solved.

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