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2020-04-14 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



The traditional financial credit is built on the basis of the endorsement of central institutions, but also on the building of reinforced concrete. The future credit is built on the data of Blockchain, and the building of blockchain is also a data building, relying on distributed accounting, to reach the so-called consensus database, the traditional house property certificates and academic certificates are zero in foreign countries. Can these certificates not be recognized and implemented? The cost of the whole traditional credit execution system is very high, of course, these costs are provided by our ordinary users, if the whole network to notarize it?

Network notarization to establish a distributed storage, the future if we ordinary users are a member of the node, the disadvantage is that our storage space to be sufficient large? The advantage is that you can't cheat, because the cost of doing evil is almost impossible, and the more nodes you have, the greater the cost of doing evil. Currently, if you want to tamper with the data in the Bitcoin blockchain, the cost is one billion, and that cost gets higher over time, in other words, if you have one billion, I believe you will join in the construction of the network of profit, so the blockchain will become the global financial infrastructure, this is the real credit building.

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