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加拿大安大略省证券委员会(OSC)已发布针对加密货币交易所 倒闭的调查报告

2020-06-15 交易大师高歌 来源:火星财经

加拿大安大略省证券委员会(OSC)已发布针对加密货币交易所 QuadrigaCX 倒闭的调查报告。

OSC 调查人员的大多数结论与 QuadrigaCX 破产受托人安永去年的发现一致,并将该交易所的倒闭及随后破产的原因归咎于其首席执行官兼联合创始人 Gerald Cotten,OSC 报告证实,Gerald Cotten 通过不良加密交易使至少 1.43 亿美元的客户资产遭受,并在其自身生活上烧掉至少 200 万美元。

报告指出,Cotten 曾用假名开户、伪造账户余额,并与 Quadriga 的客户进行交易,做空客户,当加密资产价格发生变化且客户退出时,Cotten 则用其他客户的存款弥补该损失,OSC 将此称为「有效的庞氏骗局」。

此外,一个新发现在于 OSC 员工对所有资产去向的分析,这是安永报告中悬而不决的一项,Cotten 在 Quadriga 或其他平台上的交易损失了 1.43 亿美元,只有 2300 万美元(约占总额的 10-15%)下落不明,该报告推测,未计入的 2300 万美元可能包括在其他平台上的交易损失、支付给其他平台的其他费用、支付给其他支付处理商的费用、其他运营费用以及转移给个人使用的其他资产。不过该发现也意味着,可能并不存在某笔资金,等待 Quadriga 的债主们去发现。

QuadrigaCX 的倒闭导致成千上万的客户损失了至少 1.69 亿美元,而根据 OSC 的声明,这些投资者中约 40%是安大略人。

Canada's Ontario Securities Commission has released its report into the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX.

Most of the conclusion and OSC investigators QuadrigaCX bankruptcy trustee ernst &young found last year are consistent, and the exchange of collapse and subsequent bankruptcy of blame for its chief executive and co-founder of Gerald Cotten, OSC report confirmed that Gerald Cotten transactions encrypted with a bad to make at least $143 million in client assets suffered, and burn off at least $2 million on its own life.

According to the report, Cotten opened accounts under false names, forged account balances, traded with Quadriga's customers, shorted them and used other customers' deposits to make up for the losses when encrypted asset prices changed and customers withdrew, in what the OSC called an "effective Ponzi scheme".

In addition, a new discovery is that the analysis of the OSC staff for all assets to the ernst & young report a suspension without decisions, Cotten Quadriga or other trading platform lost $143 million, only $23 million (about 10-15% of the total) are missing, the report speculated that do not count towards the $23 million could include trading losses on other platforms, other fees paid to other platforms, to pay the cost of other payment processors and other operating expenses and transfer to other assets for personal use. But the discovery also means that there may not be any money for Quadriga's creditors to find.

The collapse of QuadrigaCX cost thousands of customers at least $169m, about 40% of whom were Ontarians, according to the OSC.

原文标题:加拿大安大略省证券委员会(OSC)已发布针对加密货币交易所 倒闭的调查报告。


