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维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第71期(6.08-6.14)

2020-06-16 维基链WICC 来源:火星财经

技术 & 产品周报


支持通过合约代码查询并返回结构化数据 (100%)修复交易反序列化错误导致程序退出的问题(100%)解决测试链数据无法同步的问题(100%)公链3.0 跨链治理测试(100%)公链3.0 UIA资产测试(100%)


Wayki-X 上链过程展示页开发(100%)Wayki-X 抵押、铸造、销毁流程前端开发(100%)Wayki-X 交易模块前端开发 (90%)Wayki-X XT喂价开发(100%)Wayki-X 前后端联调 (80%)Wayki-X 项目合约测试及BUG修复(90%)维基时代安卓3.0 UI(85%)测试链V3.0 相关应用升级(100%)



公链3.0 研发链大规模场景测试公链3.0 测试链测试


Wayki-X 赎回、领取奖励流程Wayki-X 上链动画效果开发Wayki-X 多语言开发Wayki-X K线推送开发Wayki X 项目应用端测试Wayki-X 交易模块前端开发维基时代安卓3.0 接口联调



AMA:6月10日晚9点,维基链副总裁&海外市场经理Lois White出席全球一线数字货币交易所OKEx越南电报社群(11602名成员)的AMA活动,当晚参与AMA成员达500+,Lois为OKEx越南成员解答关于维基链和即将上线OKEx的治理币WGRT的问题,以及维基链抵押借贷平台,维基链DeFi机制和生态规划。6月11日晚6点,维基链CEO高航出席全球一线数字货币交易所OKEx英语电报主社群(12708名成员)的AMA活动,当晚参加AMA成员高达600+,高航为OKEx英语主群成员分享关于其对DeFi领域的见解,WGRT治理币的模式、投资优势,以及维基链的未来规划等等。6月12日晚23点,维基链副总裁&海外市场经理Lois White出席全球一线数字货币交易所OKEx俄语电报社群(5448名成员)的AMA活动,当晚参与AMA成员达300+。Lois为OKEx俄语成员分享维基链三币机制,项目进展,治理币WGRT的优势等等。KOL&媒体&论坛:6月10日,著名推特数字货币KOL:@coincrunchin 发送关于WGRT IEO on OKEx的推特。 推特:6月8日,OKEx官方推特发推宣告WGRT IEO销售细则,该推特互动量达100+,维基链官方转发该推特。6月9日,OKEx官方推特再次发推预热WGRT IEO,该推特互动量达100+,维基链官方转发该推特。6月10日,OKEx官方推特“WGRT上线倒计时-7天”活动,互动量高达100+,维基链官方转发该推特。6月12日,OKEx官方推特“WGRT上线倒计时-5天”活动,互动量高达100+,维基链官方转发该推特。Medium:维基链官方Medium发文“WaykiChain 3-Token economy in-depth interpretation, governance coin WGRT: security lock or booster”。维基新闻:维基链官方Youtube账号发布Wayki-News Episode 6(维基新闻第六期),同时维基链海内外社群同步传播,获得一致好评。社群:新增 1 WGRT bounty race 社群。 SMN项目动态运营:电报社群日常投发WGRT各国翻译版本(日语,韩语,越南语,俄语,法语)白皮书。同步运营:维基链俄罗斯群”,“维基链韩国群”,"维基链土耳其群"等20+个国家,15+种语言,共48个社群,50000+群成员及该国家地区推特、论坛;同步项目最新动态,治理币上所OKEx倒计时、解说视频,全球大使文森特治理币普及视频、DeFi数据以及项目知识


维基链治理币WGRT将于6月17日上线OKEx,本周持续推出“全民领金条”活动。维基链每日从官方社群中抽选一名幸运用户赠送价值千元的纯金金条一根。此活动截止6月17日,累计9261人参与。欢迎广大用户关注官方社群消息,参与抢金条活动。6月8日,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航做客AEX【看点直播间】,分享主题《治理币WGRT如何在DeFi中多重受益?》,并现场送出价值约1000元的纯金金条一根。此次直播同步10家媒体宣发,覆盖120个社群约5万人,并实时在6个社群转播,引发社群用户积极讨论。直播文字版回顾可在维基链今日头条官方账号“维基链WICC”中查看。6月10日,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航受邀出席标准共识线上直播栏目【Staking之星对话行业领袖】,分享主题《DeFi如何颠覆传统金融?》,并现场送出价值约1000元的纯金金条一根。此次直播同步20家媒体宣发,直播内容覆盖14个社群约7000人,引起社群用户广泛关注。直播文字版回顾可在维基链今日头条官方账号“维基链WICC”中查看。6月11日,维基链战略分析师陶敬在币快报社群直播,分享主题《维基链治理币WGRT蓄势待发》,并现场送出价值约1000元的纯金金条一根。直播同步7家媒体宣发,直播内容覆盖15个社群约7500人,并实时在14个社群进行转播,社群用户积极参与此次直播。直播文字版回顾可在维基链今日头条官方账号“维基链WICC”中查看。6月11日,区块链知名博主“区块链威廉”在其个人微博账号中发布了一篇WGRT的解读文章:《WGRT:维基链DeFi生态背后的有力支撑》,阅读量达到3.4万+,引起用户对WGRT的广泛关注和讨论。6月12日,维基链联合创始人&CPO张曦受邀出席ZT Global线上峰会《“星”后浪之DeFi的力量》,作为压轴嘉宾分享主题演讲:《解读DeFi以及以太坊上DeFi项目的三个硬伤》。文字版回顾后期可在维基链今日头条官方账号“维基链WICC”中查看。6月12日,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航做客星球日报线上直播栏目【超话社区】,分享主题《破解DeFi发展瓶颈——维基链凭什么和以太坊拼?》,并现场送出价值约1000元的纯金金条一根。直播同步星球日报群TV、Beep币扑群TV进行直播,覆盖社群近50个约2.5万人,并在7家媒体进行同步宣传,引起社群讨论激烈。直播文字版回顾可在维基链今日头条官方账号“维基链WICC”中查看。6月13日,维基链战略分析师陶敬出席牛市财经线上直播栏目【牛市共享课】,分享主题《王牌对王牌,MKR的最强对手WGRT》,并现场送出价值约1000元的纯金金条一根。直播同步38家媒体宣传,覆盖30个社群,辐射约1.5万人,引起社群用户广泛关注。直播文字版回顾可在维基链今日头条官方账号“维基链WICC”中查看。Bying钱包与维基链深度合作,将在WGRT上线OKEx系列活动中参与AMA直播,现场空投WICC。关注社群动态,及时参与活动。维基链WGRT上线OKex系列活动之《聚焦DeFi生态,见证金融变革》,将于6月16日晚上19:00通过视频直播形式和大家见面。该活动将邀请到比特时代创始人黄天威、币世界创始人&CEO谭晨辉、创世资本创始合伙人孙泽宇、Bying钱包联合创始人&CEO廖伟在一直播APP上进行直播。现场将派送30根价值约1000元的纯金金条,还有维基链周边手环和社区空投等活动奖品。

Technology & Product Weekly Report

Public Chain Development

Supported query and return structured data through contract code. (100%)Fixed the problem that the program deserialization error caused the program to exit. (100%)Solved the problem that the test chain data cannot be synchronized. (100%)Ran Public chain V3.0 cross-chain governance test. (100%)Ran Public chain V3.0 UIA asset test. (100%)

Application development

Developed Wayki-X on-chain process display page. (100%)Developed Wayki-X front-end mortgage, casting and destruction process. (100%)Developed Wayki-X trading module front-end. (90%)Developed Wayki-X XT feed price service. (100%) Finished Wayki-X front and rear joint debugging. (80%)Finished Wayki-X project contract test and bug fix. (90%)Developed WaykiTimes Android 3.0 UI. (85%)Upgraded test chain V3.0 related applications. (100%)

Following Work Plan

Public Chain development

Public chain 3.0 research and development chain large-scale scenario testingRun Public chain 3.0 test chain test

Application development

Wayki-X redemption and reward process developmentWayki-X on-chain animation developmentWayki-X multilingual developmentWayki-X K-line push developmentWayki X project application testWayki-X trading module front-end developmentWaykiTimes Android 3.0 interface joint debugging

Marketing Weekly Report

Marketing Report(Overseas)

AMA: At 9pm on June 10, Lois White, Vice President & Overseas Market Manager of WaykiChain, attended the AMA event of the global first-line digital currency exchange OKEx Vietnam Telegraph Community (11,602 members) and participated in the AMA with 500+ members on the night, Lois answered OKEx Vietnam members' questions about WaykiChain and the upcoming WGRT governance token of OKEx, WaykiChain mortgage lending platform, WaykiChain DeFi mechanism and ecological planning.At 6 p.m. on June 11, Wayne Chain CEO Gao Hang attended the AMA event of the global first-line digital currency exchange OKEx English Telegraph main community (12708 members). At that night, he participated in AMA members of up to 600+. Gordon Gao is the OKEx English main group Members shared their insights on the DeFi field, the WGRT governance currency model, investment advantages, and WaykiChain’s future plans.At 23pm on June 12, Lois White, Vice President & Overseas Marketing Manager of WaykiChain, attended the AMA event of the global first-line digital currency exchange OKEx Russian Telegraph community (named members), and participated in 300+ AMA members that night. Lois shares the three-currency mechanism of WaykiChain, the progress of the project, the advantages of WGRT, etc.KOL&Media&Forum: On June 10th, the famous Twitter digital currency KOL: @coincrunchin sent a tweet about WGRT IEO on OKEx.Twitter: On June 8, the OKEx official Twitter tweeted to announce the WGRT IEO sales rules. The interaction volume of the Twitter reached 100+, and WaykiChain official retweet the tweet.On June 9, the OKEx official Twitter tweeted again to warm up the WGRT IEO. The interaction amount of the Twitter reached 100+, and the WaykiChain official twitter retweet the tweet.On June 10, OKEx's official Twitter launched "WGRT online countdown-7 days" event, the interaction volume was as high as 100+. WaykiChain official twitter retweeted the tweet.On June 12, OKEx's official Twitter launched "WGRT online countdown-5 days" event, the interaction volume was as high as 100+. WaykiChain official twitter retweeted the tweet.Medium: WaykiChain official Medium post "WaykiChain 3-Token economy in-depth interpretation, governance coin WGRT: security lock or booster".Wayki-News: Waykichain’s official Youtube account released Wayki-News Episode 6 , and WaykiChain’s community at home and abroad spread simultaneously, gaining unanimous praise.Community: Added 1 WGRT bounty race community.Dynamic operation of the SMN project: the telegram community daily publishes WGRT whitepaper translations from various countries (Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, French). Simultaneous operations: WaykiChain Russia Group, WaykiChain South Korea Group, WaykiChain Turkey Group, etc. 20+ countries, 15+ languages, a total of 48 communities, 50000+ group members and Twitter of this country, Forum; Synchronize the latest development of the project, OKEx countdown and commentary video on governance coin, global ambassador Vincent governance coin popularization video, DeFi data and project knowledge.

Marketing Report(China)

WaykiChain's governance coin WGRT will be launched on June 17 on OKex. This week we will continue to launch the "All People Get Gold Bar" activity. WaykiChain selects a lucky user from the official community every day to give away a pure gold bullion worth 1,000 yuan. As of June 17, this event has a cumulative number of 9261 participants. Users are welcome to follow the official community news and participate in the gold bar grabbing activity.On June 8, Gordon Gao, the co-founder and CEO of WaykiChain, visited AEX [Spotlight Live Room] to share the theme "How does WGRT benefit multiple times in DeFi?" ", and a pure gold bullion with a value of about 1,000 yuan was sent on site. The live broadcast was simultaneously announced by 10 media, covering about 50,000 people in 120 communities, and broadcast in real time in 6 communities, prompting active discussions among community users. The review of the live text version can be viewed in the official account of WaykiChain's headline today "WaykiChain WICC".On June 10, Gordon Gao, co-founder and CEO of WaykiChain, was invited to attend the standard consensus live online column [Staking Star Dialogue Industry Leader] to share the theme "How does DeFi subvert traditional finance?" ", and a pure gold bar with a value of about 1,000 yuan was sent on site. The live broadcast was announced simultaneously by 20 media outlets, and the live broadcast content covered about 7,000 people in 14 communities, and community users paid close attention to it. The review of the live text version can be viewed in the official account of WaykiChain's headline today "WaykiChain WICC".On June 11, Tao Jing, strategic analyst of WaykiChain, broadcasted live on the currency express community, sharing the theme "WaykiChain governance coin WGRT is ready to go", and delivered a gold bar worth about 1,000 yuan on the spot. The live broadcast was announced by 7 media. The live broadcast content covered about 7500 people in 15 communities and was broadcast in real time in 14 communities. Community users actively participated in this live broadcast. The review of the live text version can be viewed in the official account of WaykiChain's headline today "WaykiChain WICC".On June 11, the well-known blockchain blogger "Blockchain William" published an interpretation article of WGRT in his personal Weibo account: "WGRT: Powerful Support Behind the DeFi Ecology of WaykiChain", with a reading volume of 34k+, causing users' extensive attention and discussion on WGRT.On June 12, WaykiChain co-founder & CPO Zhang Xi was invited to attend the ZT Global Online Summit "The Power of DeFi after the "Star", as the finale guest to share the keynote speech: "Interpretation of DeFi and the DeFi Project on Ethereum A flaw." The later version of the text version can be viewed in the official account of WaykiChain Today's headline "WaykiChain WICC".On June 12, Gordon Gao, the co-founder and CEO of WaykiChain, made a guest appearance on Planet Daily's online live broadcast column [Super Community], sharing the theme "Cracking the DeFi Development Bottleneck-Why Does WaykiChain Fight with Ethereum?" ", and a pure gold bar with a value of about 1,000 yuan was sent on site. Live broadcast Synchronized Planet Daily Group TV and Beep Coin Group TV live broadcast, covering nearly 50 communities of about 25,000 people, and synchronous publicity in 7 media, intense community discussions. The review of the live text version can be viewed in the official account of WaykiChain today's headline: "WaykiChain WICC".On June 13, Tao Jing, strategic analyst of WaykiChain, attended the Bullish Financial Online Live column [Bull Market Sharing Class], shared the theme "Ace vs. Ace, MKR's strongest opponent WGRT", and delivered pure gold bar worth about 1,000 yuan on the spot. The live broadcast is synchronized with 38 media outlets, covering 30 communities, and radiating about 15,000 people, causing widespread concern among community users. The review of the live text version can be viewed in the official account of WaykiChain today's headline: "WaykiChain WICC". Bying Wallet has deep cooperation with WaykiChain and will participate in the AMA live broadcast and WICC airdrop at the OKex series of WGRT events. Follow community dynamics and participate in activities in a timely manner.WaykiChain's WGRT launched the OKex series of events "Focus on the DeFi ecosystem and Witness Financial Reform". It will meet you through live video at 19:00 on the evening of June 16. The event will invite Huang Tianwei, the founder of Bit Times, Tan Chenhui, the founder and CEO of Coinworld, Sun Zeyu, the founding partner of Genesis Capital, and Liao Wei, co-founder and CEO of Bying Wallet, to broadcast on a live broadcast app. 30 pure gold bars worth about 1,000 yuan will be distributed on site, as well as activities prizes such as bracelets and community airdrops around WaykiChain.

原文标题:维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第71期(6.08-6.14)


