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第三次货币进化浪潮 你的财富自由起点

2019-10-16 数字货币投资指南 来源:区块链网络


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但这还不是数字货币的全部故事。现在各种币乱象丛生,很想知道如何分辨“真的数字货币”和“空气币” 如何更加深入理解区块链的底层技术 它应用又有哪些 请听下回、下下回分解。


[1][3] Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer ElectronicCash System, https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

[2] Vitalik Buterin. Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform, http://www.the-blockchain.com/docs/Ethereum_white_paper-a_next_generation_smart_contract_and_decentralized_application_platform-vitalik-buterin.pdf

(English version)

The third wave of currency evolution

——your financial independence starting point

Digital currency has experienced several rounds of development and some friends have become tycoons in this area, but we still don't know what it is, is it a pity? 

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(bitcoin has soared from $1,000 last year to the peak of nearly $20,000 and now is standing at $7,000.)

The currency’s evolution

For insights into the nature of money, it is necessary to review the development of the currency in history.

The development of currency with the changing society models can be divided into 3 phases: the barter economy and commodity currency phase, the fiat currency phase and the digital currency phase. The establishment of currency in each phase has its particular historical background and represents the developing stage of that particular period. With the currency changing, its attributes also changed.

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The first phase is the barter economy and commodity currency phase. In the barter economy, the good itself was the currency. There was no unified currency which caused lots of inconvenience in trading. For the convenience of trading, people chose those with relatively stable physical properties as general equivalents, such as shells and iron products. As the general equivalent was determined, currency was gradually selected, such as copper, silver and gold, which means man entered the stage of commodity money. This is an inevitable process, which can be understood as the natural process of"natural selection".

In this phase, people could only accept the currency which had value, and the price was from its value. 

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The second phase is fiat currency phase. Compared to the above currencies, the nature of fiat currency changed a lot, and the fiat currency itself had no value. It is just paper, which is guaranteed by the coercive force of the state. Some people would argue that fiat currency is regarded by the government as only legal way to trade during one country. But actually, residents could use other currency to buy goods, such as gold and French franc, if the counterparts are willing to accept it. So, it doesn’t mean the fiat currency is the only way for inhabitants to trade.  

What’s worse, the high inflation could result in the crash of the fiat currency, and people would give up using it. And many examples in history could illustrate it. Generally speaking, when issuing the new currency, the key thing for the government is to keep the value stable. It takes time for the residents to accept the new currency, and they also do not adopt it if they cannot adapt it. 

The third phase is digital currency phase. When digital currency was accepted and traded by certain amounts of people, the digital money became a complementary currency for fiat currency. It means that the issuance of currency is not monopolized by government any more. The nature of currency in this stage has been modified a lot. 

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The emergence of digital currency

What is digital currency Is Alipay also a kind of digital currency

Is Alipay a kind of digital currency Ouch, no. Don't ask this kind of question again.

Let me explain it. Alipay can be understood as accounts system built on the bank account system. In fact, the money is still deposited in the bank with the Alipay’s name. So its nature has not been transformed, compared to paper money. But it cannot withdraw cash directly, and you have to transfer it to your personal bank account.

What digital currency Its essence is coding program, not a string of numbers in your bank account. It is the private key as the necessary means of payment to help operation in the chain block (e.g., finished a deal validation).[1]

The attribute of digital currency

What property does the digital currency has, what problems do it solve Good question.

The nature of digital currency has already been mentioned above, and its derivative properties have changed a lot. First,digital currency, unlike gold, has no commodity value. Second, digital currency also is not like legal paper which is loan certificate issued by the central bank, and itself has the commercial value. In the blockchain project, it helps machine interaction and the operation of community. The value depends on its functions in the block chain project and community, which is not just a bunch of simple numeric code. In addition, digital currency was born with a global currency, which gradually forms a global consensus and can be used as a global settlement currency, not a specific currency within the jurisdiction of a particular government.

However, when the price of the digital currency is not stable, but highly fluctuated, it couldn’t be used as an effective tool for buying products. In some extent, it could be regarded as a security if there are some benefits to own it. So, the digital currency itself not only has the attribute of commodity currency, but also has the attribute of security. Therefore, digital currency itself has the business value in the block chain project and community operation, which can act as global trade settlement currency in some extents.

Is digital money a challenge to state power

Is it legal Will it be admitted by government

Some people are worrying that digital currency issuance is from the private sectors, which disrupt the government as the only institution of issuing the currency, will not be admitted by the government. At present, some countries accept it and some refuse it.

Unlike the fiat currency issued from a centralized institution, the digital currency originates from decentralized autonomous system. Its initial purpose is to give stimulation to the miner, thus helping machine’s interaction.[2]

We cannot say that it helps solve the fiat money which can’t solve, such as money laundering and trading records tracing. The block chain technology which the digital currency is based on could help Central Bank to build the anti-money laundering chain to prevent money laundering.On the contrary, company could also utilize the technology to build anonymous chain to hide all trading records and identities to help money laundering. So these are two sides of one coin.

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Logic of appearance in digital currency

Why digital currency occurs

Every time the currency’s nature change, it will largely improve the trading efficiency directly and social productivity indirectly in the long run. But it needs a long process for people to accept it. In the short term, it may cause people puzzled. For example, The shell initially acted as a universal equivalent, then slowly was accepted as a currency. I as inland inhabitant had never seen shells before, but incredibly you wanted to exchange shells for a cow with me, and said "everyone will use shells in the future, and it could be worth more". I must be hesitated about what you said, and could not accept it easily.

The logic of appearance of digital currency is based on blockchain technology, which will be conducive to the current central organization's integrity system construction, and improve the whole system of social trust. It cannot solve the problem of human integrity (nor does it need), but it does solve the problem of data authenticity, which is a great progress. So in the long run, it helps to improve the trust system of society as a whole. 

Why do I think it is a great progress Taobao’s evaluation system has been pretty good, and can distinguish good goods from bad to a certain extent. But, only Taobao has a complete set of transaction records, and decides which data you can see. There's no way you want to see more of it, and you cannot doubt its authenticity even if it modifies the data. But data by block chain technology is extremely to tamper and could be traceable, at least to ensure the authenticity of the data. [3]

In addition, all customers are equivalent in Taobao's evaluation, which means that there is no timestamp concept. For example, if I am a five-year-experience customer in one Taobao's shop, my timestamp evaluation value should be historical shopping value multiplied by time, which cannot be compared to a new customer. But in fact, they get the same evaluation value in the Taobao's and any other on-line shopping system.

When all people and company’ trust was connected into the block chain, we could trace all trading and contracts’ records. Thus, their the economic issues and crimes would be recorded. As the digital money is the stimulation of putting different assets into the public chain, and helping bridge the different chains interaction, it will attract more assets into the block chain and improve the trading. In this situation, the digital currency will be complementary for the fiat currency. Therefore, digital currency could develop more power in the future, thus improving the social productivity indirectly.

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But it was not the whole story of digital currency.

The digital currency is the just beginning, not the end of the block chain technology phase, and we are looking forward to future development.

Now the various currencies are in a mess, and wandering how to distinguish "real digital currency" from "air currency" and hoping to understand the underlying logic of blockchain technology.  Looking forward to the next article.


[1][3] Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer ElectronicCash System, https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

[2] Vitalik Buterin. Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform, http://www.the-blockchain.com/docs/Ethereum_white_paper-a_next_generation_smart_contract_and_decentralized_application_platform-vitalik-buterin.pdf

文章最早发布于2018-06-12 于“beyondblockchain”公众号上



