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未来矿场联合创始人Dr.Abir受邀出席“2019 CoinExChain全球节点竞选发布会

2019-10-17 blockfinace 来源:区块链网络


中文/10月16日下午“2019 CoinExChain全球节点竞选发布会”在深圳湾万怡酒店顺利举行,我司联合创始人、CEO Abir博士受邀出席。本次发布会由CoinEx基金会主办,火星财经协办,区块链网络、链闻、耳朵财经、鸵鸟区块等行业专业媒体提供战略支持。会议参与人员覆盖交易所,项目方,财经媒体,金融机构,行业领军人物等,旨在共同探讨交易所公链的破局之道,并进行DEX深层次的剖析。

在区块链技术没有大规模应用落地的现状下,Abir博士表示,CoinEx以“御风乘势 扬帆出海”为发布会命名,足以彰显其方兴未艾之势。大会所涉及诸如“区块链的现状与未来探索”等议题,也是未来矿场一直以来思索的问题。公链是区块链行业的基石,但目前技术的突破仍然是制约公链发展的最大瓶颈。BTC、以太坊分别作为公链第一代、第二代代表,而第三代公链仍在探索。CoinEx从交易所角度出发,抓住了去中心化的DEX作为其发展方向,如能实现,就有可能拥有相当大的用户群体基础,也能真正开启区块链的光明大道。会后,Abir博士诸多行业好友进行了友好交谈,与币世界的阮本强分享了未来矿场租赁算力包即将上线发售的消息,后与Mateixport的Leon先生合照留念。


English/【Dr. Abir Saguer,co-founder of Future Mine and Computing Pool CEO, was invited toattend the "2019 CoinExChain Global Node Campaign Release Conference"】?On the afternoon of October 16th, the"2019 CoinExChain Global Node Campaign Release Conference" wassuccessfully held at the Courtyard by Marriott Shenzhen Bay. Our co-founder andCEO Dr. Abir Saguer was invited to attend. The conference was hosted by theCoinEx Foundation, co-organized by Mars Finance, and provided professionalsupport by professional media such as Golden Finance, Chain News, Ear Finance,and Ostrich Block. Participants in the conference covered exchanges, projectparties, financial media, financial institutions, industry leaders, etc.,aiming to jointly explore the break-up of the exchange's public chain, andconduct a deep analysis of DEX.


Under the current situation that blockchaintechnology has not been applied on a large scale, Dr. Abir Saguer said thatCoinEx named the conference as “the wind and the sea”, which is enough to showits dynamism. Issues such as “The current status and future exploration ofblockchains” are also issues that the mines have been thinking about in thefuture. The public chain is the cornerstone of the blockchain industry, but thecurrent technological breakthrough is still the biggest bottleneck restrictingthe development of the public chain. BTC and Ethereum are the first and secondgeneration representatives of the public chain, respectively, and the thirdgeneration of public chains are still being explored. From the point of view ofthe exchange, CoinEx has seized the decentralized DEX as its developmentdirection. If it can be realized, it is possible to have a considerable userbase and truly open the blockchain.

After the meeting, Dr. Abir Saguer had afriendly conversation with many friends. He shared the news that the Future Minerental calculation package will be launched soon, and then took a photo withMr. Leon of Mateixport.



