当前位置: 玩币族首页 > 行情分析 > 比特币完成减半之后,超50%矿机已关机或濒临关机状态


2020-05-13 Block Beats 来源:火星财经

律动 BlockBeats 消息,据币印矿池数据显示,比特币减半后,按当前币价计算,在非丰水期电价(0.37 元)情况下,蚂蚁矿机 S19 Pro、神马 M30S+、芯动矿机 T4+等新一代高算力矿机电费占比已几乎达到 50%,净收益较比特币减半前的 90 元/天下降约 30%,当前收益仅为 30 元/天。而同样也是刚推出不久的新矿机 S17 系列,神马 M31s 系列等每日净收益已不足 10 元。蚂蚁矿机 T17、神马 M21s、芯动 T3、阿瓦隆 A1045 等多个矿机已达到关机币价。

若按照丰水期电价(约为 0.25 元)计算,其中蚂蚁 S19 Pro 日净收益近为 38 元,神马 M30s 日净收益为 26 元左右。如果考虑矿场其他运维成本,收益或还会减少。不过丰水期对老矿机来说还是最后一个机会,丰水期电价下,蚂蚁矿机 T17 系列、神马 M21s、芯动 T3 等矿机仍可保持每日 10 元左右的净收益。

不过,不论是否处于丰水期,老一代机皇 S9 都应已完成使命了。即使丰水期电价的情况下,S9 系列矿机如果开机,每日净亏损也会在 1.77 元左右。

按此前比特大陆吴忌寒预计,减半后全网算力或将下降 20%。目前来看,全网超半数矿机在非丰水期电价的情况下已经达到关机币价或濒临关机币价。即使丰水期电价下调,对于矿业来说仍是一大挑战。S9 已经无力回天,而几乎 2018 年推出的矿机也已不具备算力优势。早期布局新矿机的矿工或可占领更大市场。

Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats Beats. The program is currently being tested online for Security Review and will first attempt to integrate with the ETH blockchain. According to the law, all processes of generating random numbers can be divided into two categories: true random numbers and pseudo random numbers. True randomness can be generated by some basic procedure, such as rolling dice or flipping coins. PSEUDORANDOM is generated by computation, usually with the aid of the PSEUDORANDOM number generator number generator, PRNG. In practice, the latter is more prominent because it can be easily integrated into a variety of computer applications. The key is to ensure that the random numbers generated by these algorithms are indeed unpredictable. Until now, even decentralized applications have had to rely on random centralized sources. CHAINLINK's solution to this problem uses old cryptographic primitives and utilizes a decentralized incentive mechanism. A smart contract that wants to take advantage of Chailink's VRF, passing a seed to a node, which then uses its key to generate a random number. The results are posted on the chain along with the proof of the password. Anyone can verify it with an oracle public key, just like a bitcoin signature. A malicious node can not return a forged random number because the signatures do not match and the malicious node faces a fine. The first use case currently being explored is lossless lottery pool together. Although it is called a "game" , it is more of a mechanism to stimulate savings. Participating customers lock up the principal and purchase the "deposit ticket" . One vote and one draw will win the reward. But participating users can get their full principal back even if they don't win the Grand Prize. So far, the game's game administrators have been using highly centralized random resources, which could be a source of contention. As for CHAINLINK's solution to some of the game's problems, Chainlink's founder and CEO said, "in Blockchain Games, my view is that decentralized blockchain games will not be affected by centralized games. ". The problem with Centralized Games is that they focus on the idea that the people who create them are manipulating them for their own benefit, or that they are devaluing the goods in the game. "

律动 BlockBeats 提醒,根据银保监会等五部门于 2018 年 8 月发布《关于防范以「虚拟货币」「区块链」名义进行非法集资的风险提示》的文件,请广大公众理性看待区块链,不要盲目相信天花乱坠的承诺,树立正确的货币观念和投资理念,切实提高风险意识;对发现的违法犯罪线索,可积极向有关部门举报反映。

本文来源:Block Beats


编译者/作者:Block Beats
