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2020-06-18 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




At the moment, intelligent robots have the ability to learn on their own, the ability to learn without fear, the ability to learn without fear. If there is an application that can adapt its resources to work on the Internet, we set a goal, it can buy the resources it needs and output the products it needs. The whole system is a closed-loop ecosystem. The input value and feedback value approach each other infinitely. The goal gap is realized by self-adjusting Internally, according to the instructions set by the Creator, computers Extract Information and process it, make decisions, this kind of proxy software is intelligent, and we need this balance, whether we're an individual or a group, for example, the human body temperature is stable at around 37 degrees, depending on the external environment, the body's ability to regulate itself. The same goes for platforms like UGC, which, in order to realize the value of the pass, need to create these large ecosystems, to enable the product itself, to enable more people to own and recognize the platform itself, and to really address the pain points of the industry, more and more people approve of the development of the platform, so that the operating ecosystem of the platform can be balanced and profitable. There is also a case study in computer virus, where the code that destroys a computer's function or data is constantly copied inside the computer, while the computer virus is self propagating and contagious, with the spread and replication of files, the virus was spread quietly, in the blockchain if a virus placed on how effective it will be? If the virus wants to spread, then it has to pay for itself, which adds to the cost of replicating, and once the user has identified it as a virus, we can identify its public key, so the reputation system can crack down on this kind of behavior, we're not willing to trade with it. The trade in the spread of the virus was limited so that it could not be spread, and the miners were reluctant to move worthless streams of information unless the virus makers acted maliciously and would rather spend a lot of money to spread it and pay for the miners, but Game Theory says that people with high computing power, tend to contribute to the system, not destroy the ecosystem, so blockchain technology could be a good place to start.




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