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2020-07-06 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




We're watching an epic documentary about the rise of a great power, and the power of technological innovation is limitless. The 15th, 16th century discoveries of the Spanish seafaring world, the 17th century advent of the Dutch Central Economic Bank, and Watt's steam engine ushered in the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, by the beginning of the 19th century, Russia's rapid rise, followed by Japan's 100-day reform, through the rapid iteration of technology, became the world's second largest economic power, and by the beginning of the 20th century, the final level of the United States of America once again rotated to the top of the world, and there were repeated moments in history when the genie of Technology was released from the bottle again and again, these magic elves can really be used by us, perhaps these are the core force of economic development, if we can make good use of them, then we can get better benefits, undeniable, the first generation of the Internet brought great impact to the industry, the industry has been effective transformation. The same blockchain's trusted protocol may bring about a new change, with the attributes of openness, value, decentralization, and global participation attached to the trusted protocol, despite all the instability, speculation and abuse at this stage, the next 5-10 years are going to be very different. Some people compare bitcoin and the dollar to the Internet and paper, we can reach a common standard agreement on the trusted protocol. Currently, the probability of BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY R & D companies surviving is very low, because the killer APP hasn't exploded yet, and the startup failure rate is very high, it's not that blockchain technology is very bad, but we haven't found this breaking point. On the other hand, many people in the industry are looking for this breaking point, for example, BM uses VOICE to direct traffic to find out if this breakout point can activate the commercial blockchain APP, Sun's kidney stone rejects the traffic and click through rate that Buffett's lunch brings, and so on, these are all about finding valuable business applications for public chains, and DAPPS is sure that more and more people will come around to the idea of a trusted protocol, because if you really think about it, you'll be willing to accept it.





近期波动剧烈,小编结论很简单,没有金叉,没有支撑点,没有抛盘点,最近关注了7月4号的 VOICE,感觉可能会搞事情如果需要免费梯子,可以加小编VX1093628138,备注梯子。另GOC正在重新登录治理舞台,PI也可以关注一下,对于用户来说或许是一种机会,加微信进入木星群。



