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【第282期】#家谱家风区块链记忆# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

2020-07-16 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络









Family style, also known as family style, is a style and fashion passed down from generation to generation. Family style is passed down from generation to generation. It is important for the passing on of skills, but it is even more important for the passing on of family style, family Spirit can show the spirit of family members, moral life, aesthetic and the whole family's cultural heritage. The family ethos of a family is usually set by the example of the elders'practice. After the elders'practice, future generations will imitate and improve according to the elders'life style and moral feelings, and constantly perfect the family motto, this soft power will enable future generations to go further and produce talented people, such as the descendants of the Qian family, who have produced dozens of academicians, scholars and experts in various fields, which are closely related to their family style. The following movie in the deep impression of Zeng Wenzheng family training to share their experience. Zeng Guofan, a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty, had a historical controversy over his official deeds. People both praised and slandered him, but his family style and letters from his family could be said to be highly respected, it is also a collection of books and books on the wisdom of dealing with people and teaching children. He believed in Confucianism all his life, and advocated abstinence, abstemiousness, and Diet. The eight famous quotes extracted from Zeng Guofan's family style are books, diligence, harmony, thrift, respect, frugality, forgiveness, and health. Book, I personally understand as more reading, daily to keep reading to enrich their knowledge. Diligence, diligence and hard work can let oneself constantly review knowledge point and constantly create wealth and export labor force. And, to be easy going, to be honest with your friends, to trust that those around you will be inspired to treat you in the same way, although Zuo Zongtang and Zeng Guofan often argued over political differences, after Zeng Guofan's death, zuo Zongtang speaks very highly of Zeng Guofan (to be continued) . He seems very unfriendly, but he turns out to be very cute. Thrift, in the family style large epic documentary, many famous people are pushing to be diligent and thrifty, Zhu Xi said, a rice porridge when thinking hard-won, half a wisp of constant material hardship, can be seen thrifty can sustain the family for a long time. Saving, means constant self-examination, if a person can do three provinces a day, then he has nothing to worry about. To forgive, means to forgive, to forgive those who have made a mistake, as the saying goes, when the water is clear, there is no fish; when the man is watchful, there is no man. To forgive and deal with others is to let those who know that they have made a mistake The Way, Way Back, as the ancients said, the prodigal son can not be exchanged for gold, you can see the power of forgiveness. Health, health, we need to have a healthy body, so, I think here is to encourage future generations to carry out physical exercise, good health is the work of the capital. The sixth generation of Zeng Guofan's grandson Yue said, "It seems to us that Zeng's family is simple and progressive, and his family motto has been handed down from generation to generation. His family teachings are all incorporated into his ancestors' life of self-cultivation, renunciation, keeping house, making friends, employing people, dealing with the world, managing finances, studying, entering politics and ruling the army. " He strongly recommended the book to the world, he said that it would be beneficial to have a good taste. Whether it is the family motto of Zhu Xi, or the family ethos of the Ye family, or the family virtues of Peking Opera of the Tan family, or the family ancestral motto of the Qian family, or the family ethos of the Zeng family, they all convey to us that filial piety is the first of all virtues, we need to do good, take the initiative to help people in need around, and continue to accumulate their good virtue, coupled with thrift, and continue to work and study, so that our family can flourish and flourish, the style of the country! Stand in the tuyere block chain, family tree family can block chain memory? Of course, genealogy can be remembered, the benefits are clear, no longer need to spend human and material resources to continue the family tree, the family can also remember, and can be permanent memory, will never lose the essence of words. The reason for writing the original 1,000 + words about family style is that the little treasure in the family needs to register for the Xuzhou Academy. Another reason is that the real pain point is that many people have lost their family tree and the family tree is broken, unable to find his own lineage, he combined with blockchain traceability to conclude that the genealogy on the chain would not be lost, would not go wrong, would be accessible at any time, and would not go wrong if we started with Pangu, unless humans migrated.





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