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2021-07-02 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络


Filecon is an incentive layer token (Fil coin) based on IPFS protocol, which can also be said to be the value system of IPFS, and is used to encourage more nodes to contribute their own storage and bandwidth to participate in the IPFS ecosystem. The two are complementary and promote each other, and together provide excellent solutions for decentralized distributed Internet. The number of Fil coins issued is 2 billion pieces, and it will take 60 years to dig them out by the 6-year halving mechanism, of which 15% are protocol laboratories, 5% are Fil foundations, 10% are venture capital institutions, and 70% are miners with 1.4 billion.


With the team's high efficiency and reliable strength, forward-looking and revolutionary projects, and the most critical value, the Protocol Lab obtained investment from Sequoia Capital in 2017.

大名鼎鼎的红杉资本于1972年在美国硅谷成立 ,经过近50年的发展,红杉资本享誉全球创业风投领域。红杉资本作为第一家机构投资人的角色,投资了Apple、Google、Cisco、Oracle、Yahoo、LinkedIn等多家世界500强公司,成绩斐然,打造出一个闻名全球的投资标杆形象。而红杉资本中国则投资了几乎所有中国近50家互联网巨头,包括如阿里巴巴、蚂蚁金服、京东、美团、滴滴、摩拜等。

The well-known Sequoia Capital was established in Silicon Valley in the United States in 1972. After nearly 50 years of development, Sequoia Capital enjoys a good reputation in the global venture capital field. Sequoia Capital, as the first institutional investor, has invested in many Fortune 500 companies, such as Apple, Google, Cisco, Oracle, Yahoo, LinkedIn, etc., and has made great achievements, creating a world-famous investment benchmark image. Sequoia Capital China has invested in nearly 50 Internet giants in China, including Alibaba, Ant Financial, JD.COM, Meituan, Didi and mobike.

Filecoin 存储市场是一个可验证的市场,由区块链网络来进行验证。Filecoin 存储市场中客户提出存储数据的需求,而存储设备的供给方为存储矿工,提供他们的存储空间。存储并非一次性服务,需要存储矿工的稳定性及持续性。存储矿工可以通过三个方式获得奖励:交易费;区块奖励;网络交易加速费。交易费及网络交易加速费为客户事前支付,区块奖励为系统所生成。

Filecoin storage market is a verifiable market, which is verified by blockchain network. In the Filecoin storage market, customers demand to store data, while the supplier of storage equipment is the storage miner, providing their storage space. Storage is not a one-time service, which requires the stability and continuity of storage miners. Storage miners can get rewards in three ways: transaction fees; Block rewards; Internet transaction acceleration fee. Transaction fees and network transaction acceleration fees are paid by customers in advance, and block rewards are generated by the system.


Mine No.7-Building a new generation of Internet foundation. Founded in 2018, the company is a firm builder of distributed storage ecology, building a new ecology of data value circulation, allowing everyone to fully control their identity, assets and data, and the mining mechanism is open, transparent, credible and automated. Use mobile phone to centralize APP No.7 Mine and quickly open the mining ecological model. Let 5.4 billion mobile phone users around the world have the opportunity to dig out FIL. Committed to promoting IPFS to accelerate global consensus and make FIL more valuable.

相信七号矿场和 FIL生态不断完善与区块链的融合,技术人员和建设者共同推进分布式网络技术领域的开发和建设,也将使越来越多的人意识到七号矿场和 FIL与区块链融合带来的价值和好处,并相信七号矿场和 IPFS将成为下一个区块链领域建设的基础。

It is believed that the continuous improvement of Mine No.7 and FIL ecology and the integration of blockchain, and the joint efforts of technicians and builders to promote the development and construction of distributed network technology will also make more and more people realize the value and benefits brought by the integration of Mine No.7 and FIL with blockchain, and believe that FIL and Mine No.7 will become the foundation of the next blockchain construction.


