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Bituan(币团)交易所运营周报 (11月11日—11月15日)

2019-11-15 币团网 来源:区块链网络




1. 整合订单系统至币币交易面板;

2. 整合法币交易系统;

3. 实名认证正在研发人脸识别系统;

4. 解决app闪退问题;

5. 新增热门币种标识;

6. H5和pc端新增火种置换入口;



1. 联合ECO2项目方开启30万元等值ECO2大放送活动;

2. 平台支持并开通TRC20-USDT充提;

3. 为满足市场的多样化需求,币团平台于2019年11月14日开放TRC20-USDT的充提功能;

4. 筹备“学习区块链,暨Bituan(币团)第二届区块链资源私享会”;

5. 上线HBD,开放HBD/USDT的交易市场,并于11月14日开放重提和交易;

6. 举行双11交易送积分活动;

7. 录制并剪辑新版App操作流程视频,便于广大用户熟悉和操作。

Bituan Weekly Report

(November 11th - November 15th)

This week, we have made major breakthroughs in platform R&D. Real-name certification is developing face recognition systems, H5 and PC-side new fire replacement ports, and new hot currency identifiers, which solve the problem of App flashback. In terms of operations, the Double 11 event was successfully held and the event was very enthusiastic. Recording completes the new version of the App operation process, which is convenient for users to familiarize and operate the new version of the App.


1. Integrate the order system to the currency transaction panel;

2. Integrate the legal currency trading system;

3. Real Name Certification is developing a face recognition system;

4. Solve the app flashback problem;

5. Add a hot currency identifier;

6. New fire replacement ports are added to H5 and pc;

7. Temporary maintenance of the ETFP wallet has been completed, and the ETFP charging function has been activated.

Operational aspects:

1. The joint ECO2 project party will open a 300,000 yuan equivalent ECO2 large-scale broadcast event;

2. The platform supports and opens the TRC20-USDT charge;

3. In order to meet the diversified needs of the market, the coin group platform opened the TRC20-USDT replenishment function on November 14, 2019;

4. Prepare for the “Learning Blockchain and the Second Block Resource Sharing of Bituan”.

5. Launched the HBD market, opened the trading market of HBD/USDT, and opened the reopening and trading on November 14;

6. Hold a double 11 transaction to send points activities;

7. Record and edit the new version of the App operation process video, so that users can be familiar with and operate.



