当前位置: 玩币族首页 > 新闻观点 > 区块链大型巡回播放第147期“电子合同”


2020-03-06 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



With the development of Internet economy, electronic contract has been widely accepted for its convenience and efficiency, such as user agreement when registering web site, supply contract of electronic commerce platform, etc. , internet finance-related transactions and so on rely on effective electronic contracts, these contracts can be used as a basis for the restraint and protection of both sides of the gap and rights. The establishment of electronic contract and other electronic transaction certificates and other management mechanisms can ensure the legitimate rights and interests of all parties in network transactions.

Because electronic contracts are operated on the Internet, it is important to ensure the authenticity of electronic contracts. At present, the main way to guarantee electronic contracts is through electronic signatures. These transactions are created in a database by a single trusted authority. In contrast, block-by-block-driven shared databases, where transactions can be created by either party, may contain some restrictive trading rules, such as total funds unchanged or other restrictions, in electronic contracts, it is very difficult for general users to have the right to draft, the intermediate service providers are basically forced to draft in advance, no brain to agree to operate.


