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2020-03-29 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



In Game Theory, there is a prisoner's dilemma model, where individual rationality deviates from collective rationality in certain cooperative situations, which is considered unscientific in human development, the rational nature of the individual chooses not to cooperate in the first place, and we still seek to cooperate. Because their cooperation is in the best interest of all, but they're willing to sell out their partners without talking to each other. In exchange for their own interests, so that the best interests of the seller, while doing so would violate the interests of all, but human nature is selfish. We also can't get all the participants to reveal their true feelings, so we have to set the bar. Consider making a strong contract or contract, and then playing the game over and over again, so the smart contract appears, and it looks fantastic, but the strong contract already exists in the society, and it's out of the normal machine monitoring, can smart contracts really work?

Blockchain machines have immutable and irreversible features, such as computational power that determines their logical legitimacy, and automated execution by relying on intelligent contracts and digital currencies, where digital currencies, can Be understood as a high degree of consensus to form a currency, compared to the regular machine is very complex, the cost of enforcement is very high, intelligent contract can save costs, through the blockchain relocation of conditions, triggered automatically, a cost violation constrains the defaulter, and the smart contract stands out as it should.


