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2020-04-03 辛勤的pi矿工 来源:区块链网络


Pi Node Beta ReleaseWe’re rolling out the first Beta version of Pi Node today. When we first launched Pi on Pi Day 2019, we aimed to release the first version of the Node software by the end of Q1 2020. Achieving this important milestone is the first step towards building the Pi testnet, and ultimately towards decentralization of the network, one of the two primary goals of Pi’s Phase 2 strategy.

This Pi Node release not only enables the core team to test, revise, refine, and scale Pi’s consensus algorithm, but also provides a desktop interface for all Pioneers to access Pi App functionalities. Everyone can download and use the Pi App interface of the Node, while Pioneers who want to run a Node on Pi’s testnet will participate in an application and screening process through the node interface.

Along with the software, we are also releasing a document that describes more details about the node itself, its selection process and criteria and testnet stages on the same website. Keep in mind that this is the first beta version of the node and the purpose of the testnet phase is to test, iterate and improve the software.

We’re excited to present you Pi Node and celebrate this milestone with you, and open to any of your feedback through the topic below.


PI节点第一版本发布我们今天推出第一个测试版的圆周率节点。当我们在2019年圆周率日首次推出圆周率时,我们的目标是在2020年第一季度结束前发布第一个版本的节点软件。实现这个重要的里程碑,是建立π网的第一步,并最终走向网络的分散化,这是π第二阶段战略的两个主要目标之一。这个Pi节点的发布不仅使核心团队能够测试、修改、细化和扩展Pi的共识算法,还为所有Pi App功能提供了一个桌面界面。每个人都可以下载并使用节点的Pi应用程序接口,而想在Pi的测试网上运行节点的先驱者将通过节点接口参与应用程序和筛选过程。与软件一起,我们还发布了一个文档,描述了关于节点本身、其选择过程和标准以及同一网站上的测试网络阶段的更多细节。请记住,这是节点的第一个测试版本,测试网络阶段的目的是测试、迭代和改进软件。我们很高兴为您呈现圆周率节点,与您一起庆祝这个里程碑,欢迎您通过PI币挖矿APP反馈问题。



