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DFINITY 中国媒体专享会:互联网软件正在吃掉世界

2020-07-02 DFINITY 来源:火星财经

Questions from PAnews


Q: DFINITY has entered the final stage of the road map, Tungsten (tungsten), and enteredthe beta testing stage. How far is it from releasing the main network?

目前 DFINITY 已经进入路线图的最后一个阶段 Tungsten (钨),并开启测试网,预计离主网上线还有多久?

DW: So there are five public milestones. The first was copper, November last year. Thesecond was bronze, January this year. The 3rd is tungsten. And there's two more Sodium &Mercury. Sodium is the end of Q3, And mercury is the public network and that's at the end ofthe year,

我们一共有 5 个主要的里程碑,第一个是 2019 年的 11 月份的黄铜,第二个里程碑是今年的 1 月份达成的,叫青铜。然后第三个是我们现在的达成的钨测试网,第 4 个将会是第三季度末的钠测试网,最后一个也就是今年年底,汞,它是我们的主网,也就是说我们的主网会在今年的年底上线,谢谢给分店这些创始之初的愿景就是想做金融以太坊的智能合约平台,但目前的发展方向是不是和当初的计划有一些不同,为什么会做出这样的调整?

Q: The vision of founding DFINITY is to be a smart contract platform compatible withEthereum, but is the current development direction different from the original plan? Why isthere such an adjustment?

DFINITY 创始之处的愿景是做兼容以太坊的智能合约平台,而目前的发展方向是不是和当初的计划有所不同了?为什么会有这样的调整?

DW: So, In early 2017 our goals was to take Ethereum and speed it up using our consensustechnology, And to up governance systems. That was the original plan, just to speed upEthereum and the governance. We didn't really have any money in our first Founder rise InFebruary 2017. we only aimed to raise 1 million Dollar but in the end, we raised much moreand in 2018 we did a big round. We were able to adjust to trajectory to the big picture.

在 2016 年和 2017 年初的时候,我们当时看到了以太坊的一些缺陷,我们想要做的是将以太坊的共识速度加快,同时能够把以太坊的治理进行优化。但是在 2017 年 2 月份,我们做了首轮融资,当时我们的目标是融资到 100 万美金,但是到 2018 年我们又融到了更多的钱,所以就可以在此基础上将我们整个愿景进行了优化,希望能做的更好。

Q: How will the CANCAN program start its cold launch, and what promotion plans does ithave?

CANCAN 计划如何冷启动,有着怎样的推广计划?

DW: Cancan is only a sample app, a demonstration code so the DFINITY foundation justwant to help developers and entrepreneurs accelerate their projects. The DFINITY foundationis developing source code that anybody can use that implements popular internet services.Previously we implemented Linkedup it was like LinkedIn, this time we implementedCancan and we also created a simple Zoom app internally we're going to share but we don'twant to run services on the internet computer ourselves. We want entrepreneurs and
investors to build the next generation of internet services on Top of the internet computer butwe have to demonstrate and guide people how to do it。

We chose CANCAN because it presents unique challenges. Firstly, users upload anenormous amount of data to Tiktok every second with lots of videos, and so that
presents particular Challenge for a Blockchain. Also, not many people imagine aBlockchain streaming videos. We demonstrated two things that we can handle lots of userdata. We demonstrated that we can handle the streaming of videos.


我们之所以选择看看这样的一个应用程序,也是因为它是一个开放式,类似于抖音的的一个 APP, 这是非常具有挑战性的。因为我们都知道我们所有的用户每时每刻都会上传海量的数据到抖音上,所以这个应用随时随地会处理海量的数据,同时也需要进行视频播放。如果我们能够实现 CanCan 这样的一个应用程序,也就说明了即便是在区块链这样一个对数据处理速度比较慢的基础设施上,我们也是能够做到运行 Cancan这样的应用的。

Q: How is the progress of LinkedUP since its launch at the beginning of January? How manyusers do we have now?

1 月初推出的 LinkedUP 目前进展如何,有多少用户了呢?

DW: Linkup is the same. It's a demonstration app so we want to take the Linkedup code anduse it as a starting point to create real internet services. We just are trying to providedemonstrate to developers how they can build things on the internet computer. So, when theinternet computer, the public internet computer launches at the end of the year. Developersalready have a head stop developing interesting internet services that will run on the internetcomputer.

Linkup 这个应用的情况和 Cancan 是一样的,它只是一个示范的应用软件,用于给开发者展示,开发者是可以去构建和开发类似的软件。也就是说到今年年底我们主网上线的时候,这些开发者可以用到我们的代码,也同样有一个起点来做一些相应软件开发在我们的互联网电脑上。

Questions from Chainnews

Q: Dfinity has delayed the release of Internet computers before. Can you tell us whatproblems were encountered and how the team solved them?


DW: The internet computer is much more complex than a traditional Blockchain like BTC oreven Ethereum, really, much, much more complicated. So in order to deliver the internetcomputer,we have to build quite a big organization. So currently we have four researchcenters, we had to population research centers with brilliant scientists and engineers. I thinkwe underestimated how long it would take to build the current organization, It was a bigChallenge. but now we succeeded and in recent times, the DFINITY foundation has becomea power house. In these five public milestones, the first three milestones have been deliver ontime.

互联网计算机和传统的区块链,像以太坊和比特币是有很打的不同,它非常的复杂,需要一个非常大的工程师的团队,我们拥有 4 个分布在世界各地的研发中心,也雇佣了非常多的工程师和科学家,最开始我们低估了构建这样一个团队所需的时间,这确实是一个非常大的挑战,但是现在我们都获得了成功,我们的刚才提到的前三个里程碑都有已经按时的完成。

Q: Dfinity's main network Internet computer (Internet Computer) is also called the developernetwork, and has developed a new language called Motoko. If you want to build anapplication, do developers need to learn this language? What advantages do the network andlanguage have for developers?

Dfinity 的主网互联网计算机(Internet Computer)又称为开发者网络,并开发出全新语言 Motoko,若要建立应用,开发者需要学习这种语言吗?该网络及语言对于开发者来说有什么优势?

DW: You can build systems and services on the internet computer using any language butcurrently, the main language supported are rust and Motoko. Rust is a very popular emerginglanguage. People have also build systems on the internet computer using C and Hascal. Astime goes on, more and more languages will be supported on the internet computer.

Motoko is designed to be a very easily accessible mass market. Mainstream language fordevelopers It's specifically tailored for the internet computer environment. It's designed byAndreas Rossberg, who is the co-creator of Webassembly?

总的来说,开发者可以用任何语言在互联网计算机上开发软件。但目前在我们的互联网计算机上用于开发的主要两个语言一个是 Rust,还有一个是 Motoko, rust 是一种非常新兴的开发语言,人们也可以用 C 和其他的语言来进行开发,在未来我们将会支持所有的开发语言,那也就是说你用任何语言将来都能够在我们互联网计算机上进行开发。

Motoko 是非常容易的一种语言。它从设计之初就考虑到了要为广大开发者服务,是非常容易上手的一种语言。他的诞生就是针对互联网计算机的使用环境而开发的。这个

语言是我们的团队成员之一 Andreas Rossberg 发明的。他同时也是 Webassembly 这种语言的共同的创造者之一。

Q: Now we know that Defi is quite popular, but people find out that the gas fee can bevery,very costly. So, we would like to ask what is the advantage or potential for internet

computer in terms of this?
因为最近 Defi 在以太坊非常火,但是也有存在 Gas 费用比较高的问题。您是否看到这

个问题,那在互联网电脑上建立 Defi 相关的应用有什么优势?有什么潜力?

DW: On the internet computer we have an equivalent of gas and it's called cycles. Thedeveloper charges the software with cycles so that it can run, and the cost of
individual transactions function calls a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the cost of an Ethereumtransaction. It's insignificant. So this will no longer be a hurdle or Breaking on adoption.

And this is because the internet computer is much, much, much more efficient and it canincrease its capacity with demand. It doesn't have a fixed capacity like Ethereum。

在我们的网络上我们也有一种类似于的 Gas 费用,我们称之为 cycle,开发者在发送每一笔交易的时候也会被收取这样的一个费用,但是相比以太坊的费用来说,这个费用是非常小的,基本上是很多分之一,所以基本上可以忽略不计。


Questions from Mars finance

Q: We have noticed in CanCan's introduction that it's not controlled by any company orgovernment. Will there be a special community that's in charge of the daily maintenance ofCanCan? And if some user groups get too large in their influence,will it be a threat to thesafety of CanCan as a whole?

在 CanCan 的介绍中提到其不由任何公司或者政府实际掌控运营,那么今后会不会成立一个特殊的社区去负责 CanCan 的日常维护?假设 CanCan 上特定群体发展到一定规模,它会对 CanCan 的整体安全性造成威胁吗?

DW: In the next milestone, it will be possible to assign control of an internet service to atokenized governance system. You can take an internet service like CanCan at assign controlto a tokenized governance system so that it becomes open internet service and is autonomous.The concern is that maybe there’s going to be bad content, but an open internet service usesexactly the same mechanisms to moderate content as a traditional internet service. All of thesame moderation systems can be used by open internet service as they can be used by aclosed or prior to internet service like Tiktok, so it doesn't have to change. They work thesame way. But an open internet service can also extend moderation responsibilities to itscommunity, and it can use its governance tokens as incentives to get people helping withmoderation. There are two different ways: you can continue open internet service with thetraditional way of monitoring content, or it can lean towards algorithmic communitymoderation。

下一个里程碑,我们将在互联网服务中加入代币化的经济激励机制和治理机制,这将实现 CanCan 等互联网应用的全自治化,而其中可能存在的不良内容是主要顾虑。但是,开放式互联网与传统互联网所使用的内容调节机制是完全相同的。也就是说所有这些相同的调节机制可以用于开放式互联网服务的同时,也可以用于像 Tiktok 这类非开放式互联网服务。所以调节机制本身不需要发生变化,它们的工作原理是完全相同的。然而,开放式互联网也可以将调节管理的任务交给它的使用社区,并依靠代币机制激励大家参与管理。总的来说有两种实现方式:我们可以在公开式互联网平台使用传统的内容监管机制,也可以通过算法来驱动社区自治调节管理。

Q: We have noticed that there is only less then 1000 lines of code with CanCan. Wouldn’t itbe too short? We’ve learned C++ in university. Even for the simpliest“helloworld”program,we need six lines of code. The storage space required to host videos isusually very large, so if we can build a safe and reliably video network by only 1000 lines ofcode,can we say that the external development method is undergoing a transformation?

That is,the bottom line of website development is gradually lowered.

CanCan 是以少于 1000 行的代码进行构建的,这是不是过于简短?在大学学习 C++的时候,入门的“hello world”程序都需要 6 行代码来完成。承载视频所需要的储存空间是比较大的,如果可以通过 1000 行的代码去构建出一个安全又较为可靠的视频网站,是不是证明今后基于外部端的开发方式正在发生变化?也就是网站外围开发门栏在逐渐降低。

DW: Yes. For example,there's a library class called bigMap, and the library class can beused to store images,user profiles,videos,and stream segments. It automatically handlesscaling. But on the Internet Computer, we have a model called orthogonal persistence. We

persist memory pages. This library class, bigMap, behind the scenes can automatically createnew canisters to store more data, and it can hide the complexity from the developer of aninternet service like CanCan. It's definitely true that the Internet Computer model greatlysimplifies the job of developers creating the mainstream internet services to scale.

是的。举个例子,我们之前有一种程序类库叫 bigMap,它会自动处理和扩展用户所上传的图片,用户资料,以及视频流文件。但互联网计算机所采取的正交持久性模型可以保持代码的持久化。bigMap 程序类库会在后台自动创建新的代码机去储存更多数据,这个复杂的过程可以向 CanCan 等互联网计算机用户隐藏。毫无疑问,互联网计算机模型极大程度上简化了开发人员对于创建可扩展主流互联网的工作。

Questions from 36Kr Odaily
Q: Just now you’ve mentioned that Motoko is a language that’s very easy to master. So I

would like to know how long it will take for developers to master the Motoko language?刚才您提到了 Motoko 语言对于开发者来说是非常容易掌握的。所以我想了解一下一般的开发者需要花多长时间才能够掌握这门语言?

A: Motoko is designed to feel familiar to developers. Many developers will learn Motoko inless than an hour. It also include a lot of features of other languages and it is designed to be

simple and easy for developers. But Motoko is very powerful. It’s designed by one of the bestcomputer language teams today.

Motoko 的设计理念就是把它设计为一种开发者会感到非常熟悉的语言。许多的开发者都可以在一小时之内就掌握这种语言。同时 Motoko 也包含了许多其他语言的特征,它本身的设计就突出了容易上手的简洁性,对开发者非常友好。但与此同时,它又是一个非常强大的语言,由当今最棒的计算机语言开发团队之一领衔设计。

Q: The launch event before metioned that Internet Computer is now open to third-partydevelopers and extrepreueus and operates on independent data center networks in Europe andthe United States. Can you share some data and statistics with us about how many developersand companies have now joined Dfinity’s Internet Computer platform? Can you please namea few representative cases?

之前在 DFINITY 的新闻发布会里面提到了,DFINITY 的 Internet Computer 现在已经向第三方开发者还有企业家开放,并在欧洲和美国的独立数据中心网络上运行。那这里能否给我我们提供一个数据,现在已有多少开发者和企业入驻了 Dfinity 的互联网计算机平台?您能举出几个比较有代表性的案例吗?

DW:I can’t give you exact numbers but the downloads of the software development kit are inthe thousands. And today is the first day that we have opened applications for 3rd partydevelopers. Though we do have some projects that we let in early but today is the openingday. An example would be the Origin project in Switzerland. Origin is creating a pan-industry platform for high-end Swiss watches like Rolex.

Before today, developers could only use the software development kit to create systems andservices on a local internet computer, into a local Internet Computer simulation. After today,third-party developers and other projects and so on can get access to the Internet Computerand incubate and run the systems and services that they have been developing on their localinternet computer on a real network. So it’s a big step forward and by the next milestoneSodium, I believe there will already be a number of very very interesting projects running onthe Internet Computer.

我暂时无法向您透露具体的数字,但我们的软件开发包下载量已经达到了数千。虽然我们之前也有少量的项目提前进驻,但今天是我们向第三方开发者开放的第一天。 关于案例,一个例子是目前有一个来自于瑞士的 Origin 项目,这个项目旨在建立一个瑞士名表的泛产业交易平台,主要涉及的是一些高端的瑞士手表比如劳力士等。

在今天的发布之前,所有的开发者只能使用软件开发包在本地的互联网计算机上对我们的环境进行模拟。从今天开始,第三方开发者和项目可以真正地进入到互联网计算机的网络中,并将这些他们开发的系统和服务在我们的网络上进行孵化和运行。这是我们向前迈进的一大步。到我们下一个里程碑也就是 Sodium (钠) 版本的发布时,我相信将会有很多非常有趣有意义的应用项目已经在我们的互联网计算机上运行。

Q: Why did DFINITY choose to launch CanCan? From the perspective of mediaobservation, we’ve already seen many attempts made by other Blockchain projects in 2018

and 2019 that claim to develop social network products and almost all of them have failed.The concept of “blockchain+social media” has hardly been a success so far and we haven’tseen any successful cases and unicorns emerged from this track. Therefore, can you pleaserespond to similar questions and doubts that people may have towards CanCan?

为什么选择做 CanCan 这个社交产品?站在媒体观察的角度,我们在 2018 和 2019 年也接触了很多用区块链概念去做社交网络的产品,但是根据我们的观察这些“区块链+社交网络”的概念最终都未能取得成功, 我们也没有看到成功案例及独角兽的出现。所以能否请您回应一下这方面的质疑?

DW:It’s true that a lot blockchains have claimed to support social media projects but I’m notaware of any blockchain that’s capable of hosting an Internet system or Internet service. It’sjust doesn’t exist. Today we only really have Ethereum which can host smart contracts thatcan do some very basic DeFi but it’s not really an enterprise system or an internet service onblockchain today. People make claims that it is but that’s not true. On the Internet Computeryou can fill things on the Internet and even the web pages will come from cyberspace, and itcan scale out its capacity as well as performance. Today, there’s nothing like that. I knowthere’s a lot of noises in the industry, but when you dig deeper into the technicals, typicallyyou will find that it’s not real. None of it is real.


Q: Another question is about DFN Token. What role does it play in the ecosystem ofCanCan? Will CanCan launch some trading functions in the future?

另外一个问题是关于 DFINITY 的代币 DFN 的,请问它是如何在 CanCan 的生态中起到作用的?它在 CanCan 生态中能够扮演哪些角色?未来 CanCan 是否也会推出一些交易功能?

DW:When you create an open internet service, it will be controlled by a tokenizedgovernance system, and the governance tokens can be sold and exchange. So in the future,enterpreneurs may sell governance tokens to raise money for development. But typically, itwill work differently to earlier models and it will work in a more conventional way.


Questions from Beep

Q: DFINITY was founded in 2016 and in the past 4 years, the whole blockchain technologyhas also made some great progress. What adjustment and improvements has DFINITY madein the past few years in general?
我们知道 DFINITY 创立于 2016 年。在过去的四年中,区块链技术也有了长足的发展,那么 DFINITY 在构想和其他宏观方面上做出了哪些改进和调整?

DW:The original vision of DFINITY was articulated in 2015, but it was difficult to raisemoney back then. We created the foundation in October 2016, and then the network ledgerwas created in January 2017, and we ran our first fundriaser in February the same year.There’s a huge amount of technical work that has been done, and the Dfinity foundation hasthe strongest cyptography team among any organization, not just in blockchain but in termsof any organization worldwide. So we’ve been able to push the boundaries of what’spossible.

我们最早的构想始于 2015 年,但那时候募资有一定困难。我们在 2016 年十月创立了Dfinity 基金会,在 2017 年 1 月建立了网络层,并在同年 2 月做了我们的第一轮募资。我们做了大量的技术工作,Dfinity 基金会有着最强的密码学团队,这个最强不仅是在区块链领域,而是在全球范围内来说都可以说是首屈一指。因此我们得以能够不断地去拓展技术的边界,实现更大的构想和更多的可能。

The best way to understand this is that traditional blockchain project has a white paper. TheInternet computer project will have a hundred white papers or more. And before networklaunch, all of the technical details will be made public and we’ve begun releasing moretechnical information and we’ve begun releasing source codes. We are very lucky to havesome of the world’s best researchers and engineers. People are going to see some veryintersting new science before Mercury, which is the public network.

一个可以方便您了解这个概念的例子是,传统的区块链项目可能会发布一个白皮书,但我们互联网计算机的这个项目将会可能有成百甚至更多的白皮书. 在主网发布之前,我们会将所有的技术细节对外公布。目前我们已经开始发布这些信息和源代码。我们非常情形能够拥有一些世界上最优秀的研发人员以及工程师。在我们主网上线之前,大家将会能够看到一些非常有趣的新的技术及研发成果。

Q: There is a consesnsus reached in the industry that there is an impossible triangle whichmeans that security, performance and decentralization cannot be satisfied at the same time.What’s Dfinity’s solution for this issue?

业内其他项目一直都存在区块链不可能的三角这个问题,就是说它的去中心化,安全性和可拓展性是无法同时满足的。那么 DFINITY 在这个问题上给出了一个怎样的解决方案呢?

DW: It’s nonsense. (laugh) You never know, maybe it’s all made up, right? But I thinkpeople can look at the backgrounds of the Dfinity foundation team and make their own mindsup. Maybe we made a mistake and we forgot about the triangle (laugh), I don’t think so. Ithink there are a lot of pseudosciences in blockchain. You can hear about things like theimpossible triangle and all these crazy things that almost like superstitions or something thatare not based on real science. In the end, people would have to look at the Internet Computerand the real science and make their own minds up.

这个概念完全是在胡诌。也许这些东西都是杜撰出来的,谁知道呢对吧(笑)。但我认为大家可以看一看 Dfinity 基金会团队的背景资料然后有一个自己的思考和判断。也许我们犯了个错误完全忘了有这个三角呢 (笑) 开玩笑的,我并不这么认为。我认为现在在区块链业界有很多伪科学。你会听到很多像不可能的三角这种很疯狂的概念,听上去像是某种迷信之类的东西,总之不是基于真正的科学的。我想最终,当大家看到互联网计算机和它真正的技术能力的时候,应该就不会为不可能的三角这样的问题而担忧了。

Q: Many prople in the industry including Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, belive thatcommunity is more important than code. How is the community ecosystem planned onInternet Computer and will the Chinese community plays an important role in it?很多业界人士包括以太坊的创始人 V 神都认为,社区比代码更为重要。那 Difinity 在互联网计算机的社区生态方面是如何规划的,中国社区又会在其中扮演怎样的角色?

DW:In a sense I agree with Vitalik for his kind of blockchain for Ethereum and fortraditional blockchain, people are obsessed about the token, and you can increase the price ofthe token by having a community of people that believe like a religion. So for someblockchains, it’s all about community. But the Internet Computer and the Definity foundationis all about science and engineering and extending the internet so we can build the future.Therefore, we don’t think too much about creating a community to support a token. It’s adifferent perspective and mindset. When we think about the Internet Computer, we thinkabout changing how people build systems and internet services. We don’t think aboutcreating a traditional blockchain with community of people that support the token. For usthat’s not interesting, what we want is to extent the internet and change how the world buildsystems and internet services. We want all of the world’s software and data on the InternetComputer. That’s what we care about. We don’t need a community of token holders for this.We want to make the Internet Computer as a better way for people to build systems andservices.

在某种意义上,我认同 V 神以及他对以太坊的愿景。对于传统的区块链项目而言,人们是执迷于代币的,并在发行代币之后利用一个对这个代币非常认可的社区,来实现代币价格的增长。这些社区的支持者们有点像宗教狂热一样的去支持代币和币价,所以对于一些区块链项目而言,建立起这样的社区对他们来说是一切。但对于互联网计算机和 Dfinity 而言,科学技术和工程研发,以及如何拓展互联网的潜能并构筑未来,这才是我们的一切。因此,我们并不会过多的去考虑构建一个社区去支持发币,这是我们的一种不同的思维和角度,和传统的区块链项目,发币和社区为主导的思维有所不同,这不是我们的主要兴趣所在。我们想要的是希望世界上的软件和数据都能够到互联网计算机的平台上来,这是我们的愿景,而这个愿景并不是能由一个持币者所构成的社区而实现的。我们希望能够让互联网计算机成为构建更多系统和服务的更佳解决方案,成为一种新的思维和开发模式。

The Internet Computer project looks to the whole world, not just in blockchain. And we thinkthat smart contract is just a silly word for bad software that runs in a secure environment.And sometime the blockchain industry uses mysticism in order to cover for technicalshortcomings. And the word smart contract is an example and because it’s so limited, theycan’t be called software they have to have a special name, and that’s the way it is.


So effectively, the Internet Computer project envovles a novel, a new kind of blockchaincomputer that we want to host not just smart contracts, but all of the world’s data and all ofthe world’s system and all of the world’s services.



Questions from ChainDD

Q: I’m more interested in the future scenario planning and expansion for Dfinity. Forexample when Ethereum comes out, it gave birth to DeFi and things like ICO. What are someof the foreseeable innovation and expansion of scenarios for more applications, adoptionsand implementations in the near future?

我比较关注在 Dfinity 在未来的一些场景方面的一个开拓,因为其实大家都能够看到,在以太坊出来的时候,它其实诞生了包括 DeFi 这种场景也好,比如 ICO 这样的也好。那我们能够在 Dfinity 上面看到哪些可预期的场景的创新和开拓?

DW: This year, we are going to see major growth in the number of people learning about theInternet Computer and building new systems and services on the Internet Computer. Andthey will do that because the Internet Computer provides a new better way to build systemsand services. And in the future, people will create systems and services just by writing codeto the Internet where it will run in a secure and unstoppable environment. So I think manyenterpreneurs would want to create new systems and services personally, but we also talk toenterprises and we have various universities running Internet Computer and Motoko pluses (1小时 13 分 50) next year. So even before the network launches, there will be a lot of growthin the use of the internet computer. But it will follow a different pattern comparing totraditional blockchain adoption. It will have less to do with tokens and more to do with beinga superior platform.

今年我们将会看到一个互联网计算机使用人数的一个大的增长,会有非常多的人通过互联网计算机来构建他们的系统和服务。他们可以做到这些是因为互联网计算机提供了一种实现这些构建过程的一种新的方式。在未来,人们将能够通过在互联网计算机这个安全的环境中写代码来实现更多这样的构建。对于企业家来说,他们可以在这个平台上开发创立个人的项目,我们同时也与很多机构进行的接洽,比如一些大学将会从明年开始运行互联网计算机并使用 Motoko 语言。所以在我们主网发布之前,我们就会看到非常多的互联网计算机的应用和增长。但这种增长是通过一种与传统区块链项目有所不同的方式来实现的,它不是以发币为中心,而是以构造一个更优质的平台为要义。

Questions from DfintyFun

Q: We watched the live press release of the Internet Computer yesterday, and we werethrilled to learn about the technology update. We believe more and more people will acceptthe concept of Internet Computer. There are lots of people in DfinityFun community that payattention to more technical issues, like the specific data storage and application scenarios andthe type of Internet application that would be most suitable to develop on Dfinity platform.Please give us more introduction on these two areas. We also learnt that there would be someparadigm shift in future data storage. For example, we used to store data in database, but nowpeople with the Internet Computer can write code directly on HashMap. What’s the databehind this? How people will get used to this new way of coding? Or what are some of thedevelopment advantage of the new model?

昨天我们和社区的朋友一起观看了整个发布会的过程,大家非常的兴奋和激动。我觉得互联网计算机这个概念现在已经被越来越多的人所接受。社区里有不少朋友在关注更多技术性的问题,比如说数据存储和具体应用场景,以及现在哪些互联网应用类型更适合在 Dfinity 上构建应用。请您根据这两方面给出相关介绍。我们还了解到未来数据的存储可能发生范式变化,比如说不再需要数据库而可以直接在 HashMap 上写代码。这背后有哪些数据支撑?大家会如何习惯这种方式?或者说这个新模式会有怎样的发展优势?

DW: Anything. We reimagine software. We wanted to make software development muchsimpler, and we wanted to bring back the joy of software development. The legacy stack ismuch too complicated. We wanted to develop us to focus on what, not how. Today, whenpeople write code,systems are very complex. If it’s an internet service, you have database,

mancashed, web server, firewall, all these pieces. We want to remove all of thesecomplexities and just allow people to describe the logic of their system. Our solution isorthogonal persistence in which developers can just write code, and the Internet Computerpersists the memory pages as the code runs.


Paul: Our overall idea is to simplify traditional software development, which is constrainedby reliability and safety. After these two issues are solved effectively, the current middlewarein development will be unnecessary. We think that is a huge simplification. A further step ofsimplification is in the data storage area. Because of the instability of storage, we need tostore data on hard drive, which is completely unnecessary. The latest hard drive technologycan already solve this issue. Hence, if we still apply the mindset from decades ago, thetechnology platform we construct will be outdated. Dfinity has made great improvement inthis field by developing orthogonal persistence model. This model enables developers toforget about persistence issue. As long as the program written is not deleted, it will keeprunning. It is a huge logical simplification for developers. They don’t need to imagine codesand programs in some complicated environment but continuously run in a virtual space.Developers only need to modify program status and trust the rest to the platform for itsreliability, safety, and persistence.

我们的整体想法是去简化传统的开发站,技术站。很多传统的技术都被可靠性和安全性所局限,但在这两个问题得到有效解决后,现在开发中所用的中间件就没有必要继续存在。我们认为这是一个非常大的简化。更进一步的简化应用于存储方面。现在由于存储的不稳定性,我们需要在硬盘上做出备份,但这是完全没有必要的,最新的硬件技术已经可以解决这样的问题。因此,如果再应用几十年前的思考方式,我们搭建出来的技术平台架构就已经过时了。Dfinity 在这个领域进行了较大开拓并发布了数据持久化方案。这个方案使开发者不需要再担心持久化问题,只要程序被写出并没有被删除,它将会一直运行。这从逻辑上对开发者来讲是一个巨大的简化,他们不再把程序想像成一个存在于复杂环境中的应用,而可以在虚拟空间持续运行。开发者只需更改程序状态,其余可信赖平台的可靠性,安全性, 和持久性。

DW: It was actually an interesting story. It was a comment from Paul. In February 2018, westarted this orthogonal persistence plan. Paul gave me the idea that we could persist thememory pages. I thought it was a great idea, developing the system and everyone’s life. Atthat time, we thought the project would be too complicated, but it worked very well.

这其实是一个有趣的故事。它实际上源于 Paul 在 2018 年 2 月跟我提出的想法。为了达到我们所希望的代码持久性,我们需要做到存储页的实现。这是个很好的主意。不过当时我们团队觉得这个想法实现起来非常复杂,但最后还是得到了很有效的解决。

Q: From the press conference yesterday,we felt that Dfinity is trying lower the bottom line

of coding and wanted people to focus more on the application or idea itself through an easyway to displace the idea and see the final output. In other words, we want to transfer thelower-level programming concepts to the actual ideas and to display that specific ideaswithout complex underlying structures. These underlying structures will actually be built onDfinity platform, right?

我们感受到 Dfinity 的目标是想降低编程的门槛,更多希望大家把重点放在应用或者创新想法上,通过一个很容易的方式将想法展现出来并看到最终效果。实际上是说把更底层的编程概念转移到想法本身,并针对具体想法进行迅速展现,而不需要构建复杂的底层结构。这些底层结构实际上会在 Dfinity 自己的系统上构建,对吗?

DW: Yes,it's correct. I could give you an example. We reimagined what software is to

improve software development. There's a venture capitalist in silicon valley called a16z, andthe motto of a16z is “software is eating the world.” We want internet software to eat theworld.

您的理解是正确的,我可以给您举一个例子。我们在做的是重新构想软件来提升软件开发的效率。在硅谷有一个著名的风投基金叫做 a16z,他们的格言是“软件正在吃掉世界”而我们的想法是互联网软件正在吃掉世界。

原文标题:DFINITY 中国媒体专享会:互联网软件正在吃掉世界


