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2021-10-28 三元区块链 来源:区块链网络

感谢大家关注三元社区最新一期的 AMA,今晚我们有幸请来 David 欢迎 !Thank you for your Following our latest AMA. My name is Sunny and I will be your host tonight! Tonight, we have the honor to invite David with us.

Welcome David!

感谢:链闻 ChainNews、、Odaily 星球日报、PANews、Tokenview、三元资本 TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。Thanks: ChainNews, Winkrypto, Tokenview, PANews, and Ternary Capital for their strong support for this event.

大家安静啦,让我们开始今天的活动Be quiet, everyone, let's start today's activity

请大家在第一个环节中不要发言,在第二个环节中请踊跃地提出自己的问题。Please refrain from speaking in the first session, and please actively raise your questions in the second session.

首先我们有请 David 来为我们详细解答下关于 CELESTIAL 的问题哈~First of all, we have asked David to answer our questions about CELESTIAL in detail.

Let's start today's Q&A

1、Could you please briefly introduce about yourself and CELESTIAL as well?能否请您简单介绍一下您自己和 CELESTIAL?

Hey! I'm David the manager of celestial. Celestial is a cross-chain metaverse game that combines GameFi, SocialFi, and NFT Swap with the theme of interstellar warfare. The players are able to ‘Play and Earn’.嘿! 我是 celestial 的经理 David。 Celestial 是一款结合 GameFi、SocialFi、NFT Swap,以星际战争为主题的跨链元宇宙游戏。 玩家可以“玩和赚钱”。

The ultimate goal of Celestial is to create a metaverse of its own, where in the world Celt tokens are used as the basic economic support, the warship NFT is used as the way of display form of its own property, and the game is the expression of the entire metaverse.Celestial 的最终目标是创造一个属于自己的元宇宙,在范围内以 Celt 代币作为基础经济支撑,以 NFT 作为自身财产的展示方式,游戏就是表达整个元宇宙。

We created worldviews and a background story for Celestial and it is left incomplete, which means the operations made by the players will have impacts on the whole story.我们为 Celestial 创建了世界观和背景故事,但它是不完整的,这意味着玩家的操作会影响整个故事。

The total amount of the Celestial token is 5Billion, and it is distributed to:

2、Can you give us some information about the gameplay of CELESTIAL ?您能给我们介绍关于 CELESTIAL 的游戏玩法吗?

The gameplays of Celestial: First buy crystals and then exchange Moore boxes. Each Moore box will bring at least one warship. The quality of the ships from low to high is Alpha-Beta- Delta - Gamma -Omega. Warships above the Delta level (including Gamma), can be upgraded. The upgrades will significantly increase your hash power and attack defense power. you can also get crystals by staking stable coins or WOKT then opening the Moore boxes. Limitation is staking are 100USDT and 2Wokt. z

Celestial 的玩法:先买水晶,再换摩尔盒子。 每个摩尔盒子至少会带来一艘军舰。 舰船质量从低到高依次为 Alpha-Beta-Delta-Gamma-Omega。 Delta 级以上的战舰(包括 Gamma),可以升级。 升级将显着提高您的哈希能力和攻击防御能力。 您还可以通过放置稳定币或 WOKT 然后打开摩尔盒子来获得水晶。 限制是 staking 是 100USDT 和 2Wokt。

After getting the warship, you can salvage Celt token by using warship. The Celt token is our main token, and currently it is lauched in OKEx. You can convert celt to xcelt according to a certain time ratio, and you can get different xCelt at different times. xCelt can increase the speed of your crystal collection in the acceleration system by up to three times.获得战舰后,可以使用战舰打捞凯尔特令牌。 Celt 代币是我们的主要代币,目前在 OKEx 上线。 可以按照一定的时间比例将 celt 转换为 xcelt,不同时间可以得到不同的 xcelt。 xCelt 可以将您在加速系统中收集水晶的速度提高多达三倍。

3、Can you specify a little bit more about what CELESTIAL is going to build and your roadmap?您能否详细说明 CELESTIAL 将要构建的内容和路线图?

Recasting stats system

Mining within the planet3 The Star Alliance system

Predatory system

land auction

Urban construction

Battle system


星球内挖矿3 星空联盟系统




4、Can you tell us about the token economic model of $Celt and how the token is empowered?能否介绍一下 $Celt 的代币经济模型以及代币是如何使用的?

Here is our tokenomics and economic model for CELT这是我们的 CELT 代币经济学和经济模型图

For now you can use celt to accelerate the speed of mining, secondly you could use it to upgrade the warship, and you could also buy NFT by using CELT. The upcoming feature: Recasting the stats, you also need CELT for it. In the future, There will be more function of CELT, so save your CELT, it’s gonne be more valuable as time goes by.现在可以用 celt 加速挖矿,其次可以升级战舰,也可以用 CELT 购买 NFT。 即将推出的功能:重铸统计数据,您还需要 CELT。 未来,CELT 的功能会越来越多,所以保存好你的 CELT,随着时间的推移它会更有价值。

5、What companies are you partnered with or seeking to partner with in future ?未来与哪些公司合作或寻求合作?

Here is the picture of all partners we have reached cooperation with.这是我们已经达成合作的所有合作伙伴的图

6、What mechanisms have been put in place to safeguard the game from front-running bots?采取了哪些机制来保护游戏免受前端机器人的攻击?

We use OKExChain's official random oracle scheme to guard against scientists, so the random number that opens the box is safe and reliable enough and will not be attacked by scientists.

我们使用 OKExChain 官方的随机预言机方案来防范科学家,所以开箱的随机数足够安全可靠,不会被科学家攻击。

For the prevention of scientists in the panic buying scenario, we will pass in the encrypted random number through the contract call. The same random number cannot be used for each call, which effectively prevents most scientists. At the same time, we will periodically change the algorithm parameters to achieve Continuous protection of scientists

为防止科学家出现恐慌性抢购场景,我们将通过合约调用传入加密随机数。 不能每次调用都使用相同的随机数,这有效地阻止了大多数科学家。 同时,我们会定期更改算法参数,实现对科学家的持续保护

7、How can we get Celestial's NFT? Will Celestial have a built-in NFT trading market, or will it be traded in other trading markets? Who is currently cooperating with Celestial?我们如何获得 Celestial 的 NFT? Celestial 会内置 NFT 交易市场,还是会在其他交易市场进行交易? 目前谁在与 Celestial 合作?

You need to get crystals by staking USDT or WOKT, then trade it for Moore boxes,opening the Moore boxes. When you open the box, you will get a NFT. There is also a small scale NFT market within the game. Where you could buy NFT by using CELT.

需要通过抵押 USDT 或 WOKT 获得水晶,然后用它换取摩尔盒子,打开摩尔盒子。 当你打开盒子时,你会得到一个 NFT。 游戏中还有一个小规模的 NFT 市场。 您可以在哪里使用 CELT 购买 NFT。

8、There are many similar projects on the market today. Do you have any unique features that you have developed that make you special and different from other projects?目前市场上有许多类似的项目。 您是否开发了任何独特的功能,来凸显项目的优势?

multi-chain games, data transparency. Social empowerment, build a high-stickiness player’s community. Multi-chain universe, the grand future of social and finance多链游戏,数据透明。 社会赋能,打造高粘性玩家社区。 多链宇宙,社交金融的宏伟未来

很感谢今天 David 的分享,我们也了解到很多关于 Celestial 的信息~接下来就是我们的社区提问环节啦Thank you for your wonderful answer. Next is the community questioning session

1、Question :What advantages does Celestial have in chain games?Does Celestial have any support from OKchain?

答:Data transparency, play to earn, multi-chain game. We have reached long term cooperation with Okexchange, got funded by okex dreamblock venture.

2、Question :when will I be listed on the exchange?

答:It's already listed on Okexchange MXC LBANK Bibox.

*3、Question :How much is the total amount of tokens, how much is in circulation at present, and how is it distributed? Is there a destruction mechanism?*答:check this picture.

4、Question :Do we have an NFT airdrop plan now?

答:Pay close attention to the twitter and TG, there will be some free NFTs airdrop events

5、Question :What is the Star Alliance system?

答:Where players could join as whole, and gain extra BUFF for mining and attack stats. More information will be released in official sites.

6、Question :Excuse me, what is your website, Twitter, dis


7、Question :What are the biggest advantages of building a NFT game on OEC?

答:Low gas fee, Celestial is high integration game, every step done by the players would be uploaded to blockchain, which cost gas fee.

8、Question :When can chain games be played?

答:It's already launched on OEC for a month now, and we will launch our beta on BSC Chain today. Don't miss it.

9、Question :Can we use CELESTIAL'S NFTs to BORROW/LEND to get mining rewards?

答:You could stake your NFT in salvaging pools to mine CELT.

10、Question:What can the spacecraft NFT be used for?

答:For now ,you could state it for CELT, or join the RIFT for better rewards. PVE system is coming out soon, which also need NFT for it.

感谢 David 带我们了解到很多关于 CELESTIAL 的项目信息,由于时间关系,今天的 AMA 到这里就结束了 Thanks to David for bringing us a lot of project information about CELESTIAL. Due to time constraints, today’s AMA ends here.最后感谢大家一直以来对我们的支持和关注,我们将持续输出更多优质资产和项目,谢谢大家今天的陪伴。 Finally, thank you all for your continued support and attention. We will continue to output more high-quality assets and projects. Thank you for your company today.最后感谢 David 来到三元社区,希望未来的 CELESTIAL 更加强大! Finally, thanks to David Come to Sanyuan Community, hope that the future CELESTIAL will be stronger!



