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big chain 翻译

1. 科普 | 叔块验证与网络安全性



2. 力场AMA:基于NULS的跨链新星NerveNetwork如何盘活Defi生态

...We still don’t have a final number but NULS has 800-1000 TPS and NErve will be a lot faster!参考翻译:我们仍然没有最终的数字,但是NULS有800-1000TPS, Nerve会更快!提问2:BTC如果要跨链到NULS,N?erve?是怎么处理的?BTC到?Nerve?到NULS,还是BTC到NULS?回答:you need to send BTC to a multi-signature address (you still hold keys) so it enters NerveNetwork...


3. AMA:基于NULS的跨链新星Nerve如何盘活Defi生态

...We still don’t have a final number but NULS has 800-1000 TPS and NErve will be a lot faster!参考翻译:我们仍然没有最终的数字,但是NULS有800-1000TPS, Nerve会更快!提问2:BTC如果要跨链到NULS,N erve 是怎么处理的?BTC到 Nerve 到NULS,还是BTC到NULS?回答:you need to send BTC to a multi-signature address (you still hold keys) so it enters NerveNetwork...


4. bm 就是big mouth。EOS我大概率要在山顶站岗了!唉!发文谢罪!

...引起轩然大波,始作俑者就是这张被广泛传播的图片,用我的59分英文水平翻译一下吧,Nocv 2019.就是害得我们都出不了门的新冠病毒,人人都厌恶它,Bm也关心或者是害怕这个东西,fatality rate是死亡率,新冠病毒有有2%的死亡率,那么封锁政策(containment)不太可能有效,我们正在伤害经济(economic)(...


5. PDX共识委员会质押机制详解



6. BlockchainInsuranceGlobalwillredefineinsurance

...ustry urgently needs a breakthroughAccording to data from the Big Data Research Center of BIG (Blockchain Insurance global), as of the end of the third quarter of this year, the total assets of China's insurance industry were 22.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.9 trillion yuan from the beginning of the year. In the first three quarters, insurance companies’ premium income was 3.7 trillion yuan,...


7. 谁会想到?EOS创始人BM发声:和谷歌云合作的“目的”是为了减少 Chinese 矿工【

...rm the image of EOS instead of being a perceived as a group of uh Chinese of questionable quality。翻译:如果Google cloud合作好的话,其它公司也会想要参与。那样就有可能转变人们心中对EOS的观念,而不是作为有质量问题中-国的一个集团。用人话说就是:现在EOS在人们心中不是高大上的东西,是Chinese的low逼东西,关键还是...


8. 加拿大数字知名媒体Digital Journal全面报道Filenet项目

...达数百万。原文链接:http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/454615特附上英文原文与中文翻译。Filenet — the World's First?Distributed?Storage Public Chain Who has Launched the?Main NetFilenet——全球首个主网上线并布局落地应用的分布式云存储公链What is the Trend in the Future?未来,趋势何在?The development of the digital economy is entering a new er...


9. 椰子(YAS)主网上线后,eidos的价值该何去何从?

...持eosio及B1AP:But it is what it is and we still support eosio and the wisdom and direction of b1.翻译:但这是事实,我们仍支持eosio和b1的智慧和方案They are still doing a great job and eosio still keeps evolving.翻译:他们做得很好,并且eosio仍在不断发展I would not deviate far from eosio since I trust b1 and their warchest.翻译:我相信b1和他们的坚...


10. DFCpublicchainMultiChaincoldwalletOnline

DFC digital financial application public chain since the line, constantly refresh the market height, users at home and abroad unanimously recognized. From the creation of the public chain to the online stable currency DRC20-USDT, to the decentralization of the exchange line incorporated into the non-small, gradually formed a new blueprint for DFC ecological layout. Each ecological plate constitute...


11. 【第293期】#区块链问答# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”



12. Big Binance 首席执行官表示其交易平台是其第二个竞争对手的 10 倍

...tCap 他目前是币安上访问量最大的 NFT 加密货币市场,与 OpenSea 和 Binance Smart Chain 等流行的 NFT 市场越来越接近,现在拥有更大的市场份额。80% 在 DeFi 市场 随着日常用户数量的增加,Binance还经营 “法规”币安仍是监管机构的目标正如预期的那样,该论坛在回答有关英国、美国、日本和德国监管机构是否...


13. TrustBase英文社区Q&A问题精选



14. Forbes,theKingofCross-Chain

What is the most popular blockchain project in 2020??There is no doubt that it is the strongest cross-chain — Forbes .Forbes is the latest generation of blockchain, so it can be said that it is a brand new blockchain model, or it is no longer just a blockchain project. As we all know, in the era of blockchain 1.0, Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin brought decentralized distributed bookkeeping, which ...


15. 盛大公链一站式DeFi超市——Big钱包应用

...不然,丢失了打开钱包的钥匙谁也无法帮我们找回钱包。区块链钱包(Block Chain Wallet):是密钥的管理工具,只包含密钥而不是确切的某个代币;钱包中包含了成对的私钥和公钥,用户用私钥进行交易,从而证明了该用户拥有交易的输出权;而输出的交易信息则被存储在区块链中;用户在使用钱包时,...
