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bit point

1. 区块链大型巡回播放【第52期】#谢林点# &“行情解读”

...ants make such a judgment game?In Economic Game Theory, Tomas Sherrin came up with the famous Focal point concept. It states that if a date is to be held in New York, the choice of time and place is, in theory, equal to any time and place, but the vast majority of people choose to go to grand central station in New York at noon, apparently New York's grand central station insurance factor turned o...


2. 比特币总量2100万的原因分析

...】   That explanation is close but not entirely compelling. IEEE double-precision floating-point format has 53 bits of significand precision, meaning it can address up to 253 − 1 satoshis without any rounding error. Well, that’s 9,007,199,254,740,991 satoshis, which is not anywhere close to 2,100,000,000,000,000 satoshis (or even 2,099,999,997,690,000 satoshis, which is the ac...


3. 摩根大通测试区块链以追踪抵押品汽车

...对提供贷款的车辆进行验证。 大通汽车研究与发展主管凯文·波因特(Kevin Point)表示:“此类贷款过程包括对经销商现场的所有股票进行定期的实地检查或审计。” “这意味着员工必须去经销商处识别汽车,然后在经销商的会计系统和银行系统中检查贷款协议是否过期。” 根据Point的说法,在美国...


4. 区块链大型巡回播放【第53期】#比特股的问题点# &“行情解读”

... to decentralize the design concept of using the value of BTS to pledge bitassets1. The equilibrium point of buying and selling: When users expect BTS to rise, they tend to hold, and when they fall, they tend to sell collectively. If no additional mechanism is designed to adjust the incentives for this change, it is very easy to cause a large number of users to liquidate the bitassets, resulting i...


5. 区块链大型巡回播放【第102期】#去中介化讨论# &“行情解读”

...an optimal balance between these three aspects, has become a technical challenge.From the technical point of view, we are concerned about the more likely disintermediation of finance. From the institutional point of view, we need to consider why finance needs to be disintermediated, the current disintermediation and disintermediation, it is not simply a rapid progression from one pole to another, ...


6. 启动Beta测试Reddit这次真要发币了?

...试,旨在为贡献内容的用户提供奖励。作为Reddit旗下“社区积分”(Community Points)新项目计划的一部分,这两个代币将会奖励给/ r / Cryptocurrency和/ r / FortniteBR两个子论坛成员。Reddit公司发言人表示:“我们将不断测试实验,以探索如何吸引用户、扩大社区功能。借助社区积分,我们将与两个论坛社区合...


7. 金色观察丨启动Beta测试 Reddit通证真要来了?

...试,旨在为贡献内容的用户提供奖励。作为Reddit旗下“社区积分”(Community Points)新项目计划的一部分,这两个代币将会奖励给/ r / Cryptocurrency和/ r / FortniteBR两个子论坛成员。Reddit公司发言人表示:“我们将不断测试实验,以探索如何吸引用户、扩大社区功能。借助社区积分,我们将与两个论坛社区合...


8. 就在刚刚,全球最大的社群网站也发币了

...站Reddit正在测试基于以太坊ERC-20的加密货币,被称为“社区积分”(Community Points)。该代币将使高级用户可以访问社区的某些部分,将面向至少2000万用户。随后官方发布文章证实此消息,文章表明其正在测试两种基于以太坊ERC-20的加密货币:$MOONS以及$BRICKS,这两种代币将分别发行给/r/Cryptocurrency和/r/Fo...


9. Reddit「社区积分」新进展曝光:最先发行 $MOONS 和 $BRICKS 两种以太坊代币

...解,这两种代币,都将作为 Reddit 此前披露的加密计划「社区积分(Community Point)」的一部分。与此前曝光的信息一样,Reddit 的会员可以使用这些代币进行投票、给内容创建者打赏和转账等操作。论坛还将显示用户的特定余额,以衡量他们的信誉。根据官网信息,为帮助识别潜在的漏洞,目前 Reddit 邀...


10. Reddit将为论坛社区推出两个ERC20代币

...错误。“为了帮助识别潜在的错误,Reddit邀请安全研究人员帮助发现Community Points中的漏洞。感兴趣的安全开发人员和研究人员应访问“白帽”页面。</blockquote>另请阅读:庞氏骗局可能会使以太坊的区块链拥挤另请阅读:“看起来是时候将Zcash连接到以太坊了,”约瑟夫·鲁宾(Joseph Lubin)说另请阅读:...


11. 七号矿场走在数据时代前端

..., with a value of at least 100,000. After nearly four months of adjustment, fil fell, from the high point on April 1 to the low point on July 21, 40 dollars. The decline was over 85%. During this period, due to various negative factors, the decline is too large. Fortunately, the cryptocurrency market is like this. After the decline, the rise is going to rise, and the previous callback is just like...


12. Reddit「社区积分」新进展曝光:最先发行$MOONS和$BRICKS两种以太坊代币

...解,这两种代币,都将作为 Reddit 此前披露的加密计划「社区积分(Community Point)」的一部分。与此前曝光的信息一样,Reddit 的会员可以使用这些代币进行投票、给内容创建者打赏和转账等操作。论坛还将显示用户的特定余额,以衡量他们的信誉。根据官网信息,为帮助识别潜在的漏洞,目前 Reddit 邀...


13. 区块链大型巡回播放第180期“区块链初级应用”

...cols and encryption, where there's no prohibition, it can be exchanged for French currency.From the point of view of bitcoin application, the combination of encryption technology and Internet technology forms a super-ledger system of data blocks, distribution, identity verification and chain circulation. It's a bit like the early days of the telephone, when communication was cumbersome and cables ...


14. 字节跳动垂涎、腾讯领投,但独角兽也克服不了“发币”难题

...以太坊基金会向网友公开征集扩容方案,来帮助 Reddit 的社区积分(Community Points)加入主网。Reddit 希望找到一种能在主网上支持数十万社区积分用户的方案,并最终能扩容到 Reddit 所有 4.3 亿月度用户。腾讯领资、字节跳动垂涎Reddit 有“互联网头版”之称,是一个内容极其多样、包容性强的社区论坛。R...


15. 可口可乐发布“像素味”可乐,诞生于元宇宙,它到底是个什么味?

...戏“堡垒之夜”中,创造了一套身临其境的数字体验,其核心是一个“Pixel Point”岛屿,玩家可以通过输入对应代码进入。进入后,玩家将在这个虚拟世界中发现Byte系列产品,并通过4个多人迷你游戏与其他玩家互动,其中一个游戏甚至置景在可口可乐的经典玻璃可乐瓶里。除了堡垒之夜Pixel Point岛屿,...
