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times of difficulty

1. 交易大师高歌:第三次减半后的挖矿难度下降幅度超6%

自2020年5月20日,比特币挖矿难度下降了6%,至15.14 T,而一周前,一些业内人士估计本次难度调整会下降2%。4月,比特币挖矿难度从13.91 T增加到14.72 T,然后增加到15.96T。这项指标最后一次出现下降是在3月26日,当时难度下降幅度16%排名历史第二,原因是3月12日市场崩盘后很多的矿工关闭了他们的矿...


2. BlockchainInsuranceGlobalwillredefineinsurance

On January 26, 2020, basketball legend Kobe Bryant was killed in a helicopter accident in Calabasas, California. Whenever an accident happens, apart from regret, the first thing we think of should be "insurance"! Because "Insurance is not used to change life, but to prevent life from being changed."The insurance industry urgently needs a breakthroughAccording to data from the Big Data Research Cen...


3. 市值突破2000亿的黑马Chia奇亚收益怎么样?

当前挖矿数据统计????? 截止至4月30日11时,网络内总存储容量已达1.18?EiB(注:1EiB=1024PiB)。网络内XCH的总供给量达到21,415,029?XCH枚(该数据包括预挖的2100万枚XCH,已存入Chia的战略储备中),主网上线以来被挖出的XCH已达415,029 枚。网络内的独立地址数为11,968个。每日每T预期产量( XCH/TiB DAY) : 截止至4月3...


4. HowcanInotlosemoneyincryptoinvestments?Whynottrystaking

... scalability of the blockchain, and can fundamentally solve the problem of "data islands" caused by difficulties in transactions between different public chains/side chains. It can be said that with the continuous development of blockchain, the importance of cross-chain technology has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and cross-chain technology will also contribute to the future of b...


5. METAWARRIOR--upcomingP2EtradingcardgamewithupgradedNFT’s+Staking.

IntroductionMETA WARRIOR?is an upcoming Play-to-earn game of the addictive battle Genre. It is built on Binance Smart Chain(BSC )Our team is dedicated to create?an NFT pay-to-earn game which will allow you to enjoy a new and different video game, also giving you the opportunity to earn money. After study the benefit of both BSC and gamefi, we decided to create this Meta warrior token. It brings in...


6. 比特币完成了史上降幅第二大的一次难度调整

今天上午比特币完成了史上降幅第二大的一次难度调整,下降了15.95%(从16.55 T降至13.91 T)史上降幅第一大是在2011年10月,下降了18.03%(从1.47 M降至1.2 M)还有一次难度调整幅度降次于这一次,是在2018年12月3日,下降了15.13%(从6.65 T降至5.65 T) ???不少朋友私信我提了一些问题——为什么挖矿难度可以调...


7. 重磅|WisdomChain即将融合强大的合约脚本编程能力

EnglishWisdom Chain is about to integrate strongcontract scripting capabilitiesThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL:https://twitter.com/Wisdom_Chain/status/1301765540990590976?s=2001Contract programmingSince the time when Bitcoin opened block chain in 2009, with the development of technology and ecology, the distributed application based on block chain (dapp) has shown...


8. 区块链大型巡回播放第228期“八个核心助力金融”



9. 重磅 | Wisdom Chain即将融合强大的合约脚本编程能力

在以太坊上,合约编程的语言是 Solidity,它是图灵完备且较为上层的语言,它虽然扩展了合约的能力范畴,降低了合约编写难度。EnglishWisdom Chain is about to integrate strongcontract scripting capabilitiesThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL:https://twitter.com/Wisdom_Chain/status/1301765540990590976?s=2001Contract programmi...


10. 【12.13国外百咖说:顺便学英语】比特币挖矿经历了十年来最糟糕的一年

Bitcoin miners held a stunning competition in 2019, lifting both the hashrate and difficulty to all-time highs. But it turns out for significant stretches, mining pools absorbed serious losses.比特币矿工在2019年举行了一场令人震惊的竞赛,将哈希率和难度提升至历史新高。但是事实证明,在相当长的一段时期内,矿池吸收了严重的损失。<hr><h2>BIT...


11. 还记得那位,花了10000个比特币买披萨的程序员吗?

今天又看到有回答提到2010年的时候,有个程序员花了10000比特币买了两张匹萨的事情。这被认为是比特币的首笔现实交易。看着现在比特币的行情,10000比特币就是一个亿美元。于是我便好奇这位程序员会是什么心情,于是去查了一下这位主人公Laszlo Hanyecz。在2010年5月18日,Laszlo在比特币论坛Bitcoin Forum...


12. efg海外宣发

...enterprises and regulatory agencies makes the process very cumbersome, bank audit also has many difficulties, and the supervision will be difficult. At present, blockchain technology has become increasingly mature, integrating multiple technologies such as chained data structures, distributed storage, encryption algorithms, consensus mechanisms, etc., which can fully achieve decent...


13. WD主网重大升级《伯利恒协议》

前言*:WD 自主网上线以来参加了全球训练技术矿工的关注,有俄罗斯、日本、以色列、韩国、中国、印尼等国家节点非常活跃,在 V1.0.0 版本中提出了很多积极的建议。和东京节点实验室的验证和积极推进下,特拉维夫节点实验室(节点实验室)决定推出新版本 v1.1.0,2021 年 7 月 19 日(GM+8) 08:00 AM 开...


14. 《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

making it impossible to calculate the value of S.The brief description of Schnorr Signature Protocol is as follows: Setup:x: random number (aka private key)G := common pointX: x*G(aka public key)Sign:r : random number (aka nonce)R: r* G(aka commitment)e : Hash(R。EnglishSchnorr Signature Algorithm of Wisdom Chain DocumentKnowledge BaseThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainU...


15. 挖矿基础知识

