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a chain

1. Forbes,theKingofCross-Chain

What is the most popular blockchain project in 2020??There is no doubt that it is the strongest cross-chain — Forbes .Forbes is the latest generation of blockchain, so it can be said that it is a brand new blockchain model, or it is no longer just a blockchain project. As we all know, in the era of blockchain 1.0, Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin brought decentralized distributed bookkeeping, which ...


2. Forbes, the King of Cross-Chain

What is the most popular blockchain project in 2020? There is no doubt that it is the strongest cross-chain — Forbes .Forbes is the latest generation of blockchain, so it can be said that it is a brand new blockchain model, or it is no longer just a blockchain project. As we all know, in the era of blockchain 1.0, Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin brought decentralized distributed bookkeeping, which ...


3. Hello World, I am Nerve ——the Bridge of Blockchain Value Circulation

...Nerve!What is Nerve?Nerve is a decentralized digital asset service network, which is a set of cross-chain interactive protocols based on the NULS microservice framework and developed with the NULS chain-building tool --ChainBox. It aims to break the status of the island of blockchain value, establish a cross-chain interoperable asset interaction network, and provide all the underlying support for ...


4. 区块链大型巡回播放【第21期】#侧链# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

...的沟通协议,我们需要这种外部转移,暂时让资产更好的流通起来。The side chain realizes the transfer of a tokens and other book assets in multiple blockchains. A tokens can not only circulate on its main net, but also on other blockchains. In order to make the a public chain more active and become a benchmark, advocates are willing to develop more side chains, such as the...


5. A Letter to the Bitcoin Community From Nerve

...n, which even exceeds the fiat market cap of many countries. In the development process of the blockchain various public chains have also emerged, however, assets on each chain have become islands of value, and some breakthrough Defi use cases cannot maximize their value due to the limitation of the local coin on the chain, therefore the emerging blockchain industry cannot continue to make strong ...


6. DEX上币超简单!CoinEx Chain网关服务平台上线

...oinEx DEX在上线时,也曾多次被问及如何解决跨链交易的问题。事实上,CoinEx Chain团队在今年DEX公链升级后便直接投入到跨链交易实现的技术解决方案研究开发工作。经过CoinEx Chain技术团队数月的努力,CoinEx Chain网关服务平台已于2020年5月底正式上线。CoinEx Chain网关服务平台是什么?CoinEx Chain网关是为实...


7. DFCchainmulti-chaincoldwalletiscomingonline

DFC digital financial application public chain since its inception, constantly refresh the market height, users at home and abroad unanimously recognized. From the creation of the public chain to the online stable currency DRC20-USDT, to the decentralization of the exchange line incorporated into the non-small, gradually formed a new blueprint for DFC ecological layout. Each ecological plate const...


8. 关键 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

开发者在未来可以添加更复杂的概念,比如WisdomChain聚合签名。聚合签名优势就在于将一笔交易中所有涉及的输入只需要一个合并签名就可以完成,大大减少了数据处理量,使网络速度更快,更加高效。EnglishSchnorr Signature Algorithm of Wisdom Chain DocumentKnowledge BaseThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainU...


9. DEX上币超简单!CoinExChain网关服务平台上线

...oinEx DEX在上线时,也曾多次被问及如何解决跨链交易的问题。事实上,CoinEx Chain团队在今年DEX公链升级后便直接投入到跨链交易实现的技术解决方案研究开发工作。经过CoinEx Chain技术团队数月的努力,CoinEx Chain网关服务平台已于2020年5月底正式上线。CoinEx Chain网关服务平台是什么?CoinEx Chain网关是为实...


10. 解析|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之条件支付

EnglishConditional payment of Wisdom Chain document knowledge baseThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL:https://twitter.com/Wisdom_Chain/status/1298458216725176328?s=20If we want to make a transaction now, I want to sell my data to you. what is the safest way of transaction?Obviously, there are two problems:Because what I sell is the data, certainly cannot give you dire...


11. DFCpublicchainMultiChaincoldwalletOnline

DFC digital financial application public chain since the line, constantly refresh the market height, users at home and abroad unanimously recognized. From the creation of the public chain to the online stable currency DRC20-USDT, to the decentralization of the exchange line incorporated into the non-small, gradually formed a new blueprint for DFC ecological layout. Each ecological plate constitute...


12. 录取率仅12.6%,VNT Chain在CCF A类国际顶级会议发表论文

近日,VNT Chain首席科学家刘振广博士带领团队在区块链智能合约安全漏洞自动检测方向取得最新科研成果--主题为《Smart ContractVulnerability Detection Using Graph Neural Networks》的高水平论文被人工智能领域的国际顶级会议IJCAI录取。IJCAI为具有悠久历史的CCF A类国际顶级学术会议,起始于1969年,每两年举办一次...


13. 重磅 | Wisdom Chain即将融合强大的合约脚本编程能力

...的语言,它虽然扩展了合约的能力范畴,降低了合约编写难度。EnglishWisdom Chain is about to integrate strongcontract scripting capabilitiesThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL:https://twitter.com/Wisdom_Chain/status/1301765540990590976?s=2001Contract programmingSince the time when Bitcoin opened block chain in 2009, with the development of techn...


14. 深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之多重签名

其他区块链技术通常是由第三方提供多重签名服务,但在Wisdom Chain上则是将其作为一个标准功能。这对于想要实现多重签名功能的自动化编程者而言,也意味着用户能够通过接口就可以实现多重签名功能。EnglishAggregate Signature of Wisdom Chain Document Knowledge BaseThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL...


15. 重磅|WisdomChain即将融合强大的合约脚本编程能力

EnglishWisdom Chain is about to integrate strongcontract scripting capabilitiesThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL:https://twitter.com/Wisdom_Chain/status/1301765540990590976?s=2001Contract programmingSince the time when Bitcoin opened block chain in 2009, with the development of technology and ecology, the distributed application based on block chain (dapp) has shown...
