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big chain公司

1. PDX共识委员会质押机制详解



2. BlockchainInsuranceGlobalwillredefineinsurance

...ustry urgently needs a breakthroughAccording to data from the Big Data Research Center of BIG (Blockchain Insurance global), as of the end of the third quarter of this year, the total assets of China's insurance industry were 22.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.9 trillion yuan from the beginning of the year. In the first three quarters, insurance companies’ premium income was 3.7 trillion yuan,...


3. 科普 | 叔块验证与网络安全性

...区块与叔块每一条区块链都会在运行中产生一条大家都认可的主链(canonical chain);而主链的辨识方法也是协议定义好的:最长的链,或者总工作量最大的链,等等。不过,网络的延迟意味着,可能会有两个区块在同一时间生成。那么,只有其中一个能最终成为主链的一部分,而另一个则必须被抛弃。...


4. Baer Chain游戏生态平台OASIS(绿洲)全球发布会正式发布

...孵化。开发者生态联盟“O+”正式成立“O+” 是由以Nexon、ACTFIVE等国际游戏公司为代表的全球158个生态合作伙伴共同组建而成,致力于在OASIS上进行基于Baer Chain生态的游戏开发与运营,打破游戏枷锁,重塑行业价值。另:小伙伴们不要忘了赢取BRC的活动。


5. OASIS全球发布会成功举办 亮点全揭秘

...春表示,几款游戏各具特色,感觉既有趣又刺激。在陈小春与多位韩国游戏公司高管,以及区块链网络合伙人佟扬的共同见证下,Baer Chain开发者生态联盟“O+(OASIS?PLUS)”正式成立。“O+”是由全球158个顶尖游戏开发公司共同组建而成,致力于进行基于Baer Chain生态的游戏开发与运营。为促进Baer Chain生...


6. DFCpublicchainMultiChaincoldwalletOnline

DFC digital financial application public chain since the line, constantly refresh the market height, users at home and abroad unanimously recognized. From the creation of the public chain to the online stable currency DRC20-USDT, to the decentralization of the exchange line incorporated into the non-small, gradually formed a new blueprint for DFC ecological layout. Each ecological plate constitute...


7. Big Binance 首席执行官表示其交易平台是其第二个竞争对手的 10 倍

...tCap 他目前是币安上访问量最大的 NFT 加密货币市场,与 OpenSea 和 Binance Smart Chain 等流行的 NFT 市场越来越接近,现在拥有更大的市场份额。80% 在 DeFi 市场 随着日常用户数量的增加,Binance还经营 “法规”币安仍是监管机构的目标正如预期的那样,该论坛在回答有关英国、美国、日本和德国监管机构是否...


8. 盛大公链实现万链互联,共建开放共赢的区块链网络生态



9. Baer Chain游戏生态平台OASIS全球发布会即将召开

...红影视明星陈小春,知名区块链媒体区块链网络合伙人佟扬、多位知名游戏公司高管以及区块链专家,将与Vincent一起共同见证Baer Chain游戏生态联盟的诞生!在发布会上,OASIS游戏平台将正式面向全球开放下载,平台5款大型优质游戏也将同时公开亮相。OASIS项目负责人Jasper将针对目前游戏行业所面临的痛...


10. 脉动新闻|辽宁聚焦区块链应用加快推进产业发展

...tific and technological enterprises attended the training.此次培训邀请上海玄贝科技有限公司CEO古千峰、中国分布式总账基础协议联盟技术委员会主任白硕、临港科创研究院区块链技术应用中心主任萧疆以及万商天勤律师事务所合伙人张烽等区块链领域金牌讲师,围绕区块链技术发展轨迹、区块链与人工智能的关系...


11. Forbes,theKingofCross-Chain

What is the most popular blockchain project in 2020??There is no doubt that it is the strongest cross-chain — Forbes .Forbes is the latest generation of blockchain, so it can be said that it is a brand new blockchain model, or it is no longer just a blockchain project. As we all know, in the era of blockchain 1.0, Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin brought decentralized distributed bookkeeping, which ...


12. 盛大公链一站式DeFi超市——Big钱包应用

...不然,丢失了打开钱包的钥匙谁也无法帮我们找回钱包。区块链钱包(Block Chain Wallet):是密钥的管理工具,只包含密钥而不是确切的某个代币;钱包中包含了成对的私钥和公钥,用户用私钥进行交易,从而证明了该用户拥有交易的输出权;而输出的交易信息则被存储在区块链中;用户在使用钱包时,...


13. Forbes, the King of Cross-Chain

What is the most popular blockchain project in 2020? There is no doubt that it is the strongest cross-chain — Forbes .Forbes is the latest generation of blockchain, so it can be said that it is a brand new blockchain model, or it is no longer just a blockchain project. As we all know, in the era of blockchain 1.0, Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin brought decentralized distributed bookkeeping, which ...


14. 加拿大数字知名媒体Digital Journal全面报道Filenet项目

...ge will be the trend, and its proportion will reach 40% in 2023.2019年10月18日,IDC(国际数据公司)与浪潮联合发布了《2019年数据及存储发展研究报告》。报告中指出,数据存储成为承载产业转型的基础平台,分布式存储成为趋势,2023 年其占比将达到 40%。?In the future, distributed storage is an inevitable choice and a new trend in the er...


15. OCX Exchange is invited to Chengdu |China Travel: Chengdu Station

...epted invitations from various parties, including Golden Finance and Economics, BIKI, currency win, CHAIN UP, Node Capital, to Chengdu to participate in offline activities."Golden Financial Audio Party"On October 18, the audio party co-sponsored by Golden Finance and Economics, BIKI, GOKO, CHAIN UP, QBTC, ONP, and other co-sponsored audio parties was successfully held in Chengdu. The event brought...
