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bitcoin add address

1. DeFi 开发者:如何调用NEST预言机价格数据

...码解析增加价格 function addPrice(uint256 ethAmount, uint256 tokenAmount, uint256 endBlock, address tokenAddress, address offerOwner) public onlyOfferMain{// Add effective block price informationTokenInfo storage tokenInfo = _tokenInfo[tokenAddress];PriceInfo storage priceInfo = tokenInfo.priceInfoList[endBlock];priceInfo.ethAmount = priceInfo.ethAmount.add(ethAmount);priceInfo.erc20Amount =...


2. Nifty钱包详细使用教程

...,点击ADD添加RDOC,RIFP:点击Tokens,然后选择add Token,然后选择Custom在Token Address中分别输入RDOC和RIFP的地址:RIFP address:0xF4d27C56595eD59B66cC7f03CFF5193E4Bd74a61RDOC address: 0x2d919f19D4892381d58EdEbEcA66D5642ceF1A1F输入后,如下图所示,并点击add添加完成以后就可以见到如下页面啦


3. 基于角色的以太坊区块链访问控制

...ole Based Access Control. */ contract RBAC { event RoleCreated(uint256 role); event BearerAdded(address account, uint256 role); event BearerRemoved(address account, uint256 role); uint256 constant NO_ROLE = 0; /** * @notice A role, which will be used to group users. * @dev The role id is its position in the roles array. * @param description A description for the role. * @para...


4. 智能合约变量储存机制详解

...;int16 c=32767;uint16 d=0x32;byte e=10;bytes1 f=11;bytes2 g=22;uint h=0x1; //uint是uint256的简称address i=0xbc6581e11c216B17aDf5192E209a7F95a49e6837;}优化存储原则:如果下一个变量长度和上一个变量长度加起来不超过 256bits,它们就会存储在同一个插槽里。根据交易查询到的存储在以太坊虚拟机上面的值,下面进行分析:0x00000000000000...


5. DeFi YAM,一行代码如何蒸发数亿美元?

... factor. indexDelta = indexDelta.div(rebaseLag); YAMTokenInterface yam = YAMTokenInterface(yamAddress); if (positive) { require(yam.yamsScalingFactor().mul(uint256(10**18).add(indexDelta)).div(10**18) < yam.maxScalingFactor(), "new scaling factor will be too big"); } //SlowMist// 取当前 YAM 代币的供应量 uint256 currSupply = yam.totalSupply(); uint256 mintAmou...


6. DeFiYAM一行代码如何蒸发数亿美元?

... ? ? ? ?indexDelta = indexDelta.div(rebaseLag); ? ? ? ?YAMTokenInterface yam = YAMTokenInterface(yamAddress); ? ? ? ?if (positive) { ? ? ? ? ? ?require(yam.yamsScalingFactor().mul(uint256(10**18).add(indexDelta)).div(10**18) < yam.maxScalingFactor(), "new scaling factor will be too big"); ? ? ? ?} ? ? ? ?//SlowMist// 取当前 YAM 代币的供应量 ? ? ? ?uint256 currSupply = yam.totalSupply()...


7. Kevacoin brief and how to mine

Kevacoin is a blockchain system that is designed based on the bitcoin and litecoin code. As the name tells itself, kevacoin is made up by two parts, keva and coin. coin is easy to understand, it follows the main stream to name a new block chain system, while keva is an abberivation for key-value. It is a key-value store built on blockchain. Kevacoin is not only a cryptocurrenty, but also a blockh...


8. 慢雾:DeFi 当红项目 YAM 闪电折戟,一行代码如何蒸发数亿美元?

... indexDelta = indexDelta.div(rebaseLag); YAMTokenInterface yam = YAMTokenInterface(yamAddress); if (positive) { require(yam.yamsScalingFactor().mul(uint256(10**18).add(indexDelta)).div(10**18) < yam.maxScalingFactor(), "new scaling factor will be too big"); } //SlowMist// 取当前 YAM 代币的供应量 uint256 currSupply = yam.totalS...


9. 分析 | YFValue,一行代码如何锁定上亿资产

... stake 函数和 stakeOnBehalf 函数,以下是具体的代码: function stake(uint256 amount, address referrer) public updateReward(msg.sender) checkNextEpoch {require(amount > 0, "Cannot stake 0");require(referrer != msg.sender, "You cannot refer yourself.");super.tokenStake(amount);lastStakeTimes[msg.sender] = block.timestamp;emit Staked(msg.sender, amount);if (rewardReferral != address(...


10. 揭开闪电贷的神秘面纱

...分析aave闪电贷源码前我们首先来看一个调用闪电贷的方法。function?flashloan(address?_asset)?public?{? ????bytes?memory?data?=?""; ????uint?amount?=?1?ether;ILendingPool?lendingPool?=?ILendingPool(addressesProvider.getLendingPool()); ????lendingPool.flashLoan(address(this),?_asset,?amount,?data);}该函数首先接受地址传参 _asset ?;将 data 信息赋值为空 ;将 a...


11. 慢雾:YFValue,一行代码如何锁定上亿资产

... stake 函数和 stakeOnBehalf 函数,以下是具体的代码:*function stake(uint256 amount, address referrer) public updateReward(msg.sender) checkNextEpoch { require(amount > 0, "Cannot stake 0"); require(referrer != msg.sender, "You cannot refer yourself."); super.tokenStake(amount); lastStakeTimes[msg.sender] = block.timestamp; emit Staked(msg.sender...


12. 用Python构建一个极小的区块链



13. Conflux中文社区:2021技术路线图

...非预期资产损失;— 地址二进制值保持不变,与目前 Conflux 网络完全兼容。ADDRESS UPDATE — Format (CIP-37)— The format of Conflux external addresses (beginning with 0x) will be modified to differentiate them from Ethereum addresses. This will help reduce confusion and unintended loss of assets.— The binary value of the addresses will be unchanged and remain compatib...


14. 比特币技术普及:Bitcoin-qt导入multibit和blockchain在线钱包的方法

  将bitcoin-qt钱包导入到MultiBit钱包中   1、打开bitcoin-qt的控制台   2、在控制台中输入 walletpassphrase [your password] [timeout in seconds] 来解锁密码保护的钱包   3、将要导入multibit钱包的每个地址,运行dumpprivkey [Receiving bitcoin address]。如果有隐藏的地址,可以运行listaddressgroupings命令。 ...


15. 智能合约安全审计|整数溢出

...址:0xC5d105E63711398aF9bbff092d4B6769C82F793D在etherscan上的地址为:https://etherscan.io/address/0xc5d105e63711398af9bbff092d4b6769c82f793d#code存在溢出漏洞的合约代码如下:function?batchTransfer(address[]?_receivers,?uint256?_value)?public?whenNotPaused?returns?(bool)?{ ????uint?cnt?=?_receivers.length; ????uint256?amount?=?uint256(cnt)?*?_value;?//溢出点,这里存在...
