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central bank 货币

1. MMT是什么?

...可以向市场借(央行除外)。1:In ancient times, the government issued money. Now the central bank issues money on behalf of the government. The central bank issues money directly to the market. Therefore, we must first say that we can spend only when we have income, and we can borrow from the market the part with insufficient income (except the central bank).二:商业银行出现...


2. 区块链大型巡回播放【第121期】#数字货币支付# &“行情解读”

... for International Settlements believes that electronic money may affect the monetary policy of the central bank, for example, the link between interest rates that affect central bank control and major market rates.In the long run, the Central Bank has the monopoly power to issue money, and also basically holds the power to issue major electronic money. Electronic money has brought great impact on...


3. 区块链大型巡回播放【第54期】#央行发行数字货币的优势# &“行情解读”

...nds, showing that it is imperative to issue your own digital currency, what are the advantages of a central bank issuing digital money?1. Cost Savings: paper money is too expensive to circulate, and the physical cost of holding it is mainly reflected, in accounting, storage, transportation, and security. According to statistics, the annual cost of holding it in dollars is around 6 billion, and the...


4. 数字英镑:金融科技故事里的愿景与初心

...行动方式不同……这种交流一直是……进步的主要来源之一。”For this reason central banks across the world, many of which are present here today, have historically worked together with universities. We continue to develop and benefit from these relationships and we seek to learn from the private sector and from innovators.因此,世界各地的中央银行历来都与大...


5. 巴比特专栏 | 数字英镑:金融科技故事里的愿景与初心

...行动方式不同……这种交流一直是……进步的主要来源之一。”For this reason central banks across the world, many of which are present here today, have historically worked together with universities. We continue to develop and benefit from these relationships and we seek to learn from the private sector and from innovators. 因此,世界各地的中央银行历来都与大...


6. 中央银行数字货币与货币政策的未来

导读 本文于2017年发布于https://voxeu.org/article/benefits-central-bank-digital-currency,在这一知识高速发展的时代,文中思想的先进性不能和2019年发布的文章相比,但是这篇文章综合了2017年前众多数字法币(CBDC)的思想,提供了一个相当完整的体系,在今天看来还是有很多参考价值。今天许多讨论CBDC的文章,许...


7. 经典重读 | 为什么央行数字货币是当前货币运行趋势的自然延伸?

...货币与货币政策的未来》导读 本文于2017年发布于https://voxeu.org/article/benefits-central-bank-digital-currency,在这一知识高速发展的时代,文中思想的先进性不能和2019年发布的文章相比,但是这篇文章综合了2017年前众多数字法币(CBDC)的思想,提供了一个相当完整的体系,在今天看来还是有很多参考价值。今...


8. 区块链大型巡回播放【第124期】#数字货币引发思考# &“行情解读”

...ented by blockchains, to be issued and run, its credit support is further and further away from the Central Bank's centralized mechanism. Although its scale is small and its technology is not yet mature, it will have a significant impact on the existing monetary mechanism in the future, from a different perspective, Bitcoin is actually made up of block-chain underlying technology and real-world cr...


9. 德央行行长:货币政策的变化与延续

... time put us to the test, over and over again. That goes for politicians and entrepreneurs, and for central bankers, too.We heard from Joachim Faber just now how change is impacting on Deutsche Bo?rse’s strategy.I would like to add my own thoughts on the strategy for monetary policy.2 Monetary policy strategyPeople looking to realise their full economic potential need a stable currency.That is s...


10. 零售央行数字货币(CBDC)回归主流,商业银行真有危险了

...David Andolfatto的《评估央行数字货币对民营银行的影响》(Assessing the Impact of Central Bank Digital Currency on Private Banks),认为发行CBDC不会造成商业银行的困难。各个国际组织也积极参与这些研究,如国际清算银行(BIS)2018年发布《央行数字货币》(Central Bank Digital Currency)报告,提出CBDC应该从批发型CBDC(Wh...


11. 蔡维德:零售央行数字货币(CBDC)回归主流商业银行真有危险了

...David Andolfatto的《评估央行数字货币对民营银行的影响》(Assessing the Impact of Central Bank Digital Currency on Private Banks),认为发行CBDC不会造成商业银行的困难。各个国际组织也积极参与这些研究,如国际清算银行(BIS)2018年发布《央行数字货币》(Central Bank Digital Currency)报告,提出CBDC应该从批发型CBDC(Wh...


12. 央视CGTN:纸贵科技创始人兼CEO唐凌谈数字人民币

...解和调整国家的经济提供了可能。With the digital RMB, user’s data is managed by the central bank, which effectively guarantees its security, it's also possible for the central bank to understand and then adjust China’s economic corporations.唐凌:由于央行的数字人民币本质上是由国家层级指导的全国范围内的基本支付手段,将会有法律行政措施...


13. 区块链大型巡回播放【第129期】#金融信用体系建设# &“行情解读”

...Bank will upload the repayment situation of each borrower to the credit investigation center of the Central Bank, need to query, under the authorization of the customer, from the Central Bank Credit Information Center for Download Reference, which there are incomplete information, inaccurate data, low efficiency, high cost of use, and other issues.In this area, the advantage of blockchain is that ...


14. 忘记数字美元—数字欧元来了

...行对欧元体系针对可能实施的一项更广泛的项目所做的贡献的关键要素。 [central bank digital currency]”,法兰西银行说,并补充说:“ [central bank digital currency] 这是欧元体系的事”,“法兰西银行将不会在这些实验的背景下从事货币创造。”中央银行还表示,该试验并非旨在创建一种替代钞票和硬币的系...


15. 邹传伟:央行数字货币的路径选择批发型vs零售型以何为先?

...货币和金融问题,将成为研究热点。参考文献1. Adrian, Tobias, 2019, "Stable coins, Central Bank Digital Currencies, and Cross-Border Payments: A New Look at the International Monetary System".2. Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) and Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), 2017, "Project Ubin Phase 2: Re-imaging Interbank Real-Time Gross Settlement System Using Distributed Led...
