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circle china公司

1. 中国限制比特币市场,但区块链公司不受影响

...国央行试图限制交易所寻求收购比特币的潜在新用户。中央银行表示,初创公司在宣传时不得提及与人民币贬值相关的内容,不能做线下推广等。   据说,已经有一些交易所取消了利用这种战略的计划活动。   该文章还指出,根据中国科学院的意见,建议交易所遵守客户知情权(KYC)和反洗钱(...


2. OCX Exchange is invited to Chengdu |China Travel: Chengdu Station

...dao.io. In addition to sharing delicious food, the participants also shared the secrets of the coin circle, as well as more novel ways and modes of play. At the same time, Lanping also introduced all the participants to OCX's latest global partner system. A number of colleagues and big players have expressed their intention to cooperate and pledged to put the cooperation on the agenda as soon as p...


3. 杭州区块链国际周 | Circle CEO:我们距离全球数字货币大规模普及只有1年时间了



4. 一直在转型的“美版支付宝”Circle究竟路在何方

...美版支付宝”的金融版图2013 年成立的 Circle,在创立之初定位于“消费金融公司”,旨在建立一个比特币支付和转账平台,用户只需要使用 Circle,便可以实现“现金——比特币——现金”的快速转账,效率极高。以比特币交易业务为核心,这是 Circle 发展的第一阶段。2015 年,在外界还在争论比特币和...


5. 为什么都在说“社交金融”?看这几个案例就知道了

...想象空间。曾经火爆的Circle:异军突起独占鳌头当时基于区块链的支付应用公司Circle新一轮融资,获得中国投资者的6000万美元融资;消息公布时,该公司宣布在中国成立子公司——Circle China。Circle Jeremy Allaire对记者说,“我们认为自己的重心不是汇兑或汇款,我们不相信这些分类的存在。对我们来说,...


6. Bitsoda.com在2019年第13届GEW China上推出了3个独特的计划

...itsoda的声誉和成就,还有10个其他项目参与了路演。 这对于我们的合作伙伴公司来说也是一个巨大的福利优势,可以帮助增加他们的品牌知名度,增进用户对产品的了解和流程裂变。 论坛期间最激动人心的消息是,Bitsoda在活动中正式宣布了三个独特的项目,以帮助区块链健康发展,获得了来宾的一致...


7. Circle转型:从高盛、百度追捧 到放弃比特币支付改做稳定币

...莱尔(Jeremy Allaire)创立了Circle,总部设在波士顿,最初定位于“消费金融公司”,旨在建立一个比特币支付和转账平台。“当用户需要转移资金时,只需短期买进比特币,就能将关联账户中的美元或英镑等资金转移到其他账户了。”有业内人士这样描述其业务。举个简单的例子,之前国际转账需要等...


8. Circle转型:从高盛、百度追到放弃比特币支付改做稳定币

...莱尔(Jeremy Allaire)创立了Circle,总部设在波士顿,最初定位于“消费金融公司”,旨在建立一个比特币支付和转账平台。 “当用户需要转移资金时,只需短期买进比特币,就能将关联账户中的美元或英镑等资金转移到其他账户了。”有业内人士这样描述其业务。 举个简单的例子,之前国际转账需要...


9. 爱尔兰2014 Bitfin峰会将使BTC和全球金融联系到一起

...特币将会挑战当前金融和监督系统。会议的主要发言者包括Jeremy Allaire (CEO Circle)Colm Lyon (CEO Realex) Greg Brockman (CTO Stripe),另外还有:   •Nicolas Cary, CEO, Blockchain.info   •Moe Levin, VP Europe, BitPay   •Vladimir Grankin, chairman, Ocean Bank   •Bobby Lee, CEO, BTC China   •David Irvine, ...


10. 盘点加密和区块链领域12大战略投资



11. CBDC和稳定币:未来及其采用

...但是,有许多障碍可能会减慢这些及其他类型私人货币的发展,例如由私人公司开发的稳定币。 后者在本质上将类似于中央银行的数字货币。在名为2020年杭州区块链大会的活动中,Circle首席执行官Jeremy Allaire谈到了这个话题。 他解释说,克服各国监管机构的规定是保证未来CBDC和稳定币成功的基本步...


12. Theriseofthecryptocurrencymarket,Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?

...n general, these three are undoubtedly the most worthy mainstream bitcoin exchanges in the currency circle. The increase of its platform currency has entered the top 15 of the world list, which is also the recognition of investors.The author believes that platform currency investment is relatively stable, with less risk, but the return period is relatively longer. For investors who want long-term ...


13. Comparisonofexchangeproducts,whichcryptoexchangecanhelpmemakemoney?

...unds with a higher safety factor.Four well-known digital currency exchanges in the digital currency circle: Huobi, Binance, ZB.com and OKEx, these exchanges have obtained legal exchange licenses recognized by many countries.The purpose of writing this article is to let newcomers in the digital currency circle better understand the pros and cons of these four major exchanges, so that everyone can c...


14. Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?Takealookatthelistdata

...n general, these three are undoubtedly the most worthy mainstream bitcoin exchanges in the currency circle. The increase of its platform currency has entered the top 15 of the world list, which is also the recognition of investors.The author believes that platform currency investment is relatively stable, with less risk, but the return period is relatively longer. For investors who want long-term ...


15. Whichexchangehasneverhadafundsecurityincident?Bealerttoplatformrisks

...sactions to transfer business.However, it was these two exchanges that shocked the digital currency circle in the fall of 2020. On October 16, an announcement on the OKEX platform, one of the current leading cryptocurrency platforms, disrupted the entire market's trading sentiment. The general content of the announcement is that Xu Mingxing, the owner of the private key and the founder of OKEx, co...
