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lending chain

1. 去中心化借贷平台MCDLending即将重磅上线

MCD CHAIN在去年12月开启了质押和流动性挖矿,所挖DTT和DAW代币也已上线Rooex交易所,MCD Mining旨在提高流动性提供者的综合收益,使流动性资产利用率最大化。随着DeFi市场的火热,不少用户对于借贷业务有强烈的需求。同时,为了拓展用户投资标的,进一步提高流动性资产利用率,MCD CHAIN即将新增去中心...


2. 跨链收益优化协议 ETHA Lend 完成 160 万美元融资,并拟于二季度发布主网

...元融资,AU21 Capital、DFG 和 Privcode Capital 领投,跟投投资者包括 Vector Capital、Chain Capital、PNYX Venture、Lancer Capital、Oasis Capital、TRG Capital、Candaq Capital、Dealean Capital、Inclusion Capital、Origin Capital、ZB Capital、YBB Foundation、AC Capital 以及 Hotbit。链闻注,ETHA Lend 是在以太坊和波卡生态系统上的跨链收益优化协议。...


3. DefiKing,theevolutionofDeFi

...stors gained huge fortunes and had a lot of fun along the way.Compared to DeFi, the DefiKing public chain, which emerged from DeFi as a latecomer, is more disruptive to the market because it not only optimizes the DeFi ecosystem, but also opens up a vast commercial blue ocean for prophecy machines in the dimension of trusted data services.01 Emerging from DeFiLaunched by the community, DefiKing is...


4. DeFi收益率优化协议ETHA Lend完成了160万美元的融资

...l和Privcode Capital募集了160万美元的初始资金。其他投资者包括:Vector Capital,Chain Capital,PNYX Venture,Lancer Capital,Oasis Capital,TRG Capital,Candaq Capital,Dealean Capital,Inclusion Capital,Origin Capital,ZB Capital,YBB Foundation,AC Capital,Hotbit。旨在提供跨以太坊和Polkadot DeFi生态系统的自动化收益分配; ETHA贷款将由E...


5. ECOCDeFi生态的金融逻辑与市值分析|空中课堂

出品 | 猎云财经2020年12月18日,ECOChain首席执行官Dominic做客猎云财经空中课堂直播间,给大家带来了精彩有料的分享。以下为分享实录(经编辑整理):主持人:下面让我们正式进入主题,开始今天的AMA。我们先请嘉宾做个自我介绍。We officially entered the topic and started today's AMA.Let's invite the guests to introduce...


6. Plato(BORT)futureDevelopmentPlan

...irgin Islands and the Plato Foundation in Singapore to change the problems of injustice in the blockchain industry today.The core of Plato and the Plato ConsensusThe whole Plato overall can be divided into two core parts, namely Plato decentralized exchange and Plato decentralized lendingBefore realizing the two core issues of Plato, Plato Group and the Foundation developed the Plato Consensus in ...


7. PROXI:打造超越 Compound 与 Synthetix 的 DeFi 2.0——DeFi Rockets 第 2 期

...ROXI matters? Please make a brief introduction to PROXI.Paul Jankovi?:PROXI is DeFi 2.0 for Cross Chain Derivative Issuance and Credit Lending. PROXI provides the smartest way to invest derivative assets and earn interests with credit-based high leverage tools through the decentralized secure protocol.PROXI 是用于跨链衍生发行和信贷的 DeFi 2.0。PROXI 通过去中心化的安全协...


8. TristersLendAMA以及生态应用

... Lend is Trister World's first decentralized open lending protocol platform for the HECO ecological chain. It originated in the Trister community and provides financial communication between Trister community members.Trister's Lend protocol is based on smart contract technology, along with fund supply and demand relationship to realize the rapid and intelligent financing protocol between Trister c...


9. 加密阁AMA - PROXI

...in the diverse industries, including J.P. Morgan, HSBC and Accenture, I gravitated towards the blockchain-based Open Finance for years. The involvement with PROXI, the DeFi 2.0 for Cross Chain Derivative Issuance and Credit Lending, give me the chance to combine both my professional expertise and my personal passion perfectly.曼彻斯特大学计算机科学学士学位,且为跨多个行业的...


10. Hodl Hodl推出DeFi平台,用于无需KYC或托管的比特币借贷

...得到了加强。另一方面,去年9月宣布,该交换平台将允许将资金从BTC转移到Chain on Dollar(DoC),Dollar on Chain(DoC)是一种锚定在美元之上的货币,该协议运行于比特币(RSK)智能合约协议中。


11. Relite Finance加入Reef Chain,为跨链借贷提供动力

...支持在跨链、未经许可的环境中交换加密资产。这意味着Relite 将很快在 Reef Chain 上部署其跨链协议,为您提供更多的跨区块链流动性访问! Relite 用户每天都会获得 RELI 代币,让社区管理构建哪些功能、将哪些链集成到协议中等等。有了Reef Finance 200位资深开发者的支持,Relite 用户近期内即可看到Relite ...


12. 揭秘MANTRADAO的野心集成DeFi+DAO+DOT让用户坐享双重利

...the MANTRA DAO project is an organization called The MANTRA DAO Foundation. It is comprised of Blockchain experts with extensive experience in the industry at both the business and technical levels. John Patrick Mullin and Will Corkin particularly are Polkadot ambassadors.The mission of the MANTRA DAO foundation is to bootstrap the growth of MANTRA DAO ecosystem and drive the organization toward c...


13. 三元×Vee.FinanceAMA实录

... Tonight, we have the honor to invite Grant Reistad with us.Welcome Grant Reistad!感谢 : 链闻 ChainNews、、Odaily 星球日报、PANews、Tokenview、三元资本 TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。Thanks: ChainNews, Winkrypto, Tokenview, PANews, and Ternary Capital for their strong support for this event.大家安静啦,让我们开始今天的活动Be quiet, everyone, let'...


14. 对话ETHALend|波卡生态的可组合DeFi收益优化

...al牵头的160万美元的初始融资,紧随其后的是知名投资者,包括Vector Capital、Chain Capital、PNYX Venture、Lancer Capital、Oasis Capital、Inclusion Capital、Origin Capital、ZB Capital、YBB Foundation、AC资本以及Hotbit。??我们的社区近期在不断发展壮大并给予我们全力支持,而这反过来又会增强$ETHA代币的效用,以满足用户的利...


15. 揭秘MANTRA DAO的野心:集成DeFi+DAO+DOT,让用户坐享双重利息

...the MANTRA DAO project is an organization called The MANTRA DAO Foundation. It is comprised of Blockchain experts with extensive experience in the industry at both the business and technical levels. John Patrick Mullin and Will Corkin particularly are Polkadot ambassadors.The mission of the MANTRA DAO foundation is to bootstrap the growth of MANTRA DAO ecosystem and drive the organization toward c...