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wallet contracts

1. 从Android调用区块链智能合约

...。 基本上,我们的调用可以通过一个命令完成:JSONObject jsonObject = wallet.callContractEntryPoint(wallet.getPublicKeyHash(), "KT18pK2MGrnTZqyTafUe1sWp2ubJ75eYT86t",amount, fee, "", "", "addCustomer",new String[]{"1000000", "123456789","Bob","98769985"});上面的代码将一个新客户Bob的余额加为10?,其ID为123456789,电话号码为98769985。 这是通过调用call...


2. 轻松搭建YAS节点|YAS链上发币怎么办|YAS节点投票分KEY

...ducer yas账户 节点公钥完成二、yas链上发token?git clone http://github.com/EOSIO/eosio.contracts && cd eosio.contracts/eosio.token && eosio-cpp -I include -o eosio.token.wasm src/eosio.token.cpp --abigen && cleos set contract yas账户 ./eosio.token --abi eosio.token.abi -p yas账户@active && cleos push action yas账户 create '["eosio","1000000000 tok...


3. 使用Java与区块链智能合约进行交互

...。 基本上,我们的调用可以通过一个命令完成:JSONObject?jsonObject?=?wallet.callContractEntryPoint(wallet.getPublicKeyHash(),?"KT18pK2MGrnTZqyTafUe1sWp2ubJ75eYT86t",?amount,?fee,?"",?"",?"addCustomer",?new?String[]{"1000000",?"123456789","Bob","98769985"});上面的代码将一个新客户Bob的余额加为10?,其ID为123456789,电话号码为98769985,从而为该客户添...


4. Qitmeer第70周周报丨测试矿工和交易 销毁合约审计

...速度; 11.压力测试新的qitmeer版本; Highlights of In this week Modified the destruction contract and cooperated with the commissioning. Test miner and transaction on testnet. Work Completed Qitmeer Core Development: 1.Modified the destruction contract and cooperated with the commissioning. 2.Modified qtmeer.js to get txhash problem, with wallet debugging. 3.Meerbank contract audit. 4.M...


5. 区块链大型巡回播放【第36期】#智能合约储蓄新型钱包# &“行情解读”&“PI网友

...需求,去创建一个约束双方的智能合约,可编程智能合约空间权限广。Smart contract inside the savings of the new wallet, like a car spare tire, usually do not look at the eye, the key moment more like a spare tire. How do you manage the new savings wallet for this Smart Contract? For example, Party A and party B are good friends, party a wants to make their digital assets ...


6. aelfEnterprise0.9.2版正式发布

...Updates1.Updates and Introduction?1.1 aelf v0.9.2?? ?? https://github.com/AElfProject/AElfOptimized contract authority for main/side chain deploymentOptimized governance model: Increased negative and abstained votesOptimized governance authorityUpdated the acs1/acs8 parameters related to the charging algorithmOptimized cross-chain transactionsImproved the logic for charging indexing fees for side ...


7. Kakao Klaytn Wallet 使用指南

...后,可以查看DTA(Native)的信息。2)DTA(Native)具体信息如下:Token Symbol: DTAToken Contract Address: 0x8177ac20455f31d8cb777923f0c632436568c719Decimals: 183)添加合约地址后,可以看到DTA(Native)的信息。


8. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第58期

...tured and optimized the underlying data storage structure of proposal / consideration.Complete wasm contract training 3: user thinking.Complete wasm contract sha1/256/512 apiComplete wasm contract hash time lock.Application developmentLaunched the DEX mobile end.Development and testing of exchanging WUSD to USDT.Wallet plug-in v2.2.0 launched on Firefox browser.Python wallet library 1.0.0 on line....


9. DeFi新玩法 | 一文教你用Node.js在Uniswap和SushiSwap之间套利

...ct(provider);function approveUniswap( erc20Address, amountToApproveInNativeUnitFloat ) { const erc20Contract = new ethers.Contract(erc20Address, erc20Abi, signer);return erc20Contract.decimals().then((decimals) => { return erc20Contract .approve( uniswapRouterAddress, ethers.utils.parseUnits( `${amountToApproveInNativeUnitFloat}`, decimals ), // manually set gas price since ethers.js can't esti...


10. 示例:MOAC部署智能合约时传入参数

...ain3');var chain3 = new Chain3(new Chain3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));//deploy contractchain3.personal.unlockAccount(chain3.mc.accounts[0], 'password',0);var totalSupply = 1000000 ;var name = "erc20Token" ;var decimals = 18 ;var symbol = "token" ;var erc20TokenContract = chain3.mc.contract([{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"name","outputs":......,"name":"Approval","type":"e...


11. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第58期(1.13~1.19)

...tured and optimized the underlying data storage structure of proposal / consideration.Complete wasm contract training 3: user thinking.Complete wasm contract sha1/256/512 apiComplete wasm contract hash time lock.Application developmentLaunched the DEX mobile end.Development and testing of exchanging WUSD to USDT.Wallet plug-in v2.2.0 launched on Firefox browser.Python wallet library 1.0.0 on line....


12. 生态项目进度报告5.14

...see some suggestions.Product Link: 123cfx.comProjects UnavailableProposal for Universal Certificate Contract Standards & Certificate Service AppProviding a universal certificate contract, and publishing cases on the application of community university certificates and other cases.Draft of the Universal Certificate for community unversity finalized and submitted for accpetance.Test Link:http://sc...


13. TokenCard ICO:以太坊生态借记卡,一个后银行时代的平台

...okenCard平台建立基础理论框架。 该平台由三个要素组成:代币合约钱包(Token Contract Wallet ),TokenCard和Token APP。   好消息是,这些离我们越来越近了。   TokenCard平台的基础代币TKN,持有TKN将有资格按比例获得平台分红。   简而言之,TokenCard的核心要素是:   代币合约钱包(Token Cont...


14. 技术周刊|波卡主网2020年中上线以太坊2.0规范安全审核完毕

... (GitHub)Obsidian Labs — Substrate IDE (GitHub)Second State — Bridging Ethereum tools and smart contracts into the Substrate ecosystem (GitHub)Usetech — PostgreSQL indexer and consensus insurer (GitHub)Lyken — Rust trait system revamp (GitHub)New runtime modules, smart contracts and improvementsACALA PTE. LTD. — A decentralized stablecoin platformAdvanca — Privacy-preserving general-pu...


15. 区块链大型巡回播放【第41期】#智能合约私密性问题# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观

...码从而看到隐私数据,所以智能合约因为开源,私密性问题存在隐患。Smart contracts have performed well in areas such as gaming and distribution, crop insurance, savings wallets, and housing leasing. Smart contracts based on blockchains are still in their early stages, and have not yet made a clear landing in terms of their substantive application, another major issue faci...
