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we trust

1. 从 In god we trust 到 In math we trust

每一张美元的背面都有一行文字:In god we trust (我们信仰上帝)当我们了解货币的产生和发展史的话,我们知道最早的货币是贝壳,后面有了铜板和银锭,再到现在的纸币,他们更多的是让使用者相信这个东西是值某一种价值的。如今全球接受度最高的美元,它原本还是与黄金所挂钩的,但是这个以此...


2. ‘In Bitcoin We Trust Ring’ 现在在 OpenSea 上可用

...部分为 IBWT 代币创造了额外的赤字。 因此,每售出的 IBWT 通过为 In Bitcoin We Trust 创造有利的价格曲线来刺激代币的价值。如何兑换钻石之手令牌Diamond Hand Collection 代币,IBWT 持有者,可以换成实物钻石。 兑换代币涉及燃烧以制造人为稀缺性并遵循以下简单步骤。购买 IBWT 代币 从 Diamond Hands 订购定制戒...


3. 【第249期】“信任产生价值”&“行情解读”

...改,而且我们还要考虑其他参与者的利益,一起实现信任共赢。Why do we build trust in our daily lives and in our production? Because in business, trust allows responsibility to be assumed, and both parties to a transaction to act fairly and transparently, you can also act on the principles you set out to achieve. One of the important factors that make a vertical company exis...


4. 区块链大型巡回播放第174期“互联网的痛点”

...firmation, so copyright issues are difficult to define. The second is to exchange how the two sides trust each other. When we first enter a company, we may have an interview. We will have a full understanding of the overall strength of the company in advance.When we sign a written employment contract, it is a certificate of trust, when the two sides of the Internet deal together, we don't even kno...


5. Dovey Wan:从比特币减半代码读懂「In Code We Trust」

...伙人 Dovey Wan 带你读懂这些简洁「律法」。</blockquote>原文标题:《In Code We Trust:读比特币减半代码》 撰文:Dovey Wan, Primitive Ventures 创始合伙人,Coindesk 顾问委员会董事比特币减半的代码前后一共十来行,简洁地令人发指。减半的代码如此简洁,减半事件如此瞩目。每四年的奥运会都会推迟或者取消,...

知识:比特币,技术,观点,Primitive Ventures,减

6. Primitive Ventures创始合伙人:从比特币减半代码读懂「In Code We Trust」

...依靠的是政府信用。比特币也是债,只是这个债的信用被去中心化的信任(trustless trust) 取代区块奖励和手续费是国防预算,矿工是军队,拿着国防预算维护这个「国度」 的安全和稳定开发者是类似立法机构和制定政策机构全节点是国会议员,决定了开发者的出台的某项新的法案或者政策是否能被采纳...


7. In Code We Trust:读比特币减半代码

...依靠的是政府信用。比特币也是债,只是这个债的信用被去中心化的信任(trustless trust) 取代区块奖励和手续费是国防预算,矿工是军队,拿着国防预算维护这个“国度” 的安全和稳定开发者是类似立法机构和制定政策机构全节点是国会议员,决定了开发者的出台的某项新的法案或者政策是否能被采纳...


8. 【第245期】“智能合约再认知”&amp;“行情解读”

...ee the transaction on the chain, the same as party B's goods, we can also do chain verification and trust each other, so blockchain technology is also a machine of trust, as we talked about in the last section of the trust machine generation principle, if b offers to give information about the blockchain to a, in terms of trust, a might trust B, let's say the probability is 50% , and since B is of...


9. IBM准备加强贸易投资于贸易融资区块链we.trade-Ledger Insights

...但除此之外,还有机会与马士基(Maersk)的联合计划与IBM拥有的平台IBM Food Trust和TradeLens集成。当Ledger Insights在4月与McGowan交谈时,他概述了“实现网络网络愿景的计划”。我们将无法构建所有内容。因此,我们需要连接到具有有价值数据的平台。” McGowan说。他阐述道:“诸如能够确认绿色交易之类的...


10. 区块链大型巡回播放第226期“区块链金融+”

... a blow, change the current bad effect.In Our daily lives, we make financial transactions, we don't trust each other, we make payments through third party platforms, and we end up with a transaction where the financial intermediaries build trust and verify identity behind the data, and it looks perfect, but users'privacy risks, it is conceivable that blockchains could help, by helping to build tru...


11. 区块链大型巡回播放第217期“重塑可信网络”

...hape the company or realize the Digital Economy of the second generation Internet, then this set of trust protocols must be supported, it's not that these technologies aren't being used, but it's even worse that the people around us aren't aware that Zombie is sifting through our personal data, according to our personal preferences, fixed-point launch of products we are interested in, it seems ver...


12. 【第272期】“可信协议思考”&amp;“行情解读”

...great impact to the industry, the industry has been effective transformation. The same blockchain's trusted protocol may bring about a new change, with the attributes of openness, value, decentralization, and global participation attached to the trusted protocol, despite all the instability, speculation and abuse at this stage, the next 5-10 years are going to be very different. Some people compar...


13. IBM收购区块链金融公司We.Trade的7%股份

...的来源,不想提及我们希望IBM开始整合大型区块链服务,例如TradeLens和Food Trust,以建立重要的网络。“我们不确定该策略将如何运作。他们说,因为变更的成本可能高于整合这些服务的成本。资料来源:coindesk


14. Bittrex &amp; SUTER? b网的中国首次AMA之行

...osure and growth, we’ve remained focused on our core users - traders who want the most secure and trusted exchange.As we now regain market share through expansion into more of the retail spaces and through supporting and launching innovativenew tokens, we have no problem if people get a bit of a comeback vibe off us :)这是一个很好的问题。这是一个即肯定又否定的回答! 作为...


15. 【第246期】“制造信任”&amp;“行情解读”

... their jobs, blockchain technology will suffer resistance beyond imagination. How to realize mutual trust and restriction in the trade of blockchain technology? We can create a simple transaction where a needs a pen, B has a merchant style that a likes, a can anonymously send a message to b on the Blockchain, and B receives a transaction request, after the two sides have confirmed that the price a...
