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1. 区块链大型巡回播放第228期“八个核心助力金融”

...ckchain, the ability for anyone to issue debt, settle transactions quickly, and even get loans from peers is an improvement. In financial activities, we can not do without the fifth core, value exchange.The definition of commodity is the value exchange that condenses in the human labor without difference. Exchange means the links of transaction speed, liquidation, settlement, etc. , blockchain can...


2. 区块链研究实验室|Hyperledger Fabric的CA操作指南-part1

...们首先在此目录中找到两个证书(ca-cert.pem和tls-cert.pem)。我们可以看到在peer1-org1容器的/ tmp/hyperledger/org1/peer1中可以看到localhost的整个目录/tmp/hyperledger/org1/peer1。简介作为许可的区块链平台,Hyperledger Fabric要求识别所有实体,无论是网络组件还是使用该平台的用户(客户端)。该识别通过数字证书来实...


3. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

...he three predominant technologies that lies in the infrastructure of Bitcoin:asymmetric encryption, peer-to-peer system and Hashcash. However, none of the three technologies is accredited to Satoshi.Asymmetric Encryption:Whitfield Diffie and Marty Hellman invented the asymmetric encryption algorithm in 1976. The following year, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adelman pioneered the first comm...


4. 关于Pi内转功能测试!

...l be community-driven, meritocratic, and designed to surface Pioneers best able to bootstrap Pi’s peer-to-peer economy. Pioneers will be selected based on: a) recommendations from community members with concrete reasons (ALL human community members will be able to recommend 3 Pioneers), b) past contributions (e.g., as moderators, or chat participants), and c) potential future contributions to th...


5. BigBangCore多元节点网络

...可以独立完成区块数据和交易验证的能力。这样的点对点连接?P2P 网络层(Peer-to-Peer network) 是区块链数据层上的最重要的基础;实现了节点在网络中互相通讯、互相连接、与互相确认数据正确有效性的底层机制,支撑着?BigBang Core 区块链系统高效稳定的工作。三、DPOS节点共识机制共识是指系统节点达...


6. 在Facebook Libra上的实现第一笔交易

....s Running `target/debug/client --host ac.testnet.libra.org --port 80 -s ./scripts/cli/trusted_peers.config.toml` Connected to validator at: ac.testnet.libra.org:80 usage: <command> <args> Use the following commands: account | a Account operations query | q Query operations transfer | transferb | t | tb <sender_account_address>|<sender_account_ref_id> <receiver_a...


7. BITNODES 项目简介

...est Blogger: Addy Yeow, Creator, Bitnodes • June 19, 2014   At the core of the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network are the full network nodes that function as critical part of the Bitcoin infrastructure. These nodes are solely responsible in ensuring the transactions and blocks are trickled down the network in a timely manner.   The number of these nodes and their network related met...


8. Soul of Libra

...d they share the power to hundred Nodes as Distributed Power that the power is distributed across a peer-to-peer network without single point of control. No single party can shut the system down. This kind of platform could enable new distributed models of wealth creation.Those Nodes also provide the value to the ecosystem as Inclusion. The economy works best when it works for everyone,?so eventua...


9. 关于 All in Bits (即 Tendermint) 公司现状的更新

...进为 Cosmos 提供支持的基础设施。为此,Tendermint 公司将剥离IBC 和 Tendermint Core 的开发。围绕这两个模块的开发团队,在 Interchain 基金会(ICF)的支持和赞助下,他们成立了一个新的、独立的、位于柏林的 GmbH(译者注:GmbH 为有限责任公司的德语缩写)。Cosmos:https://cosmos.network这对 IBC 意味着什么?我们...


10. 【第250期】“《区块链革命》读书笔记”&“行情解读”

...围。There has been some debate about how to separate a company from its suppliers, customers, and peers, and that separation is becoming more and more difficult to define, so boundaries are being explored, perhaps like the separation of egg yolks from egg white, but over time, they will grow and change, and blockchain technology will have a profound impact on the company's decentralized, organiz...


11. AMA:ALEPH(分布式的数字身份存储网络), 最新项目进展与规划

...络。An important thing to note is that aleph.im isn’t a blockchain, but a sharded and trustless peer to peer network. Addresses on the network are addresses from all supported blockchains.很重要的一点是aleph.im不是一个区块链,而是一个分片式的、去信任的点对点网络。ALEPH网络上的地址是来自所有可支持的区块链的地址。主持人:ALEPH的应用...


12. AMA_ALEPH(分布式的数字身份存储网络)最新项目进展与规划

...络。An important thing to note is that aleph.im isn’t a blockchain, but a sharded and trustless peer to peer network. Addresses on the network are addresses from all supported blockchains.很重要的一点是aleph.im不是一个区块链,而是一个分片式的、去信任的点对点网络。ALEPH网络上的地址是来自所有可支持的区块链的地址。主持人:ALEPH的应用...


13. 盘点2020年值得关注的公链

...技术的轻钱包(例如比特币的Electrum)可以被使用。基础代码框架采用Bitcoin core,支持智能合约、EVM、x86 VM等多虚拟机;链上理论最大TPS为70~100;MPoS(Mutualized Proof of Stake)移除币龄鼓励节点在线增强网络完全;兼容多种主流编程语言的x86虚拟机将拓宽智能合约生态;账户抽象层实现了余额和智能合约平台...


14. BIP91是什么,矿池如何支持?

...做两件事情:   运行BIP91的软件,有两个选择:btc1(segwit2x)或者segsignal(Core+BIP91)   Signal Segwit,并在coinbase里放入segwit commitment hash   对于第一件事情,任何人均可以自由选择这两个软件,这里简单介绍一下btc1(https://github.com/btc1/bitcoin)和segsignal(https://github.com/segsignal/bitcoin)。   btc1是...


15. PiNetwork官方团队公布第二阶段例如电子商务、物流、供应链、游戏、房地产或金

... try to take advantage of fellow Pioneers, the selection of apps will involve community vetting and peer reviews to try to achieve relevance, quality and trustworthiness.The development of the Apps platform will begin in the second quarter (Q2) of 2020. The application process for third-party developers is expected to open by the end of Q2 2020. The in-app transfer pilot proved the need for an app...
