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1. BRING.FINANCE 与 Memeunity 合作

BRING.FINANCE 已与 memeunity 建立合作伙伴关系,以在区块链技术的帮助下成功使用社交媒体网络。 memeunity 项目在当代互联网文化中蓬勃发展,使用户能够开发具有完全隐私和匿名性的独特的基于区块链的解决方案。 memeunity 为用户提供对其操作的完全控制,并鼓励他们通过成功利用区块链技术来专注于互...


2. Bring元宇宙的未来!



3. memeunity 和 BRING.FINANCE 社交媒体隐私合作伙伴

BRING.FINANCE (bRing) 被认为是一个潜在驱动的去中心化跨链网络,可促进代币的轻松抵押,已宣布与 memeunity 建立战略合作伙伴关系,memeunity 是一个使用去中心化作为隐私工具的友好社交媒体门户。通过这种整合,bRing 社区期待建立一个集群,通过对空间匿名来享受社交媒体的全面曝光。 memeunity 的最终目...


4. BRING.FINANCE 携手 Ferrum Network

在具有战略意义的发展之一中,BRING.FINANCE 宣布已与 Ferrum 达成合作协议。 这一结果与在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 类别中构建可扩展的区块链解决方案特别相关。 Ferrum 通过提供可靠且可扩展的开放式分类账解决方案而占据一席之地,这些解决方案特别关注桥接和抵押机会。该组织在开发与白标名称的交换软...


5. 美国知名演员Robin Williams之子与NFT艺术家Jesus Martinez合作进行NFT慈善拍卖

...liams正在与NFT艺术家Jesus Martinez合作,并将通过NFT拍卖,为心理健康慈善机构Bring Change to Mind筹集资金。据悉,Zak Williams早在11月在洛杉矶的晚宴上通过一个共同的朋友认识了NFT艺术家Jesus Martinez。二者决定,他们将为Martinez的一件作品举行拍卖,从NFT销售中筹集的资金将直接用于Bring Change to Mind。该NFT目...


6. 路易斯安那州可能不久会给加密产业提供证书

原文链接:https://cointelegraph.com/news/louisiana-might-soon-offers-a-license-to-bring-crypto-business-back标题: Louisiana Might Soon Offers a License to Bring Crypto Business Back译者:币放光芒文章内容不构成任何投资建议,请读者自行斟酌。以下为译文:按照一份5月25日的报道,美国路易斯安那州可能不久就会通过一项法案给合法操...


7. BreakingNews:MRHBDeFiOpensUpPrivateRoundstoitsCommunityMembers

...ts with in-built shariah-screening.Sneak Peak of Sahal WalletMRHB DeFi was founded with a vision of bringing societies and communities not familiar with decentralized finance into the cryptoverse, and has a particular focus on delivering halal DeFi services which adhere to the ethical investment and financing principles of Islamic faith. Such business practices include those that avoid interest, u...


8. BlockbankAMA_CoinHub_91coin.

...ust use our non-custodial wallet with a web3 portal for farming on any chain. Additionally, we will bring in the full banking experience accounts, send and receive fiat, cards and third party offers. Our goal past that is bringing traditional finance into the application as well where the users can trade commodities, stocks and forex. A lot of these partnerships and applications are already in mot...


9. Nexo捐赠15万美元给Brink- NGO进行比特币开发

...以最佳方式工作。 随着网络的扩展,未来的维护成本也在增加,这是Nexo向Bring捐赠15万美元的原因之一,Bring致力于支持开源BTC的开发。 正如Nexo的联合创始人Antoni Trenchev所说,这些资金将帮助Brink增加更多的教育和指导计划,以改善和扩大社区。“ 15万美元的捐款标志着Nexo对开源资金和支持比特币的承...


10. 区块链大型巡回播放第191期“智能合约演变”

...it can not be tampered with, it realizes a kind of autonomy, this kind of programmable property can bring about the exchange of value, realize the automation of the financial field, and also has the advantage to the legal system, but that doesn't mean it can fit into all categories, and some scenarios can not be implemented without the ability to set preconditions.Bigger than the Blue Whale is the...


11. BlockBank中文社区AMA内容记录第四期

...。将其简化并与我们的AI结合使用,只会给用户带来优势。3. How does BlockBank bring smart tools into the DeFi market and improve user experience?3. BlockBank如何将智能工具带入DeFi市场并改善用户体验?Anastasija: Our AI assistant’s patented technology puts the analytical power equivalent of hundreds of highly skilled financial analysts in the palm of our use...


12. BTC围绕五万关口震荡是否是筑底过程?

...示,资金没有问题,合约安全不受影响。4 官方消息,去中心化的跨链平台Bring Finance(bRing)宣布,将于5月3日在YellowRoad平台进行IDO,共出售价值70,000美元的BRNG代币,每枚2美元。5 根据金果子的统计,过去24小时全网爆仓总额5.33亿美元。最大一笔爆仓单为XRP永续多头爆仓,价值269万美元,发生在Huobi Glob...


13. NAUT为资金池和拍卖建造的多重协议|明煌研究院AMA

...ave done work as both freelancer and NDA platforms which are known to?many. This diversity helps by bringing in many background with di?erent sides of experience in di?erent types and style fields.拥有非常多样化的团队和背景,它一直非常成功和有效。我们有团队的成员从咨询和咨询空间像我自己,我们有开发者在非常高端的Defi平台如AAVE和我们有...


14. LABSGroup正式宣布与Polkacover建立合作关系

...cover is the First DeFi insurance marketplace for the global crypto ecosystem. The partnership will bring DeFi and NFT insurance products to the untapped Digitised Real Estate Ecosystem market.香港时间2021年2月7日--数字化房地产投资生态系统LABS Group正式宣布与Polkacover达成战略合作,提供DeFi和NFT保险产品。Polkacover是全球加密生态系统的第一个DeFi...


15. 这里,真相有“声”(Voice)

...ing in a post-truth era where many media platforms have lost their way. Media should empower us and bring us together, not confuse and divide us.我们生活在一个后真相时代,许多媒体平台迷失了方向。媒体应该赋能我们力量,让我们走到一起,而不是困惑和分裂我们。Today, our largest media platforms seed fear, uncertainty and doubt into our world. Many o...
