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Proof of Impact

1. Proof of Impact完成A轮融资,富兰克林邓普顿集团领投

...资产的全球资产管理公司富兰克林邓普顿集团参与了区块链初创企业Proof of Impact的融资,但未披露其投资额。 (来源:Pixabay)12月12日,总部设在阿姆斯特丹的Proof of Impact宣布了这一消息,称区块链技术风投机构Ausum Ventures、瑞士加密谷风险投资公司和?瑞士区块链基金公司Pangea Blockchain Fund也参加了机构...

知识:区块链,Proof of Impact

2. 第一期 | 北美泛地产区块链行业周报

...块链的身影会越来越常见。投融资Franklin Templeton投资区块链初创公司 Proof of Impact,未公开投资金额The Block 报道称,拥有超过 7 千亿美元客户资产的资产管理公司 Franklin Templeton 已为区块链初创公司 Proof of Impact 投资,具体投资数额未公开。总部位于阿姆斯特丹的 Proof of Impact 成立于 2017 年,公司正在为...


3. ZB 创新智库投研周报:央行数字货币从抽象理念到具体而微

...约语言,让开发者可以快速、简洁、正确地开发去中心化应用程序。Proof of Impact 完成首轮机构融资,Franklin Templeton 领投12 月 11 日,Proof of Impact 在官网发布公告称已完成由 Franklin Templeton 领投的首轮机构融资,Franklin Templeton 是一家管理着超 7000 亿美元的全球基金,多家区块链基金参与此轮投资,包括 Au...


4. 观点:你愿意为更好的社交网络付多少钱?

...方钱包,减少用户 onboard 门槛。 2投融资 2.1区块链环境保护服务商Proof of Impact获得A轮融资https://www.jinse.com/lives/137111.htmProof of Impact是一家区块链社会环境保护服务提供商,其投资方Franklin Templeton管理超过7000亿美元的全球客户资产。Proof of Impact表示,第一轮机构投资也吸引了Ausum Ventures、Crypto Valley Ventur...


5. 区块链大型巡回播放【第12期】#股份授权证明# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录

...he block, it is possible that the length of the main chain may be short, so in order to prevent the impact of bifurcation, it should be timely after the incident. Network delays may also prevent the representative from broadcasting new blocks in a timely manner, leading to so-called blockchain bifurcations. 2、行情解读每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点...


6. Koalabusinessmodelintroduction

...l carbon emissions. 3. Free expansion: the addition and departure of the ore pool will not have any impact on the main network, and the higher the calculation force, the stronger the performance. 4. Ecological closed-loop: in the traditional foundation, KLA attaches importance to system design and introduces flexible mortgage and ecological incentive mechanism. After setting up the economic model ...


7. 艾坦星IoTeX最新热点动态20210401-0415

... all”直播间,与听众探讨“区块链对物联网未来的影响(Blockchain and its Future Impact on IOT)”。更多详情请点击:https://www.iotforall.com/podcasts/e110-blockchain-in-iot-industry?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=iotforall&utm_content=Blockchain%20and%20its%20Future%20Impact%20on%20IoT%20-%20IoTeX%27s%20Larry%20PangIoTeX链上实时数据IoTeX网...


8. 区块链大型巡回播放第229期“证券交易所福音”

...s early days because it was used by bad people, but the technology is potentially having a positive impact on the world, for example in terms of payment methods, where multiple parties use the same information without having to repeat the information and reconcile the accounts, which can improve efficiency and reduce costs, so The blockchain ledger is also a trusted data source. Here are detailed ...


9. 瓦力财经第18期直播访谈|对话RSK/RIF亚太地区总监EddyTravia

.... How to understand the dual token mechanism of RIF and R-BTC?Is it the first in the industry? What impact does it have on the industry? )Eddy Travia:RBTC是RSK区块链的协议级加密货币。它与BTC是一比一挂钩的。你可以在交易中将一定数量的RBTC从一个账户中转移到另一个账户中。也可以将RBTC当做转账交易时的gas费用。比如将RIF转账到钱...


10. Cointelegraph|安全多方计算对早期隐私格局的影响

原标题:What Will Be the Early Privacy Impact of Secure Multiparty Computation?本文由著名区块链科技媒体Cointelegraph于2020年3月29日首次报道,作者为安德鲁·罗索(Andrew Rossow)。原文链接见文末。Andrew Rossow is a millennial attorney, law professor, entrepreneur, writer and speaker on privacy, cybersecurity, AI, AR/VR, blockchain and digital currencies. He ha...


11. Cointelegraph| 安全多方计算对早期隐私格局的影响

原标题:What Will Be the Early Privacy Impact of Secure Multiparty Computation?本文由著名区块链科技媒体Cointelegraph于2020年3月29日首次报道,作者为安德鲁·罗索(Andrew Rossow)。原文链接见文末。Andrew Rossow is a millennial attorney, law professor, entrepreneur, writer and speaker on privacy, cybersecurity, AI, AR/VR, blockchain and digital currencies. He ha...


12. 区块链大型巡回播放【第121期】#数字货币支付# &“行情解读”

... also basically holds the power to issue major electronic money. Electronic money has brought great impact on the theoretical framework of monetary policy, the controllability, measurability and relevance of money have changed. With the arrival of new technology, a new network of electronic money that may be out of the control of the central bank has gradually emerged, the concept, scope and trans...


13. SavePlanethEarth一个全球碳封存项目

...ural methods, planting trees is the most visible and accessible for the time being and has a direct impact on the local area. Our vision is already taking hold; this is evidenced by our current deals in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, resulting in over 101,000,000 trees being pledged, planted and monitored. We accomplished this while only being a little over a month old, not to mention Covid restricti...


14. 影响力证明宣布富兰克林邓普顿领导的融资回合

总部位于阿姆斯特丹的“影响力证明”(Proof of Impact)是享誉全球的市场,该市场促进了客户交易与可验证的影响事件之间的联系,该消息已经播出了有关关闭其由领先的资产管理公司Franklin Templeton Investments主持的第一轮机构投资资金的消息。有关该轮融资结束的消息于2019年12月12日公布。 根据最新报...


15. 富兰克林·邓普顿(Franklin Templeton)领导基于区块链的社交影响平台的融资

...立下一代影响力投资市场。” 成立于2017年,总部位于阿姆斯特丹的Proof of Impact旨在提供由区块链技术支持的流动性影响投资产品和投资组合,以动员更多数量和更多样化的资本来证明影响。 影响力证明说,这笔资金将使其能够“继续快速增长,并实现其雄心勃勃的目标,即对已证明的影响进行证券...
