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1. Main Idea

...ter stage-that's just attempting to make money off other stockholders.Supporting IdeasInvestors and speculators differ in their goals and approach to stock market investment in this way:■Investors are attempting to acquire and then hold securities that they believe will appreciate in value over time as thecompany's business operations move forward.Investors look to dividends and increases in m...


2. “钱必须掌握在国家手中” –苹果公司首席执行官刻意进行加密货币交易

...币吗?在下面添加你的想法 图片来自Shutterstock 苹果首席执行官Scotches Crypto-Speculation发布了“金钱必须掌握在国家手中”一文,该文章首次出现在Bitcoinist.com上。来源:https://bitcoinist.com/money-must-remain-in-the-hands-of-states-apple-ceo-scotches-crypto-speculation/立即发送提示


3. 韭菜提升指南十说

...里都是。要与优秀者为伍。3、别拿赌不起的钱去参与高风险市场。不要没有speculate的ability,却想参与speculate market .投机就是去听一个个别人讲的故事,然后参与其中,在大众识破前退出4、要独立决策。每个人入场跟持有时间不一样,不要盲目追随博主跟其他大V。可以看一下别人的操作与分析,然后得...


4. 聊一聊你所不知道的“投机”的含义

...去,是对投机的一种错误的理解,是对投机一词的错误扭曲。投机的英文是 speculation ,投机者是 speculator 。原来的意思是站在烽火瞭望台上预先发现危险的人,并没有负面的色彩。提前发现危险,然后采取适当的措施来帮助自己规避风险。躲过一劫不是好事嘛?价值投资不是买了一直拿住不卖,投机同...


5. 独家:pi币最高价值138933美元?6个理由深度解析

...ternet bubbleThe Internet bubble (also known as the dot com bubble or the dot bubble) refers to the speculative bubble between 1995 and 2001, and in the stock market of Europe and America and many Asian countries, the share price rose sharply with the technology and emerging Internet related enterprises. On March 10, 2000, the NASDAQ index reached a peak of 5048.62. During this period, the stock m...


6. 书写中国:卡普伦《细谈比特币》(中英对译)

...ntary on bitcoin, which drew attention to the software-based payment system, as well as the Chinese speculators who looked to make some quick money off changes in the currency. The documentary marked the first time bitcoin came to the attention of the larger Chinese public.   去年5月份中国国家电视台中央电视台(CCTV)播放了一部有关比特币的纪录片,引发了人们...


7. 市场回调10%,如何抄底?灰度持仓或带来启发!美上市公司买2.5亿美元比特币,



8. 最新回调后比特币上涨近15%

...之后,这些显着的收益得以实现。[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]在比特币在不到36天的时间内暴跌超过18%之后,一些分析师将比特币的最新上涨描述为自然反应。加密货币交易所OKCoin的首席运营官...


9. 强劲势头中,比特币反弹至三周高点

...出的数字货币可能会进一步发展。[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]伦敦数字资产公司Bequant的研究主管Denis Vinokourov表示:“上周突破7,000美元的水平受到获利了结的限制,但今天的7,000美元以上的价格...


10. 比特币随着加密货币扩大收益而上涨10,000美元

...这一点上,它离$ 10,000还不到1%。[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]加密货币对冲基金经理BitBull Capital首席执行官乔·迪帕斯夸莱(Joe DiPasquale)强调说,10,000美元的价格提供了“主要的心理阻力”。投...


11. 近期反弹后比特币面临强劲阻力

...美元。 EST,根据其他CoinDesk数据。[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]技术分析师表示,要使比特币摆脱目前的困境,它将需要超过一些重要的价格水平。加密货币对冲基金经理BitBull Capital首席执行官乔...


12. 比特币价格反弹至2月以来最高

...币已达到2月25日以来的最高水平。[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]在解释这些最新成果时,分析师指出了诸如持续动力和技术因素之类的变量。伦敦数字资产公司Bequant的研究主管Denis Vinokourov谈到了...


13. 比特币突破10,000美元,刷新2020年新高

...的高位,显示出强劲的上升势头。[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]投资Diva首席执行官Kiana Danial对这种情况发表了评论。“在一月份触底后,比特币一直在逐渐上升,但每次遇到软阻力。”她说,数字...


14. 比特币刚刚超过关键技术水平吗?

...squale说对冲基金经理BitBull Capital。[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]加密对冲基金Strix Leviathan的首席执行官Jesse Proudman也提出了类似的观点。他说:“受其他大型加密货币令人瞩目的业绩提振,比特币...


15. 比特币已被巨鲸冷冻

