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Transparent Financial Systems

1. 实时“加密结算”网络Transparent完成1400万美元A轮融资

区块链网络 区块链2月5日讯总部位于西雅图的加密公司Transparent Financial Systems宣布正在开发一个实时“加密结算”网络,同时已经完成了一笔1400万美元的A轮融资,本轮融资的投资方都大有来头,领投方是加密基金Pantera Capital,参投方包括推特创始人杰克?多西的支付公司Square、Future\Perfect Ventures、以及DCG...


2. Pantera牵头,Square和DCG参投,去中心化结算网络Transparent获1400万美元融资

位于西雅图的初创公司Transparent Financial Systems正在开发一个“实时”的去中心化支付结算网络,该公司已完成了1400万美元的A轮融资。本轮融资由Pantera Capital牵头,推特联合创始人Jack Dorsey的Square、数字货币集团(DCG)、Future/Perfect Ventures、IDEO Colab Ventures和CMT Digital参投。A轮融资使Transparent的总融资金额...

知识:Transparent Financial Systems

3. 区块链大型巡回播放第230期“区块链浮士德契约”

...he application of blockchain technology, the BITCOIN blockchain, for example, presents a completely transparent system. Can Financial institutions be honest? In terms of trade offs, we want the deal to close in a matter of minutes, not days, but all the deals on the blockchain are publicly traceable, which makes financial gurus uneasy, will the private chain be a definitive solution?The private ch...


4. 区块链大型巡回播放第231期“金融公共事业”

...e inner workings of Finance, but large financial institutions are trying to get around open source, transparent models like bitcoin, they are looking to integrate the best aspects of blockchain technology into their existing business models and thus gain absolute dominance, such as the use of distributed point-to-point encryption for financial market clearing and settlement, whether the future of ...


5. Square获得允许公司开设自己的银行的许可证

...第四季度收入的一半,该公司活跃于加密货币市场,最近为透明金融系统(Transparent Financial Systems)提供资金,该公司开发了“加密结算”。但是Square的发言人表示,该银行不打算提供与加密相关的功能。


6. 灰度母公司DCG在2020年都投了什么项目

...hts 数据显示,DCG 在 2020 年一共投资了 17 个项目,主要集中在 VC 轮和 A 轮。Transparent SystemsTransparent Systems 是一家总部位于西雅图的支付结算公司。Transparent Systems 正在构建一种「全新的、安全的加密实时结算解决方案」,以消除交易成本和与传统支付方式相关的摩擦,其去中心化网络旨在「消除当前财...


7. 灰度母公司DCG在2020年都投了什么项目?

...hts 数据显示,DCG 在 2020 年一共投资了 17 个项目,主要集中在 VC 轮和 A 轮。Transparent SystemsTransparent Systems 是一家总部位于西雅图的支付结算公司。Transparent Systems 正在构建一种「全新的、安全的加密实时结算解决方案」,以消除交易成本和与传统支付方式相关的摩擦,其去中心化网络旨在「消除当前财...


8. 海内外知名机构2020年投资版图:哪些被投项目会是潜力股?

...注于银行与支付类的基金,其投资了 Avanti Financial Group、Circle、Coinme、Lolli、Transparent Systems 以及 wyre。最受欢迎投资类别今年主要的投资趋势之一是为 DeFi 应用提供投资。新项目的成功和质量吸引了一些基金或公司的参与,而这些基金或公司在年初时对这一子行业几乎没有什么接触。正如我们之前在第...


9. When Will Fintech Firm Venmo and PNC Bank Settle their Scuffle

...e Plaid has presented its side of the story as well. The data aggregator has maintained a clear and transparent stance with respect to sharing all necessary system updates with the PNC. “Protecting consumers needs to be a joint priority, and we work with thousands of other banks to make sure their customers are never in this situation,” said John Pitts, Plaid’s head of policy and advocacy. ...


10. efg海外宣发

.... The traditional centralized management platform makes transaction data difficult to be truly transparent. Many manual verifications and other steps in the transaction process will lead to complex settlement and extremely high risks. The information asymmetry between the handling banks, enterprises and regulatory agencies makes the process very cumbersome, bank audit also has many ...


11. 数字美元如何使金融体系更加公平

帕特里克·默克(Patrick Murck)是美国透明系统(Transparent Systems)的首席法律官,分布式结算解决方案的开发商以及哈佛大学伯克曼·克莱因中心(Berkman Klein Center)的关联公司。 琳达·简(Linda Jeng)是美国透明系统(Transparent Systems)的全球政策主管和特别顾问,也是乔治敦国际经济法研究所的高级研...


12. 区块链大型巡回播放第224期“重塑金融服务”

...lized discussions, one of the big demands of the blockchain for ordinary people is that the data is transparent, secure, and can be used right away. The security contract allows ordinary people to browse the data, and based on the high performance and low cost of the public chain, this protocol can achieve the demand of micro-payment application, here will produce a Qr code to generate payment, th...


13. 区块链大型巡回播放第228期“八个核心助力金融”

..., the company's Labor payment, blockchain to do is, peer-to-peer financing, make all links safe and transparent. The seventh core of the blockchain is value insurance and risk management. The traditional model can not control the financial outstanding OTC derivatives. The blockchain makes the insurance model transparent, decentralization can make the insurance model more reasonable and the risk ca...


14. 七号矿场储存新篇章

...ode, and every Swarm node user is the top performer and beneficiary of the incentive layer. Through transparent Swarm network, BZZ coin can be distributed reasonably, and through the combination of point-to-point and cooperative ownership mode, it can effectively reduce the centralized system mode of digital finance and promote the improvement, development and optimal allocation of digital financi...


15. ECOCDeFi生态的金融逻辑与市值分析|空中课堂

...量1000枚乘现有的市值,1000×5000=540万美金的市值。The purpose of blockchain to be transparent, and it is perfectly possible to disclose that, according to our available data, the GPT circulation of 1000 pieces multiplied by the existing market value, 1000×5000 - $5million market value.不过大家可以通过 ECOC 区块浏览器看到有 600个GPT 并未转出,所以我们要...
