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1. Giving Block和Cointelegraph举办首届“ Crypto’s Biggest Brain”琐事竞赛

想在支持有需要的慈善机构时发挥您的加密大脑能力吗?Giving Block和Cointelegraph将在美国东部时间12月18日星期五晚上7点举办首届Crypto的最大脑琐事锦标赛。 这场比赛将加密货币生态系统中的关键利益相关者聚集在一起,同时提高了对加密友好型非营利组织的认识和捐赠。比赛还将由一些加密货币大腕赞...


2. 随着经济受冲击引发GDP大幅下降比特币或跟随股市走低

...ay be true. The Federal Reserve revealed this week that it expects GDP to fall by 6.5% by 2020, the biggest decline in decades. "This is, in fact, the biggest economic shock in the United States and the world," said Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. Economic data do not equate to movements in asset prices, but the two are linked in a way: lower GDP means companies earn less, which can lead to less spend...


3. 随着经济受冲击引发GDP大幅下降 比特币或跟随股市走低

...ay be true. The Federal Reserve revealed this week that it expects GDP to fall by 6.5% by 2020, the biggest decline in decades. "This is, in fact, the biggest economic shock in the United States and the world," said Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. Economic data do not equate to movements in asset prices, but the two are linked in a way: lower GDP means companies earn less, which can lead to less spend...


4. 比特币减半意味着矿工将不再是最大的卖家

...。因手机不能直接放链接,原文请搜:【Bitcoin Halving Means Miners Will No Longer Be Biggest Sellers of BTC】https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-halving-means-miners-will-no-longer-be-biggest-sellers-of-btc


5. 区块链大型巡回播放第229期“证券交易所福音”

...以及不可篡改让监管者和参与者更好的设置警报和跟踪信息。At the moment the biggest names in the stock market are showing a lot of interest in blockchain technology, and some of the most successful people in the derivatives market are actively engaged in digital asset management, just as in 1990 people looked at the internet in a different way, the blockchain will also chang...


6. 七号矿场未来充满想象

...以Filecoin的数据就像一个房子的地基,支撑其上生态的各种发展。Secondly, the biggest feature of Filecoin is the separation of data and application layer, all data are in a huge data pool, and all kinds of data are in it. On top of these data, there are various application layers. Therefore, the data of Filecoin is like the foundation of a house, supporting various ecological...


7. 目前涡轮蜂巢矿机是最主流的模式

...y to process data. If human society is understood as production, exchange and consumption, then the biggest role of the Internet is to enable producers and consumers to interact, so that the exchange link is efficient and has little loss.随着社会、互联网技术的发展,全球的数据越来越多,存储的需求愈发强烈,但现有的中心化存储非常低效且昂贵,有需求...


8. 美国前 100 大慈善机构中有 12 家接受比特币捐款

...的工具。来源链接:https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/52673/12-percent-of-americas-100-biggest-charity-organizations-accept-bitcoin 区块律动 BlockBeats 提醒,根据银保监会等五部门于 2018 年 8 月发布《关于防范以「虚拟货币」「区块链」名义进行非法集资的风险提示》的文件,请广大公众理性看待区块链,...


9. Brave 回购逾 53 万 BAT 代币,向用户分享 70% 广告收入



10. 据AssetDash显示,以太坊已成为全球市值前200名资产

据AssetDash显示,以太坊市值已超越大众汽车以及Spotify以521亿美金成为全球第194大市值资产。比特币以2870亿美金占据排行榜第21位。 原文链接:https://decrypt.co/47454/ethereum-enters-top-200-biggest-assets-by-market-cap?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=auto


11. CI全球资产管理公司在加拿大推出比特币共同基金

...tual fund to the Canadian marketplace, giving investors another convenient way to access one of the biggest players in the #digitalassets sector. https://t.co/Y8PAN6LEfK CI Global Asset Management (@CIGlobalAsset) April 5, 2021</blockquote>管理费为0.40%,初始最低投资额为500美元。它说:“随着对数字资产的兴趣不断增长,CI的下一步就是扩大投资比特币的...


12. 【第264期】“企业协作”&amp;“行情解读”

...mize the cooperation between enterprises to achieve win-win development is the era, they pursue the biggest dividend, with the help of commercial collaboration tools, can change knowledge work and organizational management, social software is an important tool for products like facebook's Work Edition to improve collaborative performance and encourage employee innovation within a company, and BM i...


13. 为应对新冠状病毒疫情,开源众筹平台 Gitcoin 将开放「公共卫生」筹资类别

...池包含 405 XTZ,目前价值 725 美元。原文地址:https://cryptobriefing.com/ethereums-biggest-crowdfunding-platform-combat-coronavirus-grants/


14. 日本最大社交网站 Line 计划于今年4月在日本推出其数字货币 Link

...,但似乎目前他们仍在向这一方向努力。原文地址:https://bitcoinist.com/japans-biggest-social-network-finally-launches-digital-currency/ 区块律动 BlockBeats 提醒,根据银保监会等五部门于 2018 年 8 月发布《关于防范以「虚拟货币」「区块链」名义进行非法集资的风险提示》的文件,请广大公众理性看待区块链,不要盲...


15. Kim Dotcom设想在美国实施严厉的加密镇压

...interviews with crypto influencers, US Empire will crack down on crypto, hard. Crypto is the single biggest threat to its power. It is now absolutely essential that we can transact &gt;privately&lt; because the use of crypto will become unlawful. Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) December 26, 2019</blockquote>目前尚无直接打击加密货币使用的迹象。但是,漏洞取决于资产和网络的类...
