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Random Capital

1. 云计算平台4EVERLAND完成150万美元种子轮融资,FBG Capital等参投

...ts 消息,8 月 10 日,云计算平台 4EVERLAND 完成 150 万美元种子轮融资,Fenbushi Capital、FBG Capital 、Bixin Ventures 、Mint Ventures 、Random Capital 参与本轮融资。 所筹资金将用于 4EVERLAND 平台开发搭建,使开发者快速接入 Web3.0,建立一个全球加速、隐私保护、链接永存的分布式网络和 Web3.0 基础设施。4EVERLAND 是一...


2. 《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

...iptic curve. These points are pairs of large numbers satisfying elliptic curve equation.We will use capital letters to represent these points, such as A= (4,68). Some algebraic operations can be performed on points on elliptic curves. The above two points can be added together and we can get approximately random third points, which is expressed as: C=A+B. A point can be added to itself many times:...


3. 【Substrate开发教程】23 - 如何在基于Substrate的区块链上生成随机数?

...机性是很难的,因此通过计算机生成的随机数本质上是一种伪随机数(pseudo random number),只是尽可能地“随机”。目前已经开发出一些技术来解决这个问题,比如RanDAO和VRF(Verifiable Random Functions,可验证随机函数)。Substrate使用frame_support::traits::Randomness抽象了随机性源的实现,并提供了一些实现,下...


4. 关键|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

...iptic curve. These points are pairs of large numbers satisfying elliptic curve equation.We will use capital letters to represent these points, such as A= (4,68). Some algebraic operations can be performed on points on elliptic curves. The above two points can be added together and we can get approximately random third points, which is expressed as: C=A+B. A point can be added to itself many times:...


5. 云计算平台 4EVERLAND 完成 150 万美元种子轮融资

区块链网络消息,云计算平台 4EVERLAND 完成 150 万美元种子轮融资,Fenbushi Capital、FBG Capital 、Bixin Ventures 、Mint Ventures 、Random Number Capital 参与本轮融资,所筹资金将用于 4EVERLAND 平台开发搭建,使开发者快速接入 Web3.0,建立一个全球加速、隐私保护、链接永存的分布式网络和 Web3.0 基础设施。4EVERLAND 是...

知识:隐私保护,Fenbushi Capital,云计算,投融资,

6. 云计算平台 4EVERLAND 上线 DWeb 托管服务应用 4EVER-HOSTING

...快速进行体验。链闻此前报道,4EVERLAND 完成 150 万美元种子轮融资,Fenbushi Capital、FBG Capital 、Bixin Ventures 、Mint Ventures 、Random Number Capital 参与,所筹资金用于 4EVERLAND 平台开发搭建。

知识:Fenbushi Capital,云计算,Web3.0,DW

7. 关键 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

...iptic curve. These points are pairs of large numbers satisfying elliptic curve equation.We will use capital letters to represent these points, such as A= (4,68). Some algebraic operations can be performed on points on elliptic curves. The above two points can be added together and we can get approximately random third points, which is expressed as: C=A+B. A point can be added to itself many times:...


8. 潜力最大的项目RANDOM



9. RANDOM:区块链游戏最好的归宿



10. 【免费活动推荐】万向区块链蜂巢学院第十二期:即将到来的Web3.0和我有关系吗

...hainIDE-全球首个接入Libra Move的云端IDE开发者。刘毅Cdot Network创始人& Random Capital合伙人刘毅Cdot Network创始人,Random Capital合伙人,Web3、区块链技术和加密货币市场研究者,比特币早期投资者。刘怿斯Dimension CTO刘怿斯,Dimension CTO,UIUC 学士、硕士。主导开发 Maskbook 和 Tessercube,DWeb Shanghai 发起人。蜂巢...


11. 比特币完成减半之后,超 50% 矿机已关机或濒临关机状态

...rst attempt to integrate with the ETH blockchain. According to the law, all processes of generating random numbers can be divided into two categories: true random numbers and pseudo random numbers. True randomness can be generated by some basic procedure, such as rolling dice or flipping coins. PSEUDORANDOM is generated by computation, usually with the aid of the PSEUDORANDOM number generator numb...


12. 比特币完成减半之后,超50%矿机已关机或濒临关机状态

...rst attempt to integrate with the ETH blockchain. According to the law, all processes of generating random numbers can be divided into two categories: true random numbers and pseudo random numbers. True randomness can be generated by some basic procedure, such as rolling dice or flipping coins. PSEUDORANDOM is generated by computation, usually with the aid of the PSEUDORANDOM number generator numb...


13. Chainlink 推出链上可验证随机函数(VRF),将首先用于DeFi 游戏 PoolTogether

...掷硬币。伪随机性是通过计算生成的,通常借助于伪随机数生成器 (pseudo- orandom number generator, PRNG)。在实践中,后者的使用更为突出,因为它可以方便地集成到各种计算机应用程序中。关键是要确保这些算法生成的随机数确实是不可预测的。直到现在,即使是去中心化的应用程序也必须依赖于随机的集...


14. 硬件钱包的安全芯片有什么作用?(上)

...出两种方案——伪随机数生成器和真随机数生成器。伪随机数生成器(pseudo-random number generator,PRNG)在维基百科上有一个更令人担忧的名字,确定性随机数生成器(deterministic-random bit generator ,DRBG)。为什么随机数还会有“确定性”这一说呢?因为伪随机数都来自于“随机种子”(Random Seed),而随机...


15. Chainlink推出链上可验证随机函数(VRF),将首先用于DeFi游戏PoolTogether

...掷硬币。伪随机性是通过计算生成的,通常借助于伪随机数生成器 (pseudo- orandom number generator, PRNG)。在实践中,后者的使用更为突出,因为它可以方便地集成到各种计算机应用程序中。关键是要确保这些算法生成的随机数确实是不可预测的。直到现在,即使是去中心化的应用程序也必须依赖于随机的集...
