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Cross-Chain Group

1. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第62期

...zed to the latest version (100%)Complete one-to-all transfer interface (100%)Complete governance of cross-chain token pairs (100%)Limit the candidates to become miners with over 21,000 votes (100%)Improve the decentralized authority management of DEX trading pairs (100%)Development of transaction serialization API (30%)Implement transaction fees for DEX pending orders (100%)Test the data of the pu...


2. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第62期(3.23~3.29)

...zed to the latest version (100%)Complete one-to-all transfer interface (100%)Complete governance of cross-chain token pairs (100%)Limit the candidates to become miners with over 21,000 votes (100%)Improve the decentralized authority management of DEX trading pairs (100%)Development of transaction serialization API (30%)Implement transaction fees for DEX pending orders (100%)Test the data of the pu...


3. 比原3周年回顾:过去.现在及未来

...If you want to make the assets interact, you must break the isolated state between blockchains, so cross-chain is a very essential step. The second step is to transfer the cross cross-chain assets in the ecology, which requires related DeFi applications. These applications are usually not satisfied by a single protocol. They need a group of protocol clusters, which can integrate transactions, asse...


4. Near Foundation 筹集 1.5 亿美元以支持 Web3 的采用 – 山寨币比特币新闻

...n Ventures, A16Z, alameda, amber group, Amos Zhang, Baidu Ventures, Capital raise, Circle Ventures, Cross-chain, cross-chain bridge TVL, Digital Currency Group (DCG), Dragonfly Capital, Electric Capital, Folius、Funding、Jump、Kyle Davies、Mechanism Capital、Metaweb.vc、原生资产、NEAR、Near Foundation、近协议、PoS、PoS 网络、彩虹桥、三箭资本、Web3、Web3 大规模采...


5. tBTC将与Celo合作,进一步开拓BTC的应用场景

...抵押,对于加密货币经济的长期增长至关重要。tBTC是“Keep”,“Summa”和“Cross-Chain Group”共同开发的项目。tBTC采取了最高级别的安全措施,并经过全面的审核,是一个开源、有保障的项目,人们可以安全且简单地将BTC兑换为tBTC——一种可在DeFi平台上使用的ERC-20代币。Keep CEO Matt Luongo表示 “有目标的...


6. tBTC正式上线,让BTC以最安全的方式进入Defi

...施,用户可以安全地使用比特币参与以太坊上的Defi交易。tBTC由Keep,Summa和Cross-Chain Group共同创立,经过全面代码审核,并且完全开源。人们能够通过1:1的比例将BTC安全地兑换成为ERC-20的代币tBTC,这将允许BTC的用户参与到大热的DeFi交易。tBTC的推出将给数字货币领域的发展翻开新的篇章。Keep总计从Paradi...


7. 频受资本青睐的DeFi新秀SkyFort首创平台币抵扣利息开启借贷+机枪池多重收益新模

日前,Colibri Group(蜂鸟资本)、Cross-Chain Bridge Fund跨链桥基金先后宣布完成对Sky Fort的战略投资;另一边又传出Sky Fort将与Chia达成战略合作的消息。首创平台币抵扣利息的跨链借贷+机枪池多重收益DeFi金融平台Sky Fort为何如此频频受资本方青睐?还是说这只是DeFi快速发展的一个缩影?DeFi总市值突破600亿...


8. 区块链倡议“跨链集团”揭幕

Cross-Chain Group是一个专注于开发人员的工作组,致力于在整个区块链生态系统中促进跨链架构的研究,设计和实施,今天宣布已接受第一轮初始成员和指导委员会成员。选择每个初始成员都是因为他们具有深厚的工程知识,独特的观点以及致力于扩展跨链架构的功能和可用性的承诺。总之,目标是提供...


9. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第70期

...obtain data according to the prefix. (100%)Improved the limit on the maximum amount of money in the cross-chain proposal. (100%)Solved the problem that the same transaction can be packaged into multiple blocks. (100%)Public chain V3.0 test chain goes online. (100%)Ran public chain decentralized governance test. (100%)Ran public chain V3.0 cross-chain test. (60%)Application developmentCompleted W...


10. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第70期(6.01~6.07)

...obtain data according to the prefix. (100%)Improved the limit on the maximum amount of money in the cross-chain proposal. (100%)Solved the problem that the same transaction can be packaged into multiple blocks. (100%)Public chain V3.0 test chain goes online. (100%)Ran public chain decentralized governance test. (100%)Ran public chain V3.0 cross-chain test. (60%)Application developmentCompleted W...


11. Cosmos 联合 Agoric、Band Protocol 举行线上黑客松 Gitcoin Cross-Chain Hackathon

区块链网络消息,由 Cosmos 、Agoric 及 Band Protocol 联合主办的线上黑客松「Gitcoin Cross-Chain Hackathon」已开放报名申请,该活动将在 4 月 20 日至 5 月 11 日期间举行,开发者可以使用 Cosmos SDK、Agoric SDK、Band Chain 和 IBC 协议构建应用,此次活动奖金超过 2.4 万美元并以 ATOM 和 BAND 代币进行支付。来源链接


12. 多链IDO平台KList如何脱颖而出|AMA回顾

...Potter, the co-founder of KList, I'm glad to be here to share about KList. KList is a decentralized cross-chain IDO platform that supports the deployment of multiple chains such as Ethereum, Polygon, OKExChain, BSC, Solana, Cardano, Polkadot, etc. It pioneered the margin system and provides multiple IDO issuance methods. We have received investment from more than a dozen well-known institutions at...


13. 隐私协议层项目 Keep Network 已完整开源

... 2016 年推出 Keep Network,Keep Network 此后与跨链金融服务提供商 Summa 合作创立 Cross-Chain Working Group,该小组表示自 2018 年以来一直在研究一种名为「最小化信任」的协议 tBTC,同时 tBTC 将是 Keep 网络上推出的首个主要应用。tBTC 为 ERC-20 代币,由比特币完全抵押,可以随时兑换,假设一个比特币持有者希望...


14. tBTC 开发团队 Thesis 完成一轮由 Paradigm Capital 领投的 770 万美元融资

... 2016 年推出 Keep Network,Keep Network 此后与跨链金融服务提供商 Summa 合作创立 Cross-Chain Working Group,该小组表示自 2018 年以来一直在研究一种名为「最小化信任」的协议 tBTC,同时 tBTC 将是 Keep 网络上推出的首个主要应用。tBTC 为 ERC-20 代币,由比特币完全抵押,可以随时兑换。Thesis 首席执行官 Matt Luongo 表...


15. 跨链金融服务提供商 Summa 加入 Celo 背后设计公司 cLabs

...链生态系统联系起来。」跨链金融服务提供商 Summa 曾与 Keep Network 合作创立 Cross-Chain Working Group,该小组表示自 2018 年以来一直在研究一种「最小化信任」的基于以太坊网络并锚定比特币的跨链协议 tBTC,同时 tBTC 将是 Keep 网络上推出的首个主要应用。来源链接
