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Automatic Recurring Deposits

1. Dharma 新增支持自动存款功能

区块链网络消息,加密借贷公司 Dharma 宣布新增支持自动循环存款(Automatic Recurring Deposits)功能,帮助用户更方便的在 Dharma 上操作。通过「自动存款」功能,用户可以一键设置借记卡存款,可以设置成按每周、双周或按月的固定周期自动存款。来源链接

知识:Dharma,Automatic Recurring Dep

2. Booster(BOO)MiningCourse

...purchase BOO and form LP Token? with the corresponding currency and then complete the pledgeMining: automatic refilling, up to 8 times leverageFor example, MDX/USDT: up to 2.5 lever miningUsers can adjust the bar bar 1-2.5 bar mining [such as the selection of double bar, can be understood as normal LP flow mining] page will have relevant tips, please check;your Positions can find your position


3. MakerDAO治理合约升级背后的安全风波

...里我们假设有一个从未投过票的黑客打算开始攻击:调用lock()锁仓 MKR,此时deposits[msg.sender]会存入锁住的额度。此时黑客可以线下预先算好要攻击的提案并预先计算好哈希值,拿来做为步骤 3 的传参,因为slate其实只是address数组的sha3。这里要注意挑选的攻击目标组合必须还不存在于slates[]中 (否则攻击...


4. 【第292期】#比特币秘事# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

...Although the United States has expressed its aversion to the de-dollarization of Bitcoin, there are automatic bitcoin atms on various continents. We can see that cryptocurrencies are relatively unimpeded in the United States, in the United States, with the recent SEC and BB compromise, at least EOS is already in compliance. The launch of the first fully lightning enabled bitcoin wallet on Google p...


5. BitBay发布钱包更新

...自己的 privkey 一起运作   强制钱包更新 (版本.   - Windows Automatic Installer: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ysbxbxumyvcs535/BitBay-Automatic-   - Windows Manual Install: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6ea20i9fa64lftf/BitBay-Manual-   - Mac Installer: http://www.mediafire.com/download/hdi7e7y4gjkvh93/bitbay-qt-1.0...


6. ATR打造娱乐挖矿体系,开启IPFS时代的财富之路

Automatic revenue(ATR)基于区块链解决了游戏娱乐类行业的公正问题,也通过双重挖矿模式解决了行业的循环体系Automatic revenue(ATR)基于区块链解决了游戏娱乐类行业的公正问题,也通过双重挖矿模式解决了行业的循环体系,从而打通游戏娱乐类的整个生态,又根据最近比较热点的分布式存储挖矿(IPFS)理...


7. 新一代ipfs挖矿协议ATR已开启创世股东线招募

据官方消息,Automatic revenue (ATR)已开启创世股东线招幕,目前第一期创世股东线(0.18U)10条已结束,第二期创世股东线正在火爆招募中。Automatic revenue (ATR)是全球首个兼容ipfs分布式存储保底挖矿的娱乐类挖矿项目,旨在让更多人参与到本次ipfs分布式存储挖矿盛况中,也让娱乐类app项目焕发新生。...


8. 以太坊价格的下跌未能撼动长期持有者,预计波动性会急剧增加

...entum in Ethereum price is not moving long-term holders. As reported by Crypto Quant, the large ETH deposits to derivative exchanges in an increased risk of short-term volatility.Likely Ethereum price volatility in the short termAccording to Crypto Quant, whales use coin-margined contracts to open large positions against ETH as collateral.Reportedly, on June 22, over 170,000 ETH were into derivati...


9. FIO已经为去中心化的商业应用做好准备

...续订FIO地址的捆绑交易的一部分包括在内。FIO请求是一种完美的固定付款(recurring payments)机制,商家可以在处理所有到期付款时触发请求。此请求将显示在用户的钱包界面中以供审批。为了在电子商务网站上启用FIO协议,商家只需从网站上的客户那里收集FIO地址,并在结账时向该地址发起获得所需加...


10. Vitalik回怼CZ「比特币是和平抗议」言论,币安或曾支持港独

...concerns-over-violations-of-law-and-rumors-it-is-supporting-hong-kong-protests/Binance Now Supports Deposits and Withdrawals in Hong-Kong Dollarshttps://hksar.org/binance-now-supports-deposits-and-withdrawals-in-hong-kong-dollars-coindesk赵长鹏和Vitalik个人Twitter本文来源:碳链一线原文标题:Vitalik回怼CZ「比特币是和平抗议」言论,币安或曾支持港独


11. ENai intelligent brick

...ation and moving bricks (with time difference) first-in last-out in ethernet chain (block chain) to automatically buy and sell currency interest margin!As a whole, ENai is an intelligent brick moving quantization transaction system, and ENai has satisfied requirements of most investors, also, it will be updated according to change of environment. The system has completed spot transaction of multip...


12. 比特币全节点硬件钱包问世,开发者称之为装在盒子里的私人银行

...的。Stash Node Pro将会包括 Open-Transactions:它支持现金,数字支票,定期付款(recurring payments),一篮子货币(basket currencies),买入/卖出市场兑换,以及一个安全的端到端加密通讯系统。所有的这些功能将会给予Stash Node拥有者一个完整的加密资源库。   注:Open-Transactions:它是一个易于使用的财务加密...


13. 一文了解DelphiDigital深耕的六个Terra生态DeFi项目

...tal 的黑客马拉松活动,该项目主要为用户和服务提供商构建代收支付协议(recurring payments protocol)。他们利用 Anchor 的稳定收益提供对 Delphi Digital 和 The Block 等服务的订阅,以换取 UST 存款。长期以来,代付加密货币支付一直是 Delphi Digital 的痛点,因此我们不仅为 Suberra Protocol 提供了产品设计建议,而...


14. 一文了解 Delphi Digital 深耕的六个 Terra 生态 DeFi 项目

...tal 的黑客马拉松活动,该项目主要为用户和服务提供商构建代收支付协议(recurring payments protocol)。他们利用 Anchor 的稳定收益提供对 Delphi Digital 和 The Block 等服务的订阅,以换取 UST 存款。长期以来,代付加密货币支付一直是 Delphi Digital 的痛点,因此我们不仅为 Suberra Protocol 提供了产品设计建议,而...


15. RMT 项目周报(2019年12月6日)

...nal SureRemit App and website will have many more practical features as well: contact/friends list, recurring remittances, 'gifting' of a remittance, repeat a transaction, and many more. We'll also enable bulk buys of vouchers as well. This feature allows businesses to buy and remit vouchers in bulk.With this solid strategy and proposition, we are confident that SureRemit is on the right track to ...
