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Base Rate

1. MakerDAO 新增 KNC 和 ZRX 作为 Dai 抵押品

... KNC 和 ZRX 生成 Dai。执行投票记录https://vote.makerdao.com/executive-proposal/raise-the-base-rate-and-the-dsr-add-knc-and-zrx-as-collateral-types同时,该执行投票还将 Dai 存贷利差和基础费率(Base Rate)提高至 0.25%,Dai 存款利率依然保持为 0%,此项调整将更改各项抵押品的稳定费率如下:ETH-A:0.25%BAT-A:0.25%USDC-A:1%USDC-B:50.25%WBTC-A:1...


2. 以太坊信标链验证者奖励

...坊验证者参与网络的每个 epoch (6.4 分钟) 都会获得奖励。他们收到的奖励是base_reward(基础奖励) 的倍数。信标链有三方面的值需要投票,每个验证者对其中一个当前值投了正确的票 (或用行话说,做了证明) 就会得到一份base_reward。我会把这三项奖励组合起来称为\"正确率奖励 (accuracy reward)\"。如果他们的...


3. SwiBank 创新的加密资产担保生态系统

...their money.Shirley:What's SKT?Jorge:Swibank is an open-source decentralized (DeFi) cryptoasset based in ethereum.The system is locked in by collateralized digital assets, contracts, and can lend Flat currency assets or other data assets.At present, the value of digital assets has not been widely recognized by traditional financial institutions, digital asset holders are difficult to directly ...


4. 烤仔创作者联盟|Terra生态一览

...相等的 Luna 和 SDR 池初始化。矿池在 SDR 中的价值相等,矿池的大小由称为“BasePool”的参数决定。这些是用于防止预先运行预言机的虚拟流动性池。虚拟意味着这些池不存在并且没有代币存入其中。这是一种算法,它是 Terra 代码的组成部分。# set by the BASE_POOL paramterPOOL_BASE = 1000# initially equal to POOL_BASEPOOL...


5. 一文解读Deipool聚合流动性挖矿产量计算

...率通俗的说就是,贷方使用资金量除以借方存入池子的资金量。2.基础利率(base rate),使用国际标准利率,5%3.加利率(multiplier)=12%例如:假设使用率 = 80% 来计算:借款年利率 = 5% + (12% x 80%) = 14.6%。借款人所需要支付利息的年利率,在这个当下是14.6%04 放贷年利率放贷年利率 = 借款年利率 x 使用率 x (1 - 保...


6. 斯坦福大学背书的pinetwork下载及注册教程务必仔细阅读

...期参与者领的收益会更多。下面是我从主网摘录的一段话:“At this time, the base rate of mining halves every time the number of active users increases by a factor of 10 (see graph below). This rate will eventually fall to 0 when the network reaches a certain number of users (e.g. 10 million or 100 million). At that point, just like Bitcoin, miners will continue to be rewarde...


7. SwiBank 创新的加密资产担保生态系统 (中文版)

...我们介绍下什么是SKT吗?Jorge:Swibank is an open-source decentralized (DeFi) cryptoasset based in ethereum.SwiBank是一个基于以太坊的开源DeFi项目。The system is locked in by collateralized digital assets, contracts, and can lend Flat currency assets or other data assets.用户可以在这个系统中,通过智能合约,抵押自己的数字资产,并借出法币数字...


8. Maker 通过执行投票,将降低基础费率,并添加 dYdX 喂价作为 ETH/USD 预言机白名单

区块链网络消息,MakerDAO 通过一项新的执行投票,基础费率(Base Rate)将从 0% 降至-4%,并将添加 dYdX 喂价作为 ETH/USD 预言机白名单。由于稳定费(Stability Fees)是基于基准利率和风险溢价计算,因此该提案通过后将带来以下变化:WBTC-A 稳定费参数将从 2%降低到 0%。KNC-A 稳定费参数将从 4%降低到 0%...


9. 什么是pi network?pi币发展价值几何详解总汇

...影响力才会更大,更有价值。下面是从官网摘抄的一段话:“At this time, the base rate of mining halves every time the number of active users increases by a factor of 10 (see graph below). This rate will eventually fall to 0 when the network reaches a certain number of users (e.g. 10 million or 100 million). At that point, just like Bitcoin, miners will continue to be rewarde...


10. Whowill wear the crown after AMPL? 1913

...f1% of compound interest every day, thus driving up the currencyprice. The daily benchmark price is based on the previous day'sincrease of 1%, and the initial price is 1 usdt.Let'slook at the difference between 1913 and AMPLExpressionof benchmark price (y) after ampl releaseY=1Theformula for calculating the benchmark price (y) after the issue of1913 is as follows:Y =1.01 ^ (x-1) y: benchmark price...


11. 在Compound 的世界里,借贷与利率模型原来是这样的关系

...率模型里,会计算借款年利率,这个利率会受到以下因素影响:基础利率 (base rate)使用率 (utilization rate)加利率 (multiplier)借款年利率 = 基础利率 + (使用率 x 加利率)以 Compound DAI 为例,基础利率 = 5%,加利率 = 12%,若以目前当下的使用率 = 62.13% 来计算:借款年利率 = 5% + (12% x 0.6213) = 12.4556%,也就是上图所...


12. PI network π(PI)币 可以交易了?

...期参与者领的收益会更多。下面是我从主网摘录的一段话: “At this time, the base rate of mining halves every time the number of active users increases by a factor of 10 (see graph below). This rate will eventually fall to 0 when the network reaches a certain number of users (e.g. 10 million or 100 million). At that point, just like Bitcoin, miners will continue to be reward...


13. PI network π(PI)币正式上线比特可乐开启交易

...期参与者领的收益会更多。下面是我从主网摘录的一段话: “At this time, the base rate of mining halves every time the number of active users increases by a factor of 10 (see graph below). This rate will eventually fall to 0 when the network reaches a certain number of users (e.g. 10 million or 100 million). At that point, just like Bitcoin, miners will continue to be reward...


14. Base一天DeFi一年?看加密界的标准普尔500——BASE

继“DeFi 一天,币圈一年”的口号之后,社区又喊出了“Base 一天,DeFi 一年”的声音。当说到算法稳定币的鼻祖时,大家都会想到AMPL ,而最近出来的Base 被称为“一个更狂野的 AMPL”。随着AMPL最近不错的涨势,Rebase 这个通胀通缩机制,又慢慢地进入到大家的视野中。AMPL 在7月份大火之后,出来了不少...


15. Base64、Base58原理及GO实现其加密解密

