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Good Pay

1. 科普 | 韩国地区货币是什么?与稳定币究竟有无关联?

...ero Pay」链接的 QR 系统和卡支付提供结算服务。2、电信公司 KT——为其基于 Good Pay 的移动应用 QR 码支付提供结算服务,并负责管理釜山「山茶货币」应用。Good Pay 是基于 KT 区块链技术的安全便捷的移动地区货币服务。3、KEB Hana Card——为 KT 的 Good Pay 和与釜山「山茶货币」相关的充值型支票卡提供结算...


2. 韩国如何使用当地货币获取基本收入和COVID-19救济金

...,另外三种提供数字货币。其中之一就是Gimpo Pay,它使用电信公司KT提供的Good Pay解决方案。 另外两个是城南市和始兴市,它们使用韩国造币厂(KOMSCO)的平台。 造币厂还活跃于数字身份领域,这是韩国领先的另一个领域。KT最近还与釜山市及其Dongbaekjeon货币达成了交易,该交易预计每年将超过2.58亿...


3. Theriseofthecryptocurrencymarket,Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?

... China currency starts some activities steadily, as long as it is not a show operation, ZB is still good in the near future.Huobi's HT is also very good. Although the annual growth rate is not as good as Binance and China Currency, as an excellent old and big-name digital currency exchange, its platform currency naturally cannot be ignored. According to the list, HT ranks 14th in the world, which ...


4. Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?Takealookatthelistdata

... China currency starts some activities steadily, as long as it is not a show operation, ZB is still good in the near future.Huobi's HT is also very good. Although the annual growth rate is not as good as Binance and China Currency, as an excellent old and big-name digital currency exchange, its platform currency naturally cannot be ignored. According to the list, HT ranks 14th in the world, which ...


5. 【第262期】“区块链平台创建”&“行情解读”

... requires domain names, spaces, website programs, website design, updates, and promotion, currently good domain names have been pre-registered, such as BM VOICE spent hundreds of millions of dollars to buy, visible domain name price is also sky-high. Space is also a major configuration, we need to buy virtual machines, virtual machines also pay attention to brand, a good virtual machine high price...


6. 区块链大型巡回播放第九十八期“区块链金融关注不足下”

... are other reasons:4. SUCCESS IS KING: In the business economy, for example, Ma Zong's success is a good business model, but good is not always successful, because for enterprises, the pursuit of short-term profits is the greatest interest, the development of blockchain technology is not to use new finance to subvert traditional finance, but to bridge the gap between new Finance and traditional fi...


7. (2)SuggestionaboutPlaymodesdevelopmentofAxieInfinity

... improvement of game modes. Axie Infinity Team will use tradable token AXS to reward those who make good suggestions, and those who play well in the game, such as the top 1,000 players in every season will get different number AXS for their scores.4. Game content has potential developmentAlthough Axie Infinity has only developed card mode on the PC and mobile phones, but in the future there will b...


8. 区块链大型巡回播放【第98期】#区块链金融关注不足(下)# &“行情解读”

... are other reasons:1. SUCCESS IS KING: In the business economy, for example, Ma Zong's success is a good business model, but good may not be successful, because for enterprises, the pursuit of short-term profits is the greatest interest, the development of blockchain technology is not to use new finance to subvert traditional finance, but to bridge the gap between new finance and traditional finan...


9. 决赛选手宣布获得AIBC大奖

...s Network /德勤/ Yptokey 2019年社会影响力大奖(由Lucky.io赞助) 入围者:Fintech4Good / Ethichub / Give基金 2019年度最佳AI应用程序(由TakaMaka赞助) 决赛入围者:SingularityNET / Spacept /无偏 2019年的大规模采用项目(由AmonTech赞助) 入围者:Salamantex / Future1Exchange / HUPAYX FINTECH 2019年度初创企业(由OVR赞助) 入围者...


10. 新界面、新交互、新体验good.top升级为good

good.top 升级为good,近期将迎来全新DAPP应用。在原有DAPP的基础上, 优化了相关的功能操作, 提高了系统运行效率;更便捷的操作界面,让所有交易流程更简单、更直观;新增仓单模式,算力挖矿等板块。新版DAPP将有更多应用与体验面向市场:1、资产安全:新版DAPP原有模式及数据保持不变;2、交易提高...


11. 马耳他加密资产交易所谷得(GOOD)完成B轮融资2300万美元融资

...耳他时间2019年7月13日,总部位于欧盟国家马耳他的加密货币交易所“谷得(GOOD)”完成B轮融资,获得“新加坡磐石基金会(ROCK FOUNDATION)”2000万美元、“天和资本”200万美元及“雪豹资本”100万美元投资。“谷得(GOOD)”交易所继“币安(Binance)交易所”B轮融资之后创加密资产交易所B轮融资之最,更...


12. 数字银行平台Good Money获得3000万美元融资, Galaxy Digital和Block.One领投

  译者:玩币族ElaineHu   美国新银行平台Good Money在A轮融资中筹集到3000万美元的投资,其投资方包括专注于加密货币的商业银行Galaxy Digital和Block.One。12月10日的一份新闻稿证实了这一消息。   Good Money致力于平衡用户所有权与部分利润和股权捐赠,为美国帐户持有人提供银行服务和少...


13. FTX收购卡牌游戏《Storybook Brawl》开发商Good Luck Games

...动 BlockBeats 消息,3 月 23 日,FTX 宣布收购卡牌游戏《Storybook Brawl》开发商 Good Luck Games,具体收购金额暂未透露。本次收购为 FTX 首次涉足游戏开发,旨在与 Good Luck Games 团队合作,推动 NFT 和区块链技术在游戏领域内的应用,开发出受玩家欢迎的区块链游戏和模式。 Good Luck Games 是卡牌游戏《Storybook Braw...

知识:FTX,收购,卡牌,游戏,《,Storybook Brawl

14. NFT for Good上线,币安连结加密艺术与慈善

12月3日,NFT for Good经过实际实施后正式官宣上线,这是一个由币安慈善(Binance Charity)和币安智能链(Binance Smart Chain)发起的,连接区块链艺术社区和公益组织,综合NFT生成、展示、拍卖和公益捐赠功能的一站式开放数字艺术公益捐赠平台。初识NFT,是因它为非同质化通证。每一个NFT拥有独特且唯一的...


15. 优质加密货币:功能齐全的加密货币投资组合跟踪器和交易管理应用程序

Good Crypto是一款多合一的加密货币交易和投资组合管理应用程序,其使命是为加密货币交易者提供通过简单直观界面提供的高级工具的能力。Good Crypto应用程序可在iOS,Android和Web平台上使用,使用户能够在25个以上的加密交易所中24/7全天候管理仓位,并在所有受支持的交易所和区块链钱包中实时监控其...
