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1. 如何使用TradingView编写简单指标

...s for difference so best accuracy on lower timeframspremium = security("COINBASE:BTCUSD", timeframe.period, close) - security("BINANCE:BTCUSDT", timeframe.period, close)premiumPercent = (premium/close)*100plot(premiumPercent, color = iff(premium >= 0, color.blue, color.red))plot(0, color = color.black)如何编写指标TradingView 主要界面可分为三个区域,最上面的行情显示区...


2. Whichcryptoexchangeisbestforusers?Comparisonoflendingservices

...OKex in the C2C model, ZB.com has the lowest interest rate. If we borrow 1000 USDT in Binance for a period of 90 days, we need to pledge nearly 0.14 BTC (according to the BTC price on July 28, which is approximately RMB 10594), and then need to return 1036.00 USDT when returning it. To borrow 1000 USDT from ZB.com, 900 QC (QC is a 1:1 stable currency anchored to offshore RMB, which is equal to 900...


3. 哔哩哔哩海外 NFT 项目 Cheers UP Period 地板价达 0.898 ETH,创历史新高

巴比特讯,NFTGo.io 数据显示,哔哩哔哩海外 NFT 项目 Cheers UP Period 24 小时交易额为 30.11 万美元,增幅达 571.52%。此外,OpenSea 数显示,该 NFT 系列地板价达 0.898 ETH,创历史新高。原文链接


4. 后浪币|解读necDAO经济模型:DEX+DAO的社会实验将是必然趋势吗?

...每个月都会启动新一轮的staking,根据staking时间的不同,划分为不同的staking period,现在一共有100个periods。此外,每个月还有一次Reputation的拍卖,每次拍卖的Reputation数量要根据当前所处的period(n)期数决定,下面有个公式决定了每个period将要拍卖的Reputation数量:当前period期数为9,我们可以根据n=9来计...


5. 【跟着勇哥柒学知识65】数据说话,购买并持有真的是投资数字货币最好的策略

... – 使用 ATR 获得波段宽度, 如果价格超过波段, 则做多。Parameters used: ATR period = 5d, band multiplier = 1.5/2/2.5布林带突破 ( rx_bb_bout) - 当价格超过上带时, 会变长.Parameters used: BB period = 3d/5d, BB stddev = 2, MA = EMA/LRC/SuperSmoother高/低突破(hilo) = 当价格超过前 X 天高时, 会变长。在 X 天低点下关闭仓位。Param...


6. 价格预言机的使用总结(二):UniswapV2篇

...iswapV2Library.sol&amp#39;; //?fixed?window?oracle?that?recomputes?the?average?price?for?the?entire?period?once?every?period //?note?that?the?price?average?is?only?guaranteed?to?be?over?at?least?1?period,?but?may?be?over?a?longer?period contract?ExampleOracleSimple?{ ????using?FixedPoint?for?*; ????uint?public?constant?PERIOD?=?24?hours; ????IUniswapV2Pair?immutable?pair; ????address?public?immuta...


7. 手把手教你给行情收集器升级回测自定义数据源功能

... exName = exchange.GetName() # 注意,period为底层K线周期 tabName = "%s_%s" % ("records", int(int(dictParam["period"]) / 1000)) priceRatio = math.pow(10, int(dictParam["round"])) amountRatio = math.pow(10, int(dictParam["vround"])) fromTS = int(dictParam["from"]) * int(1000) ...


8. TradeLearnCUDOS:1,200,000CUDOSRewardstobeShared!

...e will be ranked based on the total CUDOS net buying volume traded on KuCoin during the competition period.The rewards will be distributed as follows:*The reward for the qualified users other than the top 30 winners = (Each user’s total net buying volume / all qualified users other than the top 30 winners’ total net buying volume) *?300,000?CUDOS.Activity 2: CUDOS Participation Rewards, Enjoy ...


9. 第一轮BSC Grant已结束,总捐助额近480万元

...col Meta Universe,以及 xDeFi。 在 Grant Round 结束后,将进入为期 24 小时的 Grace Period 并公告投票结果。在 Grace Period 期间,每个项目需要联系 HackerLink 并确认项目真实性。Grace Period 过后,项目可以取出社区捐助和奖金池配比奖金。 BSC GRANT ROUND-2 将于 3 月 19 日即将启动。


10. OKExChain线上黑客松来袭链上生态再展宏图

...目最后集中快速demo:7月11日;活动结束:?7月11日?20:00 (UTC+8);宽限期?Grace Period:7月11日-7月16日用户可在活动期间内登陆hackerlink.io,点击Grant-OKExChain?进行申请(新用户请先注册哦)。Hackathon期间将进行多轮项目demo,早上传项目会会获得更多关注,提高项目曝光,吸引更多投票和融资机会。在Grant Round...


11. CBMG Reports Financial Results for Q3 2019

....9 million and $37.3 million respectively, compared to $12.7 million and $30.4 million for the same periods in 2018.</li><li style="list-style: none;">General and administrative expenses for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2019 were $3.3 million and $10.0 million, respectively, compared to $3.3 million and $9.6 million for the same periods in 2018.</li><li style="list-style: none;"...


12. “Edo”升级为Tezos网络的快速发展带来新功能

...们一起来看看“ Edo ”带给 Tezos 的一些新功能:改进的治理流程——“ 5th Period ”含义:5th Period 也被称为“ adoption ”周期,它是对治理机制本身的重要改进,旨在提供足够的时间更新生态系统和开发工具。反过来,它让协议过渡更加稳定,并为生态系统参与者提供更好的支持提供了一种机制。点击此...


13. SolanaIGNITIONHackathon亚洲赛区启动

...ound结束后,为防止女巫攻击(Sybil-attack),会进行为期3-5天的宽限期(Grace Period)并公告投票结果。在Grace Period期间,每个项目需要联系HackerLink并确认项目真实性。Grace Period过后,项目可以取出社区捐助和奖金池配比奖金。奖金池的构成投票者的每一票,都会直接影响奖金分配。Grant奖金由三部分组成...


14. 瓜分5万美元奖金池:HarmonyGrant线上黑客松正式启动

...5. Grant Round结束后,为防止女巫攻击(Sybil-attack),会进行为期72小时的Grace Period并公告投票结果。在Grace Period期间,每个项目需要联系HackerLink并确认项目真实性。Grace Period过后,项目可以取出社区捐助和奖金池配比奖金关于HarmonyHarmony是一个基于PoS的分片方案,包含一个信标链和多个分片链。PoS和分片...


15. 霍比特HBTC上线“UNI挖矿7日定期”Staking产品

... ETH 和USDT的形式发放。UNI挖矿7日定期-ETH 点击申购:https://www.hbtc.com/staking/periodical/718596357925157376UNI挖矿7日定期-USDT 点击申购:https://www.hbtc.com/staking/periodical/718736639979206400风险提示:本产品为创新型数字货币金融衍生品,风险较大。平台为用户提供的是代理资产接入 DeFi 挖矿项目以及收益分发等相关服...
