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The Press

1. DeFi协议Benchmark Protocol启动第二阶段流动性挖矿计划The Press

... 25 日,DeFi 协议 Benchmark Protocol 宣布启动第二阶段的流动性挖矿奖励计划 The Press,该计划将通过两个池子为流动性提供者奖励代币总量的 27%,分别是 MARK-ETH 和 MARK-USDC 两个核心交易对,持续 3 至 7 年。 此外,Benchmark Protocol 的公平启动计划 Launchpad 已经于 12 月 24 日区块高度 11519083 终止,Launchpad 网站...


2. DeFi 协议 Benchmark Protocol 启动第二阶段流动性挖矿计划 The Press

...消息,DeFi 协议 Benchmark Protocol 宣布启动第二阶段的流动性挖矿奖励计划 The Press,该计划将通过两个池子为流动性提供者奖励代币总量的 27%,分别是 MARK-ETH 和 MARK-USDC 两个核心交易对,持续 3 至 7 年。此外,Benchmark Protocol 的公平启动计划 Launchpad 已经于 12 月 24 日区块高度 11519083 终止,Launchpad 网站将...


3. Ethereum's price consolidates; descending triangle projects negative pullback

...e since. Over the past week, ETH has been moving sideways between the range of $180 and $190 and at press time, its valuation was recorded to be $186.65. 12-hour chart Source: ETH/USD on Trading View The 12-hour chart for Ethereum pictured a massive hike on 25 October. Since then, however, the token has not undergone any major price swing. However, the price movement for ETH gave rise to a symme...


4. 中央银行数字货币与货币政策的未来

...etary Constitutions”, In: Leland Yaeger, In Search of a Monetary Constitution. Harvard University Press: 155-183. [6]Buiter, W (2009), “Negative Nominal Interest Rates: Three Ways to Overcome the Zero Lower Bound”, NBER Working Paper No. 15118. [7]Dyson, B and G Hodgson (2017), “Digital Cash: Why Central Banks Should Start Issuing Electronic Money”, Positive Money. [8]Fisher, I (1913), ...


5. 经典重读 | 为什么央行数字货币是当前货币运行趋势的自然延伸?

...etary Constitutions”, In: Leland Yaeger, In Search of a Monetary Constitution. Harvard University Press: 155-183.[6]Buiter, W (2009), “Negative Nominal Interest Rates: Three Ways to Overcome the Zero Lower Bound”, NBER Working Paper No. 15118.[7]Dyson, B and G Hodgson (2017), “Digital Cash: Why Central Banks Should Start Issuing Electronic Money”, Positive Money.[8]Fisher, I (1913), “A...


6. 美联社宣布进军NFT市场,新闻将存档链上

...响力1.美联社简介美联社是美国联合通讯社的简称,英文全称为The Associated Press,缩写AP,是美国最大的通讯社,1846年在芝加哥成立,1893年成为联营公司,1990年将总部迁到纽约。合作伙伴有1700多家报纸,5000多家电视和广播电台;全球有243家新闻分社,在120个国家设有办事处。2.美联社的影响力不知道大...


7. DatoSriLiowSoonHeeTheDreamGiver

...y of his life.Dato’ Seri Liow Soon Hee, Founder & Chairman of Winner Dynasty Group, at a previous press conference announced a donation of 1 Million masks to public schools all over Malaysia as he believes it is his responsibility as a citizen of Malaysia to contribute to his country.The delegation led by Dato Sri Liow Soon Hee handed over 500,000 masks according to the need of people like front...


8. 美联社将推出收录过去 100 年历史新闻的 NFT 系列作品「The AP Unique Moments」

区块链网络消息,美联社(The Associated Press)计划于 UTC 时间 10 月 19 日 12:00 至 10 月 26 日 12:00,在币安 NFT 市场(Binance NFT Marketplace)推出收录美联社过去 100 年历史新闻的高级 NFT 系列「The AP Unique Moments」。该系列由经美联社授权的 MetaList Lab 特别策划,每个 NFT 都包含美联社过去 100 年来最重要的新闻...


9. 区块链科技动态12月25日午间报道

...专利申请数量、谷燕西、孙宇晨、A股开盘、1INCH、火币、美国数字商会、The Press、Stuart Alderoty、Gate.io、涡轮链商、Eric?Conner、恐慌与贪婪指数、Jeremy Allaire、Adam Cochran、灰度、Rari Capital、ChoWooChang、Vasily Solodkov、以太坊上Dex协议、XELS、李鸣编辑搜图请点击输入图片描述1 . 中国信通院发布《区块链白皮书...


10. The Mall Group 与 Bitkub 携手,将泰国提升为亚洲的投资旅游中心。

...业和酒店业一个重要的策略是重新定位(REPOSITIONING)以设定新的旅游目标。Press to read the news. The Mall Group 与 Bitkub 携手,将泰国升级为亚洲投资旅游中心,继续在 Siam Blockchain。


11. 加拿大总理候选人在选举前宣布支持比特币

...是和美国有什么不同呢? 是该国已经启用了比特币交易所交易基金(ETF)。Press to read the news. 加拿大总理选举候选人在 Siam Blockchain 选举继续前宣布支持比特币


12. The Big Short 的传奇投资者 Michael Burry 表示,他对比特币的复苏并不满意。

...确预测了 2007 年次贷危机的 Burry 是否会出现。 我对比特币的看法正确吗?Press to read the news. The Big Short 的传奇投资者 Michael Burry 先生说不要对比特币的复苏感到高兴。继续在暹罗区块链。


13. 美国电影行业将推出使用STAR代币用于支付各大电影网站的API

...ors, and it is highly recommended by Renna Sky, Kylie Kingston, Sophie Dee, and Richelle Ryan!As of press time, STAR tokens have been included in the world-renowned cryptocurrency market website CMC.The American film industry is a tens of billions of dollars. After the release of the STAR token API, the payment method will bring revolutionary changes for the American film industry!Holders of STAR ...


14. 公开上市的抵押贷款公司宣布计划接受比特币和加密货币付款:报告

...在该国任何人之前执行它,因为我们是技术和创新的领导者。”在接受 Free Press 采访时,Ishbia 表示他们计划首先接受比特币 (BTC),然后再将列表扩展到其他加密资产。“我认为我们从比特币开始,但我们正在研究以太坊和其他人。 我们先走再跑……这就是计划。 明显地, [there are] 不能保证——我们仍...


15. 区块链大型巡回播放第173期“博弈前进”

...会实现。Some people have likened the birth of the blockchain to the invention of the printing press, which made knowledge a scalable commodity, separating information resources from the physical world, such as bamboo seal script, hand-copied military script, etc. , in the blockchain world, instead of dealing with competitive resources to deal with non-competitive information resources, it has ...
