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Decentralized Hash Mining

1. 开哥秘制长文区块链常用术语解析

...:可以作为礼物或付款,并且能进行跨境支付。  12,去中心化交易所(Decentralized EXchange,简称DEX):用于进行去中心化交易的网站。  13,交易手续费(Transaction Fee):用户为完成交易所要支付的费用。  14,原始比特币(Virgin Bitcoin):指挖出来但从未交易的比特币。  15,钱包(Wallet):...


2. 入门必看一文看懂区块链常用术语(中英)

...Remittance):可以作为礼物或付款,并且能进行跨境支付。去中心化交易所(Decentralized EXchange,简称DEX):用于进行去中心化交易的网站。交易手续费(Transaction Fee):用户为完成交易所要支付的费用。原始比特币(Virgin Bitcoin):指挖出来但从未交易的比特币。钱包(Wallet):这是用来存储加密货币的...


3. 入门必看!一文看懂区块链常用术语(中英)

...Remittance):可以作为礼物或付款,并且能进行跨境支付。去中心化交易所(Decentralized EXchange,简称DEX):用于进行去中心化交易的网站。交易手续费(Transaction Fee):用户为完成交易所要支付的费用。原始比特币(Virgin Bitcoin):指挖出来但从未交易的比特币。钱包(Wallet):这是用来存储加密货币的...


4. 区块链手游DIG WORLD上线新功能——Mining Center

...方式就是通过支付游戏的DIG代币给星座助手去寻找比特币。新上线的功能是Mining Center(挖掘中心),它提供了新的方式给玩家获得比特币,以及更便利地升级挖掘工具和矿车。下方是游戏新功能的简易指南(英文版)进入游戏,在游戏主要挖掘页面可以看到左方新增了一个按钮,点击即可移动到Mining Ce...


5. 如何避免虚假的初始代币发行代币评级

... in infrastructure have been observed to yield lower than average response rates in the ICO sector. Decentralized communication has struggled to achieve a significant amount of penetration through ICOs to date, gathering just $8.815 million USD throughout 2017. The highly publicized Kik ICO, however, may have a positive impact on the presence of communications in the ICO industry depending on the ...


6. YaochiyunandYPOOLReachedStrategicCooperation

According to official news: Yaochiyun and YPOOL have successfully signed a tens of millions RMB"Decentralized Storage Server Sales Agreement", and the two sides have officially reached strategic cooperation. Based on the basic principle of mutual respect and mutual benefit,the two parties will jointly promote the healthy development of the decentralized storage ecosystem through collaboration in b...


7. 微游云于火币生态链 HECO 首发比特币永续标准算力 DHM,首批供应总算力分 10 期

...运营商微游云于火币生态链 HECO 首发比特币永续标准算力。首期上线 DHM (Decentralized Hash Mining) 一百万枚,对应 100PH/S 比特币算力。DHM 算力经第三方检测平台矿工爸爸公开,算力超前提供。每枚 DHM 锚定 0.1TH/S 比特币算力,首批供应总算力 100PH/S 分 10 期发售。所有质押代币分享已发行算力的全部收益...


8. 数字金融集团 (DFG) 宣布支持算力挖矿项目 DHM,算力通证化将构建挖矿产业新态

区块链网络消息,数字金融集团 (DFG) 宣布支持算力挖矿项目 DHM (Decentralized Hash Mining),DHM 为比特币永续标准算力,首期上线 100PH/S。算力经第三方检测平台矿工爸爸公开,由 Miners.fund 携手微游云发售。Miners.fund 作为去中心化矿工组织,旗下管理算力可观。DHM 构建了可以自由组合、自由交易的算力型...


9. 涡轮蜂巢矿机将与时代共赢

...door to the entire centralized technology. Bitcoin has stabilized this currency system through this decentralized technology; The decentralization of Ethereum has led to the standardization of application building and intelligent credit contract.而最近非常火热的这个IPFS也是采用的去中心化技术,IPFS是去中心化的存储。存储简单的讲就是寄存和保存,保存的...


10. A Letter to the Ethereum Community From Nerve

...:Nabox,区块链价值流通之桥!Dear Ethereum community,How are you! My name is Nerve, a decentralized digital asset service network. Ethereum is the world's largest decentralized financial infrastructure. My goal in this world is to further broaden this path based on Ethereum. Through me, I will be able to realize the decentralized transaction between the Bitcoin asset with the largest m...


11. GX.COM重磅上线RMC

...设去中心化应用生态,打造 POC 第一公链。Revolution Mining Coin, so called RMC, is a decentralized new digital encryption system based on blockchain technology. It was born to be a global project with decentralized self-operating community. RMC reduces the threshold of nodes through the POC consensus mechanism, and continuously introduces better economic models to encourage miners t...


12. 涡轮蜂巢矿机价值所在

...以去中心化处理大量数据。在这个阶段,去中心存储仍然是从0到1的过程。Decentralized storage of Filecoin is a great experiment of innovators, which effectively combines cloud storage with decentralized mechanism of blockchain. We believe Filecoin will become the infrastructure of the next generation Internet. In the information age, we need to develop new methods to prot...


13. CapsuleMiningandTokenpocketwallethavereachedastrategicpartnership!

...uly allows users to buy and mine with peace of mind.2.Token Pocket is the most fully functional EOS decentralized wallet, rich DApp, compatible with Scatter, and supports underlying digital assets such as ETH, MOAC, ENU.Convenient trading, cross-chain exchange, focusing on the digital wallet field!3.In order to better expand the industry market, with strong confidence in the bright future of the m...


14. 交易大师高歌:第三次减半后的挖矿难度下降幅度超6%

...池的预计,挖矿难度将在15天内再次下降6%以上。Since May 20, the difficulty of mining bitcoin has dropped 6% to 15.14t, compared with a week ago when some in the industry estimated the difficulty would drop 2%. In April, the difficulty of bitcoin mining increased from 13.91 T to 14.72 T, then to 15.96T.The last time the index fell was on March 26th, when it fell by the second-hi...


15. 七号矿场与奇亚携手并肩

...ies of BTC and ETH, and fully solves the mining problem. Chia has both point-to-point transactions, decentralized storage and distributed intelligent contracts, including: atomic exchange, authorized payee, recoverable wallet, multi-signature wallet and limited-price wallet. Chia is the first enterprise-level digital currency, which is the first time and space verification, and has become a new tr...
