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1. Popular Trader宣布3月份准备爆炸的4种加密货币

受欢迎的加密货币交易员和YouTuber Ben Armstrong分享了三月份的前四名加密货币选择。阿姆斯特朗告诉589,000个YouTube用户,他在四种加密货币中排名第四的选择是跨链分散式金融(DeFi)平台Alpha Finance(ALPHA)。“ ALPHA目前在CoinMarketCap上排名第114位,但它可能会在月底重回前100名,尽管不会太高。 看来今天...


2. 西班牙执政党提议将区块链应用于公共行政部门

... 译者:玩币族Elaine 据CriptoNoticias上周六报道,来自西班牙执政党Partido Popular的133名代表提出了在西班牙公共行政部门使用区块链的法案。 该法案于6月22日提交至西班牙国会,并于6月26日在立法部门官网公布。截至目前,该法案还没有经过其它部门的审查。国会网站也没有提供有关该法案细节的...


3. 16亿欧元将挽救西班牙人民银行

...亨安德罗尼科·卢克西奇(AndrónicoLuksic)愿意在2017年春季向大众银行(Banco Popular)投资16亿欧元。 “濒临破产”的局面。 两位投资者都试图寻求几家大股东的支持,例如当时拥有大众资本3.5%的安联(Allianz)和已经拥有参与意向的公司(CréditMutuel)(拥有4%的股份)。 首次购买完成后,Luksic和Del Va...


4. GSG高斯生态DEFI首发社区招募



5. 萨尔瓦多,反比特币抗议

...为是一个政权的布克勒政府。 另一条横幅显示了这一点:Resistencia y rebeldia popular against elregulation de Bukele(抵抗和反对布克勒政权的民众叛乱)。根据 Bloque de Resistencia y Rebeldía Popular 的活动家 Idalia Zuniga 的说法,这项法律是错误的。 他在示威期间说:“这是一项产生法律不确定性的法律,可用于欺诈用...


6. 受智能合约利用威胁的DeFi?

...题。以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin发表了关于该问题的民意调查。 Suppose a popular smart contract wallet that a large portion of the ETH community uses gets被黑. This could be reverted by reverting all chain activity since the被黑 and doing a DAO-style HF to recover the funds. How much ETH must be at stake for you to support this? Vitalik Non-giver of Ether (@VitalikB...


7. Tokenomics: a指南 by Shapeshift

...g others, one of the basic steps required to design a new model includes choosing an algorithm; two popular algorithm examples include proof-of-work and proof-of-stake. Use Case Examples: More importantly, the economic model manifests its benefits in terms of use cases, and we have several examples on that front. The most popular use case of the economic model is value exchange, with Bitcoin and E...


8. BoleBusinessAcademy与VBGlobal达成战略合作

...conduct in-depth cooperation on their respective resource advantages to promote the development and popularization of blockchain technology.Bole Business Academy LTD was established in The Cayman Islands, UK. Relying on years of mature teaching concepts, it was developed into a well-known financial investment consulting service platform. It mainly provides financial knowledge and technical educati...


9. BoleBusiness与VTChain达成战略合作

...conduct in-depth cooperation on their respective resource advantages to promote the development and popularization of blockchain technology.Bole Business Academy LTD was established IN THE CAYMAN ISLANDS, UK. RELYING ON YEARS OF MATURE TEACHING CONCEPTS, it was develeped into a well-known financial investment consulting service platform. it mainly provides financial knowledge and technical educati...


10. 在Coinhub玩转DFYN

...挖矿列表,该TAB下分为 种池子:Ecosystem Farms:常规赚取DFYN,常见的LP挖矿类Popular Farms:奖励线性释放-25% 的 DFYN 代币奖励可以在池子结束后领取。剩余的奖励将每 2 个月释放 25%;或直接取出65%的奖励代币,剩余部分直接燃烧销毁。Dual Farms:获得质押LP中两种代币奖励Launch Farms:挖矿奖励为其他项目代...


11. 从欧盟的纾困信号看潜在的加密机会

...密货币将扮演一个更具批判意义的角色。意大利意大利南部最大的银行Banca Popular di Bari将在周日获得意大利部长理事会批准的一项紧急法令,将从中获得10至15亿欧元(约合11至16亿美元)的救助资金。国有银行Banca del Mezzogiorno-Mediocredito Centrale(MCC)将获得9亿欧元的注资,并将与银行间基金及其他投资者...


12. 【第285期】#加密货币支付对比银联# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

...er payments have filled our daily lives. To say that the advantages of bank alipay and so on is the popularity and popularity. Payment is also very fast, enough to meet daily needs. What about cryptocurrency payments and its market existence? We all know unionpay is centralized management, the entire payment process by third-party supervision, equivalent to our trust alipay, only to allow it to ac...


13. 剖析|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之共识机制

...in the global public chain infrastructure. It stipulates how to compete between the nodes. The most popular consensus mechanism at this stage is OW, POS, DPOS, PBFT and DBFT. Its speed, safety and centralization degree have different emphasis. However, some public chains choose to use the hybrid consensus mechanism, such as ZIL adopts the POW+PBFT's mixed consensus mechanism, Wisdom Chain adopts t...


14. 西班牙立法者推动区块链技术在政府治理中的应用

...用区块链技术来更有效地管理国家的公共行政事务。 上周,来自人民党(Popular Party)的133名代表向西班牙议会下院提交了一份区块链相关提案。根据公开文件显示,该提案建议政府引入区块链技术,旨在改善内部流程,并为决策过程提供可追溯性、稳健性和透明度。 提案中指出: 在行政特许、协...


15. XWC成功上线AlCoin

...the industry. Community volunteers are also committed to the promotion of Whitecoin to make it more popular so that more users can participate in the construction of the Whitecoin community.
