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Cincy Shirts

1. T 恤衫制造商 Cincy Shirts 现已接受比特币支付

区块链网络消息,美国 T 恤衫制造商 Cincy Shirts 发推表示,现已接受加密货币支付,用户可使用比特币购买 T 恤。Cincy Shirts 同时推出了以加密货币为主题的系列 T 恤衫。来源链接免责声明:作为区块链信息平台,本站所发布文章仅代表作者个人观点,与链闻 ChainNews 立场无关。文章内的信息、意见等均...

知识:比特币,支付,市场,Cincy Shirts

2. 监管高压下,比特币现状如何?牛市还有希望吗?

...传出比特币在支付领域的利好信息:据官方消息,俄亥俄州T恤衫制造商Cincy Shirts发推表示,现已接受比特币等加密货币支付,并推出了以加密货币为主题的系列T恤。美国便利店连锁店Sheets最近宣布,计划允许其在美国各地的商店使用比特币、以太坊、莱特币和狗狗币等加密货币支付。三、比特币获得...


3. Origin Swag Store:基于IPFS和以太坊的电商平台

...击官方网站的链接会看到下面这个页面:网站左边是商品的分类,有衬衫(Shirts),上衣(Hoodies),帽子(Hats),配饰杂项(Accessories)。那么这个网站是如何运作的呢?我们就来亲身体验一下。如果我们点击上图右边红框框出的杯子(Origin Coffee Mug),会进入到下面的页面:页面显示这个杯子的单价...


4. 狗狗币已发动的慈善项目汇总,你知道哪几个?

... Josh Wise 让狗狗币赛车再一次出现在斯普林特纳斯卡明星赛上!   Buy T-Shirts to Sponsor Josh Wise for another Nascar Race!:购买T恤赞助 Josh Wise 的另一个比赛!一共出售5000件衬衫给Josh Wise作为资金,支持他的比赛!   Jamaican Bobsled team to the Olympics:为牙买加雪橇设法筹集25000美元的狗狗币,以便可以让他们...


5. 拥有NFT艺术品时我们到底拥有什么?

...of such Commercial Use would e.g. be the use of the Art to produce and sell merchandise products (T-Shirts etc.) displaying copies of the Art.这一段的商业使用许可意味着“无聊猿猴游艇俱乐部”NFT艺术品的持有人,经过权利人(发行方)的许可,获得了艺术品本身的知识产权使用权(License to Use),许可使用的期限没有限制,许可使...


6. NFT+Defi能怎么玩?Aavegotchi主网上线倒计时

...lationship that is tracked directly on-chain.Buy or trade for some awesome wearable NFTs. These are shirts, hats, glasses etc.Equip the wearables to your Aavegotchi to boost its rarity score.Season 1 of rarity farming starts next month with 500,000 GHST ready to farm!Farm the GHST by having rare aavegotchi, or high kinship scores, or even high XP. There are so many ways to win!? The top 2000 Aaveg...


7. (8)RambleofNFTgame:AxieInfinityandcryptocurrencymarket

...as toys. (There are already Axie toys with plush dolls), stationery, food, clothes (Axie Infinity T-shirts are already on sale), etc. These contents are all consumables that have large demand in the real world. There are already many cartoons and animations. Many other games and cartoon have obtained a lot of benefits in these aspects. AboutAxie Infinity’s advantages of cartoon development, my a...


8. 三元社区xOpenOceanAMA实录

...al 对本次活动的大力支持。Thank you for your Following to our latest AMA. Tonight we have Cincy, COO of OpenOcean project.Welcome Cindy!Thanks: ChainNews, Winkrypto, Tokenview, PANews, and Ternary Capital for their strong support for this event.关于项目简介:OpenOcean 智能全合协议,应用了深度优化的智能路由算法、透明的价格机制,聚合以太坊、币...
