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1. CKB到底是什么鬼

...代币都奖励给矿工第二种就是二次发行,白皮书中原文这样说” The "secondary issuance" is designed to collect state rent, and has issuance amount that is constant over time. After base issuance stops, there will only be secondary issuance. “大概意思就是说二次发行,发行额随时间而恒定,基本发行停止后,就只进行二次发行之前说的Nervos ...


2. 加密阁AMA - PROXI

...n-based Open Finance for years. The involvement with PROXI, the DeFi 2.0 for Cross Chain Derivative Issuance and Credit Lending, give me the chance to combine both my professional expertise and my personal passion perfectly.曼彻斯特大学计算机科学学士学位,且为跨多个行业的IT和技术专家。凭借在摩根大通,汇丰银行和埃森哲等不同行业的专业背景,我...


3. PROXI:打造超越 Compound 与 Synthetix 的 DeFi 2.0——DeFi Rockets 第 2 期

...ase make a brief introduction to PROXI.Paul Jankovi?:PROXI is DeFi 2.0 for Cross Chain Derivative Issuance and Credit Lending. PROXI provides the smartest way to invest derivative assets and earn interests with credit-based high leverage tools through the decentralized secure protocol.PROXI 是用于跨链衍生发行和信贷的 DeFi 2.0。PROXI 通过去中心化的安全协议,为用户提...


4. [埋伏空投-17] Tokensets:创建属于自己的加密货币投资组合。

...金。新创建的应该会自动跳转。点击 Mange 跳转到下图界面,一次点击开通 Issuance、Fees、Trade 这三个功能,简单介绍一下: Issuance 开通后才能发行你的基金代币,Fees 开通后才能让你获得手续费奖励(随便设置都行),Trade 可以让你在基金发布后调整里面的代币分配比例。开通后你可以在 Issuance 中按比...


5. Nervos 想让智能合约平台实现「价值存储」的经济模型究竟是什么?

...状态或是其他类型的数据资料。6.2 代币发行政策There are two types of native token issuance. The “base issuance” has a finite total supply with a Bitcoin like issuance schedule - the number of base issuance halves approximately every 4 years until all the base issuance tokens are mined out. All base issuance tokens are rewarded to the miners as incentives to protect the networ...


6. Koalabusinessmodelintroduction

..., it can meet the high concurrent TPS requirements of various businesses in the same time period3,Issuance rules;KLA, as a pre mining currency, does not go to the exchange, with an initial issuance price of $0.5. The issuance plan is2. The total number of KLA's development planning issuance: 2.1 billion, pre Mining: 10%, 21 million promotion and circulation: 2 million; airdrop; 1 million, no p...


7. 建模分析 Altair 升级的影响

...对变化如下图所示。绘制每个 epoch 的相对发放量图表 [以下为代码]with open('issuance.json') as f: issuance = json.load(f)delta = []sum_old = sum_new = 0for (old, new) in zip(issuance['old_issuance'], issuance['alt_issuance']): delta.append(100 * (new / old - 1))print(f\"Mean change in issuance: {sum(delta) / len(delta):.2f}%\")print(f\"Greatest per-epoch drop in issuan...


8. 多链IDO平台KList如何脱颖而出|AMA回顾

...hain, BSC, Solana, Cardano, Polkadot, etc. It pioneered the margin system and provides multiple IDO issuance methods. We have received investment from more than a dozen well-known institutions at present, and reached in-depth cooperation with Polygon recently.大家好,我是KList的联合创始人Quiliam Potter,很高兴来到光明顶社区分享KList。KList是去中心化跨链IDO平台,...


9. DeFi王者 Advancer介绍,摘自medium

...tion voting mETHods form the final conclusion.ADC Token DistributionTotal supply:210,000,000Genesis Issuance:4,200,000(7%)DeFi Mining:184,800,000(88%)Loophole Fixer:10,500,000(5%)The smart contract of Advancer Coin on Ethereum network is:0x30db6dcb7230d20656acc4f1df8ef0c9be28a0b51.The portion of Genesis Issuance will be divided into two parts, the first part will be launched at the Converger swapp...


10. DeFi王者Advancer介绍摘自medium

...tion voting mETHods form the final conclusion.ADC Token DistributionTotal supply:210,000,000Genesis Issuance:4,200,000(7%)DeFi Mining:184,800,000(88%)Loophole Fixer:10,500,000(5%)The smart contract of Advancer Coin on Ethereum network is:0x30db6dcb7230d20656acc4f1df8ef0c9be28a0b51.?The portion of Genesis Issuance will be divided into two parts, the first part will be launched at the Converger swap...


11. 去中心化广告交易平台AdEx Network已于主网集成去中心化预言机Chainlink的ADX-USD喂

...言机Chainlink完成集成,并推出一种新颖的DeFi模式:弹性通证发行(Elastic Token Issuance)。此前,在2020年8月,AdEx Network已宣布了将在AdEx 质押生态系统中整合Chainlink价格预言机的计划。AdEx广告平台目前正在进行第一次整合——使用由Chainlink去中心化预言机提供的ADX-USD喂价,用于AdEx网络忠诚度池和治理系统...


12. 去中心化广告交易平台AdEx Network已于主网集成去中心化预言机Chainlink的ADX-USD喂

...言机Chainlink完成集成,并推出一种新颖的DeFi模式:弹性通证发行(Elastic Token Issuance)。此前,在2020年8月,AdEx Network已宣布了将在AdEx 质押生态系统中整合Chainlink价格预言机的计划。AdEx广告平台目前正在进行第一次整合——使用由Chainlink去中心化预言机提供的ADX-USD喂价,用于AdEx网络忠诚度池和治理系统...


13. 区块链大型巡回播放【第49期】#比特币的不足# &“行情解读”

... embodied in the inherent costs of mining machines, electricity, and so on. According to the unique issuance convergence curve of Bitcoin, bitcoin simulates a golden curve. The total amount of gold on earth is also limited. Mining also requires costs. Fortunately, bitcoin can be transferred across regions in a short period of time, and can be divided by higher powers, such advantages as ease of pr...


14. BitTok成为获得新加坡监管当局豁免权的数字货币交易所

...支付服务法案监管涉及的方向监管业务业务涉及的风险??开户服务 (account issuance service)??洗钱及恐怖主义融资(money-laundering and terrorism financing)??境内转账服务(domestic money transfer service)??因破产导致顾客或商家的财产损失(loss of funds owed to consumers or merchants due to insolvency)??跨境转账服务(cross broader...


15. 美区块链协会:法院禁止Telegram发售代币是错误决定

