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Capital Group Private Client Services

1. 2.38 万亿美元资产规模投资机构 Capital Group 购买 MicroStrategy 12.2% 股份,成为其第

...l Limited、 Capital International Sarl、Capital International KK 和 Capital Group Private Client Services。


2. 干货 | 编程小白模拟简易比特币系统,手把手带你写一波(附代码)

...们的区块链、交易池等所需要的信息,使用JSON.toString转化到的json字符串*/ private String data; /*** 消息类型*/ private int type; } </pre> 涉及到的消息类型(type)有: /*** 查询最新的区块*/ private final static int QUERY_LATEST_BLOCK = 0; /*** 查询整个区块链*/ private final static int QUERY_BLOCK_CHAIN = 1; /*** 查询交易集合*/ private fin...


3. 揭秘Hyperledger Fabric(八)

...:揭秘Hyperledger Fabric(七)如果有任何节点Peer\是确切的私有数据集合exact private data collection的成员,但是在进行许可时丢失了确切的私有读写集exact private read-write set\,该节点Peer\会通过gossip数据传播协议向其他成员节点member Peers\发送丢失的私有读写集missing private read-write set\的合并请求pull request (图4的...


4. 星展数字交易所:服务富人有备而来

...in trading next week. According to DBS CEO Piyush Gupta, DBS Digital Exchange will provide exchange services between fiat currencies (Singapore dollars, U.S. dollars, damaged, Japanese yen) and most of the most mature digital assets (BTC, ETH, BCH and XRP). Spot trading services and custody services.发布财报的当月,星展银行也发布了《数字货币:公共和私人,当前和未来...


5. AI Fund联合AKA Capital战略投资比特世界BitWEX千万美元

...澳大利亚、欧洲、中东、北美和南美。VDR Capital is a leading international financial services company with headquarters in Washington and offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. It covers investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management. VDR involves in the financial fields of stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, funds, futures, investment banks,...


6. 新加坡发出89份加密货币支付牌照通知币安、Coinbase等在列

...家的详细名单(见文末)。其中包括币安亚洲服务私人有限公司(BINANCE ASIA SERVICES PTE. LTD)、Coinbase新加坡私人有限公司(COINBASE SINGAPORE PTE. LTD)、OKCoin币行私人有限公司(OKCOIN PTE. LTD)等知名加密货币交易所。至于被拒绝的2家公司是谁?该发言人表示,该局不能透露被拒绝的公司。2020年1月,新加坡...


7. 新加坡发出89份加密货币支付牌照通知,火币、币安、Coinbase、OKCoin等在列

...家的详细名单(见文末)。其中包括币安亚洲服务私人有限公司(BINANCE ASIA SERVICES PTE. LTD)、Coinbase新加坡私人有限公司(COINBASE SINGAPORE PTE. LTD)、OKCoin币行私人有限公司(OKCOIN PTE. LTD)等知名加密货币交易所。至于被拒绝的2家公司是谁?该发言人表示,该局不能透露被拒绝的公司。2020年1月,新加坡...


8. AI Fund联合AKA Capital多米尼克皇家银行战略投资比特世界千万美元

...澳大利亚、欧洲、中东、北美和南美。VDR Capital is a leading international financial services company with headquarters in Washington and offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. It covers investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management. VDR involves in the financial fields of stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, funds, futures, investment banks,...


9. AIFund联合AKACapital多米尼克皇家银行战略投资比特世界千万美元

...澳大利亚、欧洲、中东、北美和南美。VDR Capital is a leading international financial services company with headquarters in Washington and offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. It covers investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management. VDR involves in the financial fields of stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, funds, futures, investment banks,...


10. 揭秘Hyperledger Fabric(七)

...交易模拟后,模拟结果的某一部分,包含实际的私有仿真数据的私有读写组private read-write set\暂时存储在在每个许可节点Endorsing Peer\的分类帐(图3的步骤3)的临时存储数据库Transient Store Database\。接下来,每个许可节点Endorsing Peer\都会将生成的私有读写集private read-write set\通过gossip数据传播协议传播至n\个以...


11. 三元×VeeAMA实录

...纵 BTC 或 ETH 的价格。- Monitoring the on-chain and off-chain activity. We have updated our services to continuously monitor the suspicious activities in the pool and arranged dedicated personals to monitor the backend 24/7. Once there is a suspicious fund transfer, we will immediately trace the source and take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the fund platform.监控链上和链...


12. Liquefy加入Amazon Web Services(AWS)合作伙伴网络,提供实物资产令牌化解决方案

香港-(BUSINESS WIRE)-(美国商业资讯)-#amazonwebservices&#8211;总部位于香港的金融科技平台,提供利用区块链技术的资产令牌化解决方案的Liquefy今天宣布,它们已成为亚马逊网络服务合作伙伴网络(APN)的注册技术合作伙伴。 )。作为APN技术合作伙伴,Liquefy已在AWS之上构建了其专有的令牌化解决方案。...


13. 揭秘Hyperledger Fabric(九)

... 私有数据的清除私有数据可以周期性地从节点中清除。在私有数据集合定义private data collection definition\中,有一个名为blockToLive\的集合属性,它表示私有数据在私有数据库上应该存在多长时间。假设我们将blockToLive\设置为50,000,那么如果数据在50,000个区块内没有被修改,私有数据将自动从私有数据库中...


14. BlackOceanweeklyreportfor14–20June2021

...ransaction msgs done● Create Msgs for Java, Python, C#, C++ doneMarket-Making solution● Quoting services?launched● Volume generation services?launchedResearch●?Research?and Monthly plan of articles doneLegal● Jurisdiction for a proper DLT license selectedThank you for your attention. If you have any questions, you can ask them in official channels of projects中文翻译:FLy token 和 ...


15. 印度将调查比特币公司

...·辛格·塔库尔(Anurag Singh Thakur)提供了两家公司的详细信息,特别是Zeb IT Services Ltd.和Unocoin TechnologiesLtd。这是仅有的两家试图遵守该国所有新法规的公司。 。对印度比特币公司的调查印度的三个问题印度总理向部长提出了3个有关该国使用加密货币的问题。的首先他询问该州是否意识到越来越多的报...
