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Smart Agreements Framework

1. 去中心化电子协议签署应用 EthSign 推出智能协议框架,通过集成 Chainlink Keeper

...化电子协议签署应用 EthSign 宣布推出可自动执行和结算协议条款的方案 Smart Agreements Framework (智能协议框架),将通过集成 Chainlink 的智能合约自动执行工具 Chainlink Keepers 和预言机功能实现。该框架包含三个部分:数据源、触发条件和执行。用户可以通过 Chainlink 的预言机定义链上或者链下的数据源,...


2. Chainlink联合iExec 合作解决下一代分布式应用程序的复杂脱链需求

..., payment systems, other blockchains and much more. It will feature the following:1.Binding service agreements between the oracle providers and querying smart contracts that outline the terms of service2.A robust market of independent oracles providing a range of data and connections3.Flexibility to customize an oracle connection including the number of oracles, types and number of data sources, a...


3. Smart Token Labs 和 Perion 为顶级玩家推出 Season Rewards NFT

...元界的用例构建可组合的智能令牌。 在从投资者 Mark Cuban、Crypto.com Capital、Framework Ventures 和 Mechanism 筹集了 600 万美元后,该公司正在完成 A 轮融资,作为 2022 年 TokenScript 和 AlphaWallet 双重代币上市的前奏。关于 PerionPerion 是一个 NFT 游戏 DAO,它在元宇宙提供的经济承诺的背景下,释放了游戏社区的新生...


4. JOIN US | Chainlink中国团队期待您的加入

...TypeScript, Solidity, Postgres, Terraform, AWSSmart contracts are on track to revolutionize how all agreements work, through an entirely new system of technologically enforced contract guarantees. Chainlink enables next-generation smart contracts that can be written about any/all events in the real world, the details of our approach can be found in our whitepaper. We are well recognized for provid...


5. 流动性提供商DODO完成60万美元种子轮融资,Framework Ventures领投

...宣布完成60万美元种子轮融资,专注于区块链技术解决方案的风险投资公司Framework Ventures领投,DeFiance Capital,SevenX Ventures,Alexander Pack,Compound创始人Robert Leshner和CoinGecko创始人Bobby Ong等参投。DODO创业公司表示,它正全力研发自动化做市商(AMM)的替代方案——PMM(Proactive Market Marker)算法来“革新”链...


6. 隐私计算应用场景详解Findora投资产品技术分析

...全支持图灵完备智能合约。Findora投资使用一个叫做智能资产框架 (Smart Asset Framework) 的标准化金融语言来定义资产,使 Findora投资具备灵活可插拔的互操作性。Smart Asset Framework 是金融资产的高度可兼容性和可编程的标准接口。借助此框架,金融机构可以编写可供 Findora投资应用程序使用的众多金融资产。...


7. 电子协议签署平台EthSign完成1200万美元种子轮融资,红杉资本等参投

...)等参投。EthSign联合创始人Potter Li表示,计划于第三季度推出一个名为Smart Agreements的执行平台,它将允许用户根据预定条件通过智能合约执行签署的协议。EthSign最终计划变成一个去中心化自治组织并推出自己的代币。EthSign支持用户以电子方式签署和管理协议,用户可以通过MetaMask等加密钱包登录EthSign...


8. RoseOracle-Hecochain-Anewgenerationoforacleintegratedsystem

..., etc., enabling data assetization, data exchange tokenization, and a decentralized distributed RPC framework. At the same time, its basic oracle framework logic is dedicated to providing accurate real-time data for lending, clearing, machine gun pool, insurance, interest rates, options, DEX and other projects. All ROSE codes are completely open source, data is transparent, and all runs on the cha...


9. 2020 —— 开创 Erasure 新纪元

...对我们最重要的一些指标:实时抵押额( Current_Stake_Amount)和合约数(Number_Agreements)。可以在https://stakes.numer.ai/上查看自2019年8月发起协议以来,合约数(Number_Agreements)便一直追踪在Erasure上创建的协议总数。2019年10月,协议总数的大幅增长表示Numerai锦标赛已迁移到Erasure。它是协议中购买次数的一个...


10. 如何在开放式的金融世界里兼容隐私性和透明度?

...操作性,加强资金流转互通?Findora 使用一个叫做智能资产框架(Smart Asset Framework)的标准化金融语言来定义资产,使 Findora 具备灵活的互操作性。Smart Asset Framework 是金融资产的高度可兼容性和可编程的标准接口。借助此框架,金融机构可以编写可供 Findora 应用程序使用的不同种类的金融资产。Findora ...


11. 本体参与IEEEBDL2021年全体会议暨P3200系列国际标准工作组会议

...ard for the Use of Blockchain in Supply Chain FinanceThis standard defines a baseline architectural framework and defines functional roles for blockchain-driven supply chain finance (SCF) implementations, e.g. core enterprise, suppliers, buyers, banks, Blockchain platform providers and so on. In addition, this standard outlines uses cases and business flows for SCF based on blockchain, and specifi...


12. 【第246期】“制造信任”&“行情解读”

...d to the company, if the partners can make a series of decisions in advance, then the cost of these agreements and the cost of execution and settlement will be greatly reduced. The greatest benefit of clearing on the blockchain is that it can not be completed within a few days, instead, transactions are completed in real time. A few microseconds means that the company can improve its competitivene...


13. 通过区块链技术为房地产提供市场流动性

...行业释放巨大的流动性。Digitized tokens can interact with smart contracts, self-executing agreements written into lines of computer code which allow the automation of steps such as document verification or escrow. Smart contracts can also facilitate the programmatic distribution of dividends and other cash flows.数字化代币可以与智能合约互动,智能合约是写进计算机...


14. LABS-通过区块链技术为房地产市场提供流动性

...为行业释放巨大的流动性Digitized tokens can interact with smart contracts, self-executing agreements written into lines of computer code which allow the automation of steps such as document verification or escrow. Smart contracts can also facilitate the programmatic distribution of dividends and other cash flows.数字化代币可以与智能合约互动,智能合约是写进计算机...


15. Nervos推出新工具:Animagus...MoveonNervos:此Move非彼Move

...在 Nervos 论坛上(talk.nervos.org)看到的一份 新的 Grants 申请:Move Smart Contract Framework Proposalhttps://talk.nervos.org/t/move-smart-contract-framework-proposal/4395本提案旨在为 Nervos 提供一个完整的框架,以允许开发者在 Nervos 上可以使用 Move 语言来编写智能合约。是的,你没有看错,有开发者准备要把 Move 搬到 Nervos 上来...
